Methods Competently lean from country work - 11 faithful ideas


Cottage is cool: Fresh air, barbecue, silence. Well, a lute mosquito, a barn with trash, who will not make hands to disassemble and, of course, native 6 acres of the garden. Pics.Ru collected 11 true ways to competently avoid standing on the beds boot up. Sign up!


Don't go to the cottage

No cottage - no problem! In the city there is a lot of ways to be pleasant and with the benefit for the soul and body to spend weekends and holidays than in the shopitotane times girk and water them. And if you want to go on nature - you can rent a cottage outside the city.

Turn on logic

And Bay Iron arguments of those who are trying to incline you to agricultural work. First, you do not know how to make it only worse. Secondly, acid rains, GMOs, pesticides - why is it all? And, thirdly, you just did a manicure!

Thoughts scale


And order the redevelopment of the native heart of the semolot so that a small piece remains there for the garden, only for mother's flowers and a couple of cherry trees. Some people say that agriculture is akin to meditation, so let them be. Just in case. And the rest is a lawn, bushes that do not require care and artistic scattered stones!

Treat philosophical

Remember how Tom Sawyer is not every day brought to paint the fence! Choose the most pleasant task and create yourself paradise conditions for its execution. For example, you can disassemble the junk in the garage, you can sipping something delicious and alcohol, and as practice shows, among the rubble and old chandeliers, you can find something really old and cool.

Come with the child


A win-win. For him you need to follow - suddenly what? And who will understand him better than his native mother?

Come with guests

If there is no child, it does not matter. Come with guests. Behind them, too, you need an eye yes, otherwise the neighboring raspberries will frighten the hour, the cat scares and in general!


Picture a giant longing and flour, let everyone think that the Krovindo clouded at work, the white lights do not show, wash and make work work. Who will raise your hand to force you into a lawy weekend and dig?

Offer barter


What do your parents grow there? Potato? Cucumbers? Tomatoes? Promise to buy as many vegetables as they need. And pineapple! For harm.

Committed to malaise

Method so-so. Because if you say that a headache is hurting, you will have to lie, swallow pills, and no barbecue, picnic and ice cream. Nafig it is necessary, in short, but in the package it will be born.

Arrange a party


Let everyone prepare for the Tusovka of the century (and then cleaning after it) and do not even remember about this garden!

Raise GDP

And hire specially trained people who will come, quickly make everything you need and go away. And you will have a beautiful cottage, a vegetable garden and a skewer. Well, or what do you need there?

Text author: Ekaterina Kuzmin

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