10 tricks for cleaning in children's


I was looking for on the Internet to "bring order in the nursery" and ... Once at a time they stumbled on the advice on the organization of space? And the houses of the walls are painted, the lego designer is heard on top of the middays, and after crafts for school, it is necessary to deploy the most complex operation for cleaning the table ...

PICS.ru hurries to help. Here are some very simple, but effective tips.

Plasticine - Enemy Number One

At least so it was until recently.


The easiest way to the table. Remove as far as possible with a spatula or a table knife. Wipelane residues wipe the most common wet napkins until they disappear.

But with carpet or upholstery, the sofa will have to tinker a little. Take the iron, a large sheet of paper and through the paper to join the plasticine. Replace the sheet, repeat, and so far the fat stain remains on the fabric. Ride it with a rag or brush, a wet mixture of water and a dishwashing agent.

Career with iron. If the tissue is synthetic, it is long burned. Adjust the temperature as with a typical ironing.

In the same way, plasticine can be removed from ordinary paper wallpaper.


Schticky (7)

The smallest and most like sticking, which do not want to suck the vacuum cleaner. They are selected by the usual sticky roller for clothes. By the way, some like it and crumbs from cookies to collect. And every other little thing.

Lego and the like


From the floor, all this trifle can be noticed with a brush in the garbage scoop - of course, not the same in which you remove the garbage.

And wash the details of the designer from dirt, spilled juice and other things are possible in a washing machine. Just collect everything in a bag for delicate washing, close it and go ahead.



If they appeared on the wallpaper, just accept the time. But with painted walls, doors, frames and jambs, they are well helped to reduce the paste from water and soda.



Solid surfaces are deleted quite well. First, try to wipe it with wet napkins and a rut dipped in alcohol or vodka. Did not help? Take advantage of toothpaste. Apply, wrap, hold so a couple of minutes and wash off. Just make sure that the paste is without abrasive particles. In the form of gel, too, will not fit.

Sole Ked and Sneakers


Toothpaste and old brush, by the way, show excellent results in cleaning the soles of the sole and sneakers.

Soda - your best friend


A mixture of food soda, hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing agents can be removed from furniture upholstery, carpets and mattresses sticking food, as well as vomiting and consequences Enurraw.

Mix the peroxide with soda and detergent in the proportion of 2: 1: 1 (i.e., for example, on a cup of peroxide - Halfside of soda and half an hour). Fill out with this pulverizer or, in the extreme case, apply a mixture into a polluted place with a cloth. Machine good. After a few minutes, remove the contamination, and the stains from the enurraw will disappear. See the wet scene with a hairdryer.

If instead of a means for washing dishes, use a little lemon juice, dilute a miracle mixture with water and in a poker to work with a brush, you can return to the flooded carpet in a children's almost primordial look.

Only carefully, hydrogen peroxide can fire upholstery or carpet! Try the mixture first where it will not be very noticeable.

Remove the smell from your favorite cup


After milk, he often appears there. Eliminated simply - vinegar solution.

Dolls and soft toys


One hair turns into a koltun, so it is impossible to look without shudder, others are tritely shuffled.

Hair dolls need to wet and thickly covered with an ordinary hair conditioner. After that it will be possible to comb. By the way, the air conditioners are sold specifically for dolls.

If the soft toy is not yet in the desperate state, its surface can be gently washed using a solution of shampoo and a paper towel. A strongly evaporated toy can be washed in a bag for delicate washing. But only if it is not musical. Musical after washing can behave unpredictable.

Rhinestone on the upholstery of furniture or a soft toy


There are no home tools. Buy "Wader" - water repellent WD-40. Pump up on the nanile chewing and around it. Take care of the eyes and respiratory organs! After some time, the cheek can be started to clean with paper towels. They say it turns out.

The same means to clean the traces of glue. Why? Yes from everything.

Lysun for cleaning the keyboard


Another thing that you should buy. She is inexpensive. Take out from the package, roll over the keyboard, remove from the keyboard. All dust and dirt on Lizun!

And now you can just talk to everyone and everyone that you have amazingly neat children.

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