How to make your smartphone with a spy gadget


How to make your smartphone with a spy gadget 38033_1

Of course, your smartphone is not the unhappy Nokia, which it was possible to play football, prick nuts and beat off the robbers. And yet he also knows how to not only call, photograph, work the modem and consider calories.

It can be effectively used not to appoint at least a dozen ingenious ways! And if you have others, share with us in the comments;)


Situation: You have a serious suspicion that a cute girl with peaches was pretty unlike you: somehow suspiciously little peaches in the package!

Output: Weigh your phone in advance, remember its weight - and use the device as an accurate sample of the chamber of measures and weights. Become a nightmare ... that is, the unrefelling conscience of all merchants of his area.


Situation: It is necessary to measure something - for example, a table - and at hand neither roulette or a ruler.

Output: The same precise Makar measured external length and the width of the gadget of any internal complexity will help learn the dimensions of different things with an accuracy of a few millimeters. He is always with you, like a holiday!

Light Light in the Dark Kingdom

Situation: Suddenly electricity cut off, you need light. You did not stock candles. Although the smartphone was completely charged, and that's good ...

Output: We turn on the flashlight (different lanterns for Android and iPhone), put the phone with the light of the flashlight upstairs - and put a wide plastic water container on it. Water disperses light, and it turns out a good lamp.

Music Center


Situation: I wanted to arrange a "disco" in the country, and from the reproducing music devices under hand was only a small modest smartphone ...

Output: Just put the device in a jar or in a glass - and voila, with a slight movement of the hand it turns into a music center! Almost like real. If you run the same on two phones, there will be dolrab-surraound at all. Another lifehak can use those who sleep in the morning with such a healthy and disobedible sleep that the usual capabilities of the phone simply lacks.

Anti sclerosic

Situation: You always forget exactly where it was parked today. It is a pity that it is impossible to call on the iron horse to find out its exact location!

Output: You leave the car - we clas her phone so that it can be seen what is around. Helps and on the street (all sorts of signs, signs around), and in a big parking lot somewhere near a huge supermarket.


Situation: Why not arrange a home theater in the open sky right in the country? We will project the image on the wall of the house. But what?

Output: From the smartphone and boxes you can make a projector. For him, except for the device itself, you will need a cardboard box with a tightly closing lid and a magnifying glass. Make a hole in the box and scotch tip the lens there so that she "looked into the world." Now cover the phone to the opposite wall of the box from the inside, run the movies and close the box. It is important to consider two points. First, you need experienced by choosing the right distance from the phone to the lens - and take the box of the desired size. Secondly, the image is oppressed inverted. You can cope with this by downloading the app-roll-up type ROTATE Video (for android and iPhone).

Guest phone


Situation: After the new smartphone appears, you have old. What can be done from it if you do not give grandmother and not sell for a penny? The craftsmen are built from phones-pensioners of video surveillance, alarm, video recorders and even microscopes. But for this you need to cancel the technique. We offer Lifehak applicable to any humanitarian.

Output: The phone battery is kept charged and buy Simka to it with the most eating tariff plan. And keep somewhere in the drawer at hand. They can be used by gaining their relevant when it shoved it unknown where somewhere in the house. Or give friends coming to visit from abroad.

Phone that is not sorry

Situation: You go to yourself or send a child there, where the possibility of a valuable gadget is sharply increasing.

Output: And this is another situation in which the morally obsolete phone is useful. It can be given to the child to the camp or take with him on vacation. And calmly dive into the sea, perk without looking around on the beach bag left on the topchain with the contents of a few wages!

"Opener" for car

Situation: You forgot the keys to the car in the ignition and slammed the door outside. To beat the glass reluctance, to cause specially trained people expensive, go home for the second key dumb - suddenly you will bearing. You can wait until the husband brings, but it's a long time ...

Output: You associate with someone from households by phone, ask to bring the spare key to the microphone and click on the unlock button. Your phone is brought to the glass as close as possible to the dashboard and put on a loud connection. In 99 percent of cases "Simsim" opens!

Assistant for survival

Situation: You hit the uninhabited island and got lost in the jungle. Neither the multitula nor the lighters are one faithful smart phon with you. How is there a day to unat and night to hold out?

Output: Of the broken textolite board, something sharp will be used, which can be used as a blade - here's a knife. With the help of the battery you can dilute the fire. Ravorivating the terminals with the wire, you will get a thread of incandescent, bringing something fuel to it, you will get a light. Removing the glass, you will get a "mirror", which you can catch the sun's rays and feed signals. And headphone wiring can be used as a fishing rod or silk!

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