Wine to kebab and vice versa. Almost perfect recipes


May holidays on the approach, the whole country is anticipating the main spring kebabs. All that before and after - not counting, it is from these, festive, begins the counting of warm days. Our colleagues from Invisible, as always, know how to perfectly pick up wine for the real May picnic.

And, most importantly, how to make a kebab worthy of excellent wine.

5 commandments of the barbecue:

Wine to kebab and vice versa. Almost perfect recipes 38036_1

1. Fry a quality product. The coals are all procket, and the fresh air will make tastier - but this is not a reason to take a pork pork for a suspicious grocery. Or plastic buckets with meat in a swear marinade.

2. Being determines consciousness, and marinade - kebab. Even the ordinary chicken in a thoughtful marinade turns into food of the gods. Therefore, over the marinade is bothering.

3. The Spirit of the roaring is transmitted to the kebab, so, becoming a bad thoughts to the mangalu, they radiate, we radiate universal love. Before cooking should be inspired, we turn on the early Iggy Pop.

4. It is useful to have a faithful assistant at hand. Someone must turn the Shafur until you are distracted by wine, and to pour into a glass. On someone it will be necessary to dump blame if the kebab is fed.

5. The most tender pieces - to give women and children. The most beautiful - to put therapy.

Part 1. Meat

Wine to kebab and vice versa. Almost perfect recipes 38036_2

a) Tru Scheblik

What to buy (here and farther the proportions for 5-6 people): lamb 2 kilo, pomegranate sauce Narsharab 1 pcs., Polbutka budget red wine, pepper and salt to taste.

What to do:

Meat to divide into pieces, salt-pepper, pour nursed and wine, leave watches by 12 alone and in the refrigerator. Solemnly ride on the skewers, fry on gentle coals.

Than to drink:

Red - powerful, straight and tart. For example, Chilean Cabernet or Argentine Malbec (Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec).

b) kebab for gentle

What to buy: Kura - a whole or two packs of hips, and if you want something special, then the foot of the turkey or rabbit; 3 Orange, a glass of olive oil, 2 glasses of fragrant strong (rum, sherry, cognac), thyme, and fresh, and dried, salt to taste.

What to do:

Mix butter, strong, salt and thyme. Obtain a zest (with 2 oranges enough), juice squeeze from all 3. Naturally, mix. Separate a bird (beast) if the carcass was a whole. Fur in the marinade, remove for a couple of hours in the fridge. Wakes up - failed to goldenness on skewers.

Than to drink:

Beach white, dense and "fat" - Novosvetsky Chardonnay, Verdecho, something from Sicily or from Apulia (Chardonnay, Argentina, South Africa; Verdejo, Spain; Sicily, Puglia, Italy).

Wine to kebab and vice versa. Almost perfect recipes 38036_3

If the meat remains on the second day:

Make skewer sandwiches.

1. Cold kebabs to cut so that it is convenient to put on bread.

2. Cut the bread, some dark mutton, to the bird - a trembling baguette. Fry - in a skillet, if you are at home, or on the groceing fire, if still in the meadow.

3. Wash the bread by some sauce. Stay over the useful grass: arugula, spinach, parsley, yes, even a sheet of dandelion. Put with meat.

4. Take a sandwich in the tired hand, go into the sunset.

Part 2. Fish and Gada Sea

a) Fish with Tarhum

What to buy: 2 kg of fillet of your favorite fish, a large bundle of Tarkhun (he is an etharagon), olive oil and 2-3 large lemon with good skin; For a side dish - one and a half kilo potatoes, a little bit of vegetable oil for frying and salt.

What to do:

Lubricate foil olive oil - where the fish will be lying. Lemon cut into circles. Salt fish, too, lubricate the oil, put on a foil, cover with Tarhun and lemon branches. Tightly pack and pick up on coals, 10 minutes on each side.

Potatoes cut into large slices, roll out in a bowl, oil to pour, salt, prevent salt and oil distributed. Then ride on the skewers, fry like a kebab.

Than to drink:

Budget newly white, where everything is fresh and emotionally. (South Africa, Argentina, Chile).

Wine to kebab and vice versa. Almost perfect recipes 38036_4

b) shrimp on the fire

What to buy: 2 kg of shrimp is bigger, 2 glasses of a cheap white, a glass of oil - olive or melted creamy, 7 tbsp. l. Honey, ground chili and some core Asian spices.

What to do:

Shrimp to defrost, tear off heads, remove the Panciri (to arrange a competition, who will expire - the time will pass unnoticed). Embay marinade from wine, oil, honey and spices - the sharpness can be varied, with chili be careful, check if there are nervous companies. Let shrimps be happy in a mixture a couple of hours, in the refrigerator. Well, then you can drive them on the skewers and fry on the grille.

Than to drink:

Semi-dry or even semi-sweet Riesling (Riesling, countries - Germany, Austria and France, region Alsace / Alsace).

If shrimp remained on the second day:

Construction salad. To the shrimp in the company to shap mango or, at worst, oranges, add all the greenery, salt, pouring with olive oil, honey and lemon juice or white leaves.

Part 3. Vegetables, side dish and vegetarians

Wine to kebab and vice versa. Almost perfect recipes 38036_5

What to buy:

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, large champignons; for sauce - Dor Blue region grams 350, honey 3 art. l. and cream 20% 600 ml.

What to do:

Sauce will need to cook in advance, bring with you to the bank. Everything is simple: to crumble into cheese bucket, add honey, fill with cream so that the cheese is covered with a finger, and respect the quiet fire to the density, sometimes stirring.

And directly on the spot - vegetables (by the way, do not forget to wash them) ride on the skewers or decompose on the grille, fry. Destroy with sauce.

Than to drink:

I want to red - then something is not very thick, with smoked notes, for example, pinwood (Pinotage, South Africa). I want white - we take barrel Chardonnay (Chardonnay, on the label there will be a word Ohedd or a few words about exposure in a barrel on a fiberglass).

If vegetables stayed on the second day:

Make vegetable caviar. The recipe seems simple, but then "do not pull out the ears." Cut the vegetables with cubes, put the garlic there, reach the greenery, salt, fill with vegetable oil. There are on warm roasted bread.

Part 4. Dessert, suddenly who needs

What to buy: 6 apples, large and strong, and packing cheap Irisok (Kis-Kis, Golden Key, Nostalgia).

What to do:

From the apples cleaned the core, but so that the bottom is not damaged and nothing could find out. Stay in apples Irisky, pieces of 2 each, tightly pack all this in foil. Bake on restrained coals.


A kebab need a space, no matter how lazy to go to the glades and summer cottages - do not roast the kebab on the balcony. The author of the text tried the neighbor house - the mangal exploded, a piece of balcony took away.

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