What if it seems to you that you have an autistic spectrum disorder


There are diagnoses that are on a hearing - most often this is due to the active study of them and permanent discoveries in the field of their diagnosis and treatment. Now the special interest of society is the disorders of the autistic spectrum. TV shows about characters with races - for example, the "large-explosion theory" or "bridge", the biographies of many outstanding people are revised, taking into account the possible presence of races.


Since you wanted to read this article at all, it is probably the more you read about the outfits of an autistic spectrum, the more you think that there are also races. Or maybe you are sure of your diagnosis already firmly.

Because you also practice "Stiming" - Restless Movements with hands, foot or eyes to remove tension. Because you are also social awkward or clumsy. Because too, or also it.

But here and there they write about people who "assign themselves" the diagnosis of races to seem more interesting, in order not to engage in their psychological and behavioral problems. It would be ashamed to be a man who apropriases the diagnosis of people with these problems.

Problems of self-diagnosis of RAS

The main difficulty is that the description of the life of adults with the autistic spectrum disorders from socialized, adapted and compensated people. This means that many of the symptoms and problems they are now smoothed and can coincide with the problems of neurotype (healthy in relation to VNS) people with psychological problems caused by experienced in childhood or later by traumatic experience, people with neurological disorders after physical injury or mental-unhealthy people. in nonostrom state.

Steamming? It is also engaged in healthy people in a state of anxiety - to discharge a little tension. And people with constant anxiety and are playing steamming constantly. "Sociophobia" (true and false), panic attacks, often associated people with races cyclical depressive and subdepressive states, social awkwardness, dissociation with their own body, obsessive-compulsive disorders - all this may be, and may not be a symptom of races.


This child was strange

Much more efficiently self-diagnosis according to the problems, the adult, who intends to come across his races in childhood. For example:

- You could force yourself to eat only certain types of food or filed with a certain manner of food, "you had serious problems with hygienic skills, right up to quite frequent toilet accidents at school age or relaxed walking with abundantly bleeding wounds - you could draw a strange pattern for hours or stick into the dictionary without a practical purpose - you were not just depressing and embarrassing socially embarrassing, but directly pathologically, - you could not resist the cry or huge and shocking surrounding types of stamming (for example, very strong long-lasting swaying or promotion to genitals) - You have made a long fantasy about myself that you are a receiving or thrown by a child, an elf or an aliens, - many called you "the child of Indigo" or often said that the weird and talents go hand in hand and in the future you can show yourself - You started talking late, built speech too book or tended to repeat it repeated The same thing in a circle, - you called "an unusually quiet" child or, on the contrary, a little cry, - In childhood, you tormented clothes with yourself at any convenient case, and in adolescence I thought to go to nudists, - Your games with objects It looked strange: folding buttons, shifting rags, building cubes in a row, - you regularly applied damage, for example, scratched or loved to beat my palm in the face, - you suffered from nonconimal or could not wake up, not to cry, - books were much better friends than other children - in adolescence you have found an epilepsy or bar, - people seemed to be angry and experienced tension from one of your presence, sometimes including the closest relatives, - your physical clumsy and mental "brakes" strongly increased where there were a lot of people or simply very noisy - you had problems with the perception of hints, the tendency to respond long and seriously on phrases, about which then It is said that it was a joke, "you followed the declared unfortunate installations, ignoring translated non-verbally and unlawfully installations on the sexual, age and social hierarchy due to the fact that they could not even notice them.


In addition, it makes sense to draw attention to the following factors: - You have a lot of vegetables in childhood or your mother in pregnancy with an overly high number of pesticides, - you have relatives with very strong manifestations of races, - your father at the time of conception was more than 35 years .

But even all these circumstances cannot speak unequivocally for the presence of races. Dissociation with its own body, for example, is very often observed in girls due to the features of their socialization, many other problems are characteristic of children subjected to violence ... True, both children with races are particularly often exposed to violence, because of the Elimian princess syndrome - when Own baby because of his health problems, it seems to the parents of frightening, foreign, incomprehensible, rejection.

So races or not races?

If your problems are exactly (or almost exactly), like people with races, you still have to solve them about the same method, so that the presence or absence of races in adulthood has no age. The fact is that if an adult is able to doubt the presence of a similar diagnosis, then the most terrible and hard is already far behind - in childhood. Maybe you still can not be called absolutely normal, but rather normal - yes.


How to live a person with races?

First of all, to forget the installation of the "Tyzhbolzhevochka" (and "typhmog" - for men) and take all measures to reduce the sensory and emotional load. Sleep when the light and television is turned off, choose the way to wake up, which allows you to avoid overload from the dumping world, close the windows, if the noise from the street interferes with the focus (well, that that "who needs it - will work under the noise"), use at work headphones.

Never go into very noisy places - at the events, in the subway in the "Rush Hour" - alone. Well, if you become just clumsy and drop the table with someone's crafts or someone else's coat ... That is, it's not good, but not deadly. And if the overload reaches such an extent that the consciousness will start seriously sailing? This may happen infrequently, but the probability is still quite high.

Complete with the role of dry (or overly emotional) eccentric and try not to put the company's attention to the center - you are very fast with each other with people, only you will also not be easy to see it. Refuse to attempt to retell the plot of the film or a funny picture of the Internet (brief retellings - an incredibly weak point of people with races) - this will help to avoid irritation aimed at you.

Continue to work on its socialization. Select a certain weak point in the series of weaknesses (you can with the help of an anonymous survey among people known for you personally on page in the social network), read on this topic forums, benefits, consult with a psychologist and work. Then go to the next. Not enough for everything at once, no complete and total self-improvement.

Especially paying attention to the abandonment of rigidity. Yes, walking all the time one route is pleasant and soothes, but if the voltage is far from death, the route is worth it from time to time and the breakfast menu is also. Otherwise, in old age, when all the features of the person exacerbate, you will suffer from your jams and torture others, and their support can very need. And the changes that sometimes not avoid can kill you with our own fact!

Pay attention (ask if you need, friends), do you cope with personal and household hygiene. Take action if not.


Pay attention to the types of steamming, to which you are resorting to now. Looking a safe alternative to biting lips, chewing, tongue, nails and fingers, chewing hair, habits, too obviously annoying because of, for example, concomitant sounds. Someone helps a constant writing of the book about himself as a separate person, in the head or on paper, someone - the movement of the motors or stitched in the bag of beans.

Take up dancing or swimming to reduce the dissociation with the body. Choose small dance groups, in the rhythm of classes of which you easily poured and do not overload sensory during the lesson.

To pass allergies - people with races often have many allergies, and they manifest themselves in strengthening the symptoms of the disorder.

Autism is not treated

But with high-function races, you can live as people with a paralyzed hand or a deformed foot live - reasonably organizing their life, their efforts, their time, inventing compensating techniques.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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