The tick will not pass! Cooking dog and kote to the summer season


Summer is getting closer. Finally, your favorite cottage with a grill, walks in the forest, and next to your favorite dog or kote. Pics.Ru and Veterinar Elena Skalkin will tell how to make that your hairy comrade does not have conflicts with a natural natural environment.

For dogs

The sooner you prepare Barbosa by summer, the better. If you still have not done this, it's nowhere to pull now. First of all, it is necessary to handle it from ticks and drive worms. Even if your four-legged friend will walk exclusively within six acres of family counties, parasites will still get out. There are weights of the tongs: drops, pills, sprays. It is necessary to apply according to the instructions, according to the weight of the beast. The peak of the tick-borne season in the spring, but in the fall should not be relaxed, there will be the second wave. After that, you need to drive helminths. Drontal, catantel, helmintal, etc. will help. Here choose either what has already tried or what a doctor will appoint. Modern anthelminths completely dissolve parasites and remove them with the feces. After a couple of weeks after the anthelnogonki, you can go to a complex vaccine. "It should be remembered that the vaccine can only be done by a clinically healthy animal," says Veterinar Elena Jalkin. - Over ten days you need to handle the dog from helminths and come to the veterinarian. You yourself are unlikely to be able to determine whether the dog is healthy, or she has some diseases. If the doctor prescribes treatment, it is better not to hurry with vaccination. Comerate and only after that come to the injection. "

For cats

For the city cat, a trip to the cottage is a real adventure. Here he will be able to break away to full, but, nevertheless, do not forget about the dangers of free life. If your kote from those who walk in itself is not all year round, but only in summer, then read very carefully. Preparation of such a beast to the vacation is as important as cosmonaut training in the star town. First, it concerns all that is written above for dogs. About worms, complex vaccine and flea and tick treatment. For cats, the same principles, it is only necessary to clarify the names of drugs and dosage from the veterinarian. Let's immediately say that the drugs are almost alone. When it comes to cats, it is necessary to stay in detail on their transportation. Not all saturated-striped have an iron nervous system and tolerate the road well. Less stress-resistant cats must be carefully prepared for the journey. To Murzik calm down and began to breathe smaller, add a few drops of calming for cats into drink. In Zooaptec, there are weights of drugs. To limit the ability to throw the beast on the cabin during the trip, it is worth making it in carrying. If the cat is worried, then you need to cover your hand in carrying and stroking it. So stress will be less, he calms down and can even fall asleep. You can sit on the bottom of a disposable diaper in case of unforeseen situations. Be sure to take water on the road, but do not put a bowl into carrying. The cat will quickly pop up and add excitement to himself. If possible, do a stop on the way and let him drink. When you arrive at the cottage, do not release a shaggy friend immediately into the street. Let first come true in the room. Through the open door, it will be released in his own will, as part of the development of the territory. "When you are going outside the city with homemade pets, do not forget to collect a hiking first-aid kit," said Veterinar Elena Jalkin. - Dogs and cats are very mobile and inquisitive, and in nature there are much more dangers and stimuli than in the apartment. The first-aid kit must be the means from allergies (Suprastin, Tueva), eye drops and for the ears. But if you see anything strange in front of your ears, on the tail, right to travel to the vet. It can be very dangerous. It is also necessary to provide possible wounds and take some antiseptic, preferably in the form of a spray. "

The most important thing is: we remove ticks

The tick is the main enemy of four-legged. It can be picked up not only in the country or in the forest, but also in the city. So take the rule to check your dog or a cat for the presence of bloodsuckers every evening. If you find, then do not pull, delete immediately. Forget the grandfathers about the fact that the tick should be drunk the roams and become big. Buy special tweezers in the pet store to remove ticks. If they are not, then work with your hands - that is, slowly unscrew the parasite. It is necessary to make sure that the tick is completely removed. If the head broke away and remained in the skin of animals, then there is no other way out, except for how to pick the animal and remove the remains of the bloodstone. Signs that the beast picked up infection from a tick: - lethargy - Bad appetite - urine of dark If there are the slightest suspicions, immediately appeal to the doctor.

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