We arrived! 8 nasty types that you will definitely meet on the road


It is worth only to get behind the wheel, as from a modern, educated, beautiful girl you turn to the "monkey with a grenade". And this despite 10 years of driver's experience, professionalism and attentiveness.

They, drivers of other machines, judge you exclusively on sexuality and keychain on the mirror (admit, because you have a key chain!). We have collected you 8 tips of drivers who are necessarily found on any road, whether it is a third ring or primer to the village new navel.



He has a tuning used Japanese, most likely Skyline or Civic, Lada "Eggplant" - in particularly launched cases. He is proud to drive on the box, and so that everyone also proud to them, gasps with a loud roar on traffic lights. Pacifici loves to prove something on the road: what is cooler, faster, cleaned.

Therefore, try to stay away from it and do not try to compete in speed. It is better for a loud roar of his drivers to him in response. Mouth. Image of a lioness there or at least a panda.



He barely extended the youthful gun, and dad already bought fresh Lexus. The boy is delighted with his new car and decided that now he is the king not only of this particular road, but in the whole world. It does not include turn signals, does not hold a distance and is never inferior to the road.

If you are compared at the traffic light, it will be in every way to attract your attention: to signal, turn on the music to the maximum or through the window to scream "baby, excellent lipstick." The best way to get rid of the kid - show him something very vulgar and prohibited. He wants to be adult so much, and being adult is not ready yet.

Tired manager


He goes to the office or from there, having a hard on the steering wheel, concentrating on the imaginary windshield point. In his head, family, loans, buy potatoes, scatter on vacation, castrate a cat and ... emptiness. Man is tired.

And if suddenly you suddenly spend it into reality, cutting or sunk, anger of the tired manager will be collapsed on you. He will shout so that hears the whole track. Because now you are to blame in his evil wife, the idiot-head, brutal jar and a non-stored cat. The main thing is not to answer, find your imaginary point on the window and drive.

Mustache and holy nine


He bought his crumb 25 years ago and she loves her scary. The secret of longevity of the domestic auto industry is one hundred forty icons in various places. Each of them protects the driver himself, his mustache and the car from any trouble on the roads.

But it lacks one hundred and forty-first icon, which would save the car from the hourly dying motor. Because the car stalls in the middle of the road, collects a plug, and when you drive by - the driver through the mustache shouts loudly: "What stared? You can't change the wheel! "

Summer resident


Rides on his six hectare every week, despite the shower, blizzard and even the fall of the meteorite. He rides slowly, neatly, because the car is loaded with skis, banks, armchairs (in the country) and potatoes, jam, seedlings, rags (with cottages).

Grandfather is very cute and funny, but he has one disadvantage: he is dragging with enviable stubbornness in an extremely left row with a speed of 40 kilometers, with permitted 110. And you can't do it with it.

Party King


Never closes the windows so that everyone can have fun with him under the old hits of the caste and new tracks of unidentified DJs. He gets behind the wheel only at night or early in the morning, returning from the next club. The car leads zigzags, adjusting to the rhythm of music and the bearing of three-five whiskey with a cola. It is better to park from the side of the road and wait until he told past you.



He passed on the rights and even somehow passed the medical examination. But human idiot. It cuts into the road, constantly signals and swears on red and never opens the windows in the car - apparently not to get from other drivers. And there is no reason for his idiotic behavior on the road. Complete and read about myself as a mantra, the main rule "three D" - give the way to the fool.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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