Chef, two meters! (Funny taxi player bikes)



If all taxi drivers get over the pen, then the material is enough for five Woody Allen films - also for Tarantino something will remain. PICS.RU found the notes of one taxi driver for you. We have already resulted in, now your turn.

Dear guests, and did the owners tired of you?

I sat somehow in the dispatching late in the evening, the call comes. In the tube - a very intelligent female voice:

- Hello! I have a taxi, in the near future. Just do not think, not for me, I want to send guests!

I answer:

- Of course, only we have a night tariff. The minimum supply price is 300 rubles.

- 300? Yes, I will give them 300 rubles, just already left!

Professionalism do not offer

Somehow it was necessary to take customers from the restaurant, from a banquet. A married couple comes out, a man barely holds on his legs. Spouse, not a timid, almost informs it to the car. They sit down. The woman calls the address and asks:

- How many?

I answer:

- 350 rubles.

At that moment a man opens his eyes and how to bore:

- Less than 500 I will not go!

And falls out of the car. It turned out, 10 years have worked as a taxi driver.

Natural exchange

I take in the morning of one man from the restaurant. He has a hangover. Sit sad, sad. Money, says on arrival I will give. I did not bother him about conversations. In twenty minutes, we approach the destination, stop. Here he pulls out frozen chicken bag and says:

- Chef, take chicken? And then my wife will not release from home. I am left behind this chicken yesterday.

Sled the office

Came on call, took the lady. We went to meet her husband to Kursk Station. Met a spouse with a little son and go back. My son talked to me, and I am with him. We are discussing the comfort of a trip to the coupe. Son and says:

- And I was well to go. Heat and place a lot. I slept on the upper shelf, and dad with aunt Nina - on the bottom. Together ...

Further everyone went silently.


Mom, where are you?

I come to pick up customers. A young man is sitting on the front seat, and the main heroine back. I'm asking:

- Where we go?

The girl says:

- Now I will call, I will clarify.

Rings. Listen to the dialogue:

- Mom, hello! And where do we go? Sand six? Mom, what's the house?

Here we are with a different one of the cars and did not fall out.

Just do not be sad

End of shift. Tired terrible, all day in traffic jams. I take the last order. Woman coming out. She is to the store and back.

We arrived, and she looks at me and sees that I am not in the spirit. Asks me:

- What chocolate do you like?

I answer through your teeth:

- I do not eat sweet!


- What do you like?

I answer:

- Marinated cucumbers!

If only behind. And she returned from the store and brought me a jar of cucumbers. The mood immediately rose.

Strictly by tax

Sucking to me in a taxi lady under 50. I reflect the sound on the radio, to say hello, check the delivery address. Everyone discussed, I add a sound again, and here, a woman tells me:

- Do not cheat, please!

I did not understand what it was about, missed past. Come, she stretches for me 100 rubles and says:

- Keep the change.

I say:

- What a surrender, you still have 250 rubles me.

A woman shows a hand on a radio, where I have a radio taxi FM with a frequency in Moscow 96.4:

- Man, what do you deceive me? Here you have on the meter: 96 rubles and 40 kopecks!

Difference difficulties

I am somehow the guests of the capital. And they are only from the station, look at the window, everyone comment on! We approach the "lying policeman", and here from the rear seating a loud cry:

- Chef, chef, careful! Same Militsesky pathway !!!

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