12 most fabulous places of Russia where you should visit


Any journey becomes doubly more interesting if you find a good book or film related to this place. We picked up 12 seats in Russia, which you could read in books and look at the movies. It remains to be in a fairy tale in fact!

For loving hearts, any place can be magical. Share your fairy tale - upload a photo made in an important place for you on the Sokolov Jewelry page. There is a contest "Map of Happiness", in which 20 jewelry jewelry is played every week!

Gayzer Valley (Kronotsky Reserve, Kamchatka) - "Land Sannikova"

It was here that a film was filmed about a lost miracle of nature. And, indeed, a miracle - the second such place on earth is not found.

- Watch what is happening there! Some sill of water climbs! In the middle of the water slowly swallowed a large flat hill or bubble. Suddenly, this bubble burst, and the White Couple club escaped from it, quickly dispelled in the air. Circular waves were fused from this place around the lake, and floating birds swayed on them.

Museum-Reserve "Schelikalkovo" (Ostrovsky district, Kostroma region) - "Snow Maiden" A. N. Ostrovsky

The playwright is Ostrovsky lived in these parts and was inspired by these landscapes. There is a house of Snow Maiden, a key in place, where she melted and endless forests in which she walked.

Snow Maiden (referring to the lake)

Birth, in tears of longing and grief calls you abandoned daughter. From the quiet waters, it is to hear the moans and the Snow Maiden complaints of your.

Large Ekaterinsky Palace (Pushkin, St. Petersburg) - Chlorine or Rose without Shipov »Catherine II Great

Watch which interiors and landscapes surrounded Catherine when she composed a moral fairy tale in the intellectual company Fonvizin and Derzhavin, here.

Tsarevich Chlorine's house, as well as Tsarevich himself, was very good. The house was not porphyram and mosaics, but with surrounding gardens and meadows with bunks. Everywhere arbors in different styles are not rare - French, Gishpanic, Greek da Dutch.

Azov Mountain (Polevskoye, Sverdlovsk region) - Bazhov fairy tales

Bazhov described specific places, and in these parts still preserved a little anxious, dangerous atmosphere of his fairy tales.

Azov is not a simple mountain. Wealth in it a lot, but get it difficult. It was here that had to be sworn: who will call it - the mountain and will open. It was necessary to guess it was. Then it would be happiness. These are girls azovka.

Meshchersky National Park (Ryazan Region) - Pouustovsky K. "Meshcherskaya Party"

It is still possible to get lost in the grass and the forest and the fog can still be as well as during the life of the author.

I sail in the fog. East pose. There is no longer a smell of smoke rural furnaces. It remains only to silence water, thickets, age-old Yves. Ahead is a deserted September day. Ahead is a losingity in this huge world of smell foliage, herbs, autumn wiping, plicy waters, clouds, low sky. And I always feel this losingity like happiness.

Pure Swamp (Izupovo, Kostroma region) - K. Ryleev "Ivan Susanin"

For massive stones, which the descendants noted the feat of Susanin, stretches the swamp, dissected by a narrow wooden track - to Gatya. Oddly enough, this is a very beautiful and mystical place in its atmosphere, if you, of course, do not decide here to drown.

For each other go to the sarmata sarchanya; Everything was given and gave the grayhead of their counselor. The sun shines highly shone from heaven - the forest becomes wilderness and dope!

Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Field" (Tula region) - Tale of Mamaev

Wait in silence, under a clear or gloomy sky and try to imagine how it was when two armies came across against each other and the great warriors rushed towards each other.

... And then I left the evil Pecheneg from the Big Troops of Tatar, before all the valor, boasting, is like an ancient Goliath: five seats the height of him and three seats width him. And he saw him Alexander Peresvet, the monk, who was in the regiment of Vladimir Vsevolodovich, and, performing from the ranks, said: "This person is looking for a similar to himself, I want to translate with him!" ... Rushed to the Pecheneg ... Pecheneg rushed towards him, and Christians! Everyone exclaimed: "God, help a slave to your own!" And they hit firmly with spears, barely land did not break under them, and both fell with horses to the ground and died.

Plateau Manpuponger (Komi Republic) - Mansiysk fairy tales

Stone giants are standing where they struck their sun, and in the fog often it seems that they come to life.

Porrychum turned the shield toward the sun, and the fiery sheaf of the world hit the giant's eye, which threw up toward the tambourine. In the eyes of the giant brothers, the brothers and swept away towards the tambourine began to slowly marine. In horror, the brothers rushed back, but, hitting the ray of the shield of the dust, they themselves turned into stones.

Ussuri Reserve (Primorsky Krai) - Udegean fairy tales

On the ecological path of the Ussuri Reserve, you are unlikely to see the Ambu itself, the owner of the Taiga, but you feel great how to live in those times when the tiger and man were brothers.

Came here to the top of the tiger. Through the back rushed, man became a man. Looks: I don't smoke smoke, people do not go, do not rattle the tambourine, do not hear dogs - the dead are all lying. I came across my brother kongy, and then the tears did not find it: so many dead people in the cereal.

Lapland Reserve (Murmansk region) - "Morozko"

The frosty and snowy forest for filming the movie "Frost" was found on the Kola Peninsula. Frost red nose and truth here is a full-awakeholder.

The girl sits under her fir, trembled, chills pierced her. Suddenly hears - unpriment of frosts in the christmas trees, it strips on the Christmas tree on the Christmas tree, snaps up. I found himself on that ate, under which the girl is sitting, and on top of it asks: - Do you warm your maiden? - Heat, Morozuschko, Heat, Batyushka.

Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria) - Caucasian Captive Lermontov

To climb the mountain is optional, you can simply relax in Pyatigorsky sanatoriums, remembering the arrogant heroes of Lermontov and admiring the views.

The last sun of a ray of gold on the ice of the Supreme tramples, and Elbous his head, like a cloud, closes.

Veliky Ustyug - Cyrus Bulychev "Great Husland"

Did it happen here exactly here today was the residence of Santa Claus and is there any influence of aliens? Need to check.

Recently, with a new hypothesis, academician Spikin was performed. Watching the trajectories of the meteorological satellites of the Earth, he came to the conclusion that the city of the Great Husar stands on earthly convexity, completely imperceptible to others, but obvious when looking at Earth from neighboring stars. This bulge can not be confused with mountains, hills and other geological formations, because there is no similar one in the vicinity of the Huslar.

We remind you that the photo of your fairy tale is waiting for a contest "Map of happiness", in which every week Sokolov Jewelry plays 20 jewelry. Conditions of the Competition.


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