10 phrases that do not speak allergies


Birch pollen - Appch! - reminded us that allergies arise in response to some phrases. We collected a deadlocking dozen.

1. Try my new spirits!

And immediately under the nose, the bottle is a pedigree, so as not to achieve.

2. Come on, all the droplets of honey in the test, what can happen to you?

Oh, all ... oh, that would be a pate could be taken, and the consequences, dear friend, give you.

3. Nothing terrible, I have a hypoallergenic dog

You are kind and gullible person. And hypoallergenic animals - the fiction of advertisers, alas.

4. This is because you in childhood your parents have not allowed anywhere, right?

There is such a theory that childhood in sterile conditions leads to the emergence of allergies. But this is only the theory. Axioma - do not touch other people's parents.

5. Let peanuts on the table standing, it's not necessary to eat it

Sometimes the consequences of allergies are so severe that the person has the right to avoid the slightest risk.

6. It's just a psychosomatic

If you can't take on the possible consequences of the error, it is better not to argue with a person about his allergies.

7. Come on, you just sit next to us

I want to go how to sit in a corner and watch how you eat and drink, thanks

8. But in our times there were no allergies ...

So let you refuse everything that was not in the "Your Time", and I, thank you, I prefer to know my diagnosis.

9. But you did not have it before!

Alas, unfortunately, allergies can develop at any age.

10. Oh, I do not know, I would have crossed if I could not xxx

No, you would not go crazy and did not die, but I would have adapted and lived on. But thanks, damn, for support!

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