How to preserve youth: 3 home alternatives to Botox


How to preserve youth: 3 home alternatives to Botox 38062_1
A woman always wants to look young and beautiful, and the older it becomes, the more the need for this desire arises. Unfortunately, even the most expensive serums and creams with muscle relaxants do not give such an effect that can be achieved using beauty pricks.

Botox injections cause conflicting attitudes from fine sex representatives. Some hands for its use - after all, he gives an instant visible effect of youth, others are afraid of the consequences of such procedures and reject it in every possible way. In fact, to maintain the skin in a tone, without resorting to the radical methods you can. The effect, of course, will not be so pronounced, but it will still be. In any case, despite the relative security of the following methods, we consult with a specialist before applying.


How to preserve youth: 3 home alternatives to Botox 38062_2

If you are bothering you shallow wrinkles on your face, then the peeling procedure will help them less noticeable. Specially selected compositions penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, making it fresh and beautiful, equalizing the relief and smoothing wrinkles. The only minus of this procedure is not to wait for rapid results. For the effect of rejuvenation, a whole course will have to go, the duration of which establishes a specialist individually.

Recipe from Pharmacy

Probably, every second woman heard about the possibility of using Salcselo and Dimekside as an alternative to Botox at home. The combination of these drugs can really work wonders! Before the procedure, the skin of the face needs to be cleaned. Then divert the drug Dimexide in the boiled water, in the ratio of 1:10. Moisten a cotton disk in the resulting solution and wipe your face. Then apply a tight layer of solk sector and leave the mask for an hour.

How to preserve youth: 3 home alternatives to Botox 38062_3

So that the solicoryl does not dry, it is necessary to periodically be wrapped with a cottage impregnated with boiled water. When the time is suitable for the end, remove the gel with a napkin, and then breathe warm water. The advantage of this method in its amazing efficacy and low cost.

Face Masks as Botox Replacement

The wonderful effect in the struggle for youth shows a mask cooked from starch. It will noticeably tighten the skin and has a cumulative effect. To make her cooking, you will need a large spoon of ordinary starch, five large spoons of fresh carrot juice, a large spoon of oily sour cream and a glass of boiled water.

How to preserve youth: 3 home alternatives to Botox 38062_4

At first, in half the water waters dissolve starch, then the mixture is put on fire and fasten the remaining liquid. Cooking starch follows to the consistency of the Claysther. After that, you need to add the remaining ingredients, mix and cool. The prepared mask is applied through massage lines on the face cleaned skin and leave for 20 minutes, after which they are washed with warm water.

Listed methods allow you to improve the skin condition and its appearance, but under one condition - it is very important to make procedures regularly, not missing sessions.

Attention! Before making any procedure at home, contact a professional cosmetologist.

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