10 secrets of perfect makeup from Kim Kardashian


10 secrets of perfect makeup from Kim Kardashian 38024_1

During his master class, a personal makeup artist Kim Kardashian, the American of Albanian origin Mario Dedivanovich shared his advice and recommendations on the application of Make-APA. The secrets of the ideal appearance are disclosed, it remains only for practice.

1. First makeup, then hair

"When customers make themselves a hairstyle, a hair lacquer usually remains on the face, so I always start with wiping makeup," Dedivanovich said, preparing the Kardashian's skin during a makeup lesson. "Therefore, you need to collect hair before applying makeup in a horse tail and be sure to clean the skin of the face."

2. Replace the primer on a softening moisturizer

Dedivanovich recommends applying a softening and moisturizing cream (he used the Kiehl Ultra face cream) on the face, neck and chest instead of the primer. He claims that it does not use the excess layer of cosmetics at all, because it does not like to create a "barrier" between the skin and make-up.

3. Apply a tone cream (base) everywhere

Probably, many are already applying a tone on the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks, but what about the centuries, ears, breasts, hands and even legs. For the red carpet pathway, Dedivanovich "processes" Cardashian with a tonal cream from his head to heaters to be sure that the skin of the skin will be as uniform as possible. Of course, for everyday makeup it will be superfluous, but you can never forget about the application of the foundation on the ears, because otherwise they will be red in the photos.

4. Solid hand or stencil

This is what everyone saw in the version of the makeup artists many times on the screen. After applying the foundations, their hands flute around the person non-stop, while not mistaken anywhere even per millimeter. Naturally, at home without many years of practice, this will not be repeat, so it's easier to use stencils for eyebrows and lips. So not only all lines will be clearer, but also will not smear the basis.

5. Create a subtle ombre effect on eyebrows

Dedivanovich spent a bunch of time to improve the eyebrows Kardashian, and it is clear why he turned out completely changed the appearance effect. The makeup artist took advantage of the so-called erre-smooth transition of different colors or shades of one color from light to the dark and vice versa. At first, he used Anastasia Brow Wiz pencils from Medium Brown to outline external angles, then switched to Light Brown as the eyes approached. At the same time, with the help of decisiveness, the effect of a smooth transition is created, and thanks to the brightest shada of the eyelids, it is not so "heavy".

6. First cream, then powder

As in the case of a person, Dedivanovich avoids the primer and uses cream shadows to keep the pigment in place all day. Applying powder (shadows) on the cream makes the shade more intense, thick and saturated. The makeup artist uses the application of several layers to achieve a unique view.

7. Cut the eyes in three lines

If the girl's bag has only one eye pencil, she is doing wrong. "I usually do three or four layers of eyeliner," said Dedivanovich during the master class. At first he strongly circles Mac Eye Kohl, the base of the eyelashes, then encourages it all the Mac liquid liner, slightly raising it on the outer corners, and ends with the anastasia waterproof Crème Color Me Color waterproof creamy pigment. He explains it like this: "Why is so much effort? I do it because, because the result is beautiful and looks expensive. "

8. "Delete" dark circles

Dedivanovich became famous for his Bake Makeup technique, with the help of which he masked dark circles under the eyes. This is how it can be done: you need to apply a thick layer of the consilerte under the eyes in the form of an inverted triangle, carefully shining it with a brush on the sides of the nose and at the temples. Then slowly and thoroughly need to grow the boundaries of this "triangle", after which it is used to use a sponge to cover the consigator crumbly powder for the face. So you need to leave everything for a few minutes and remove excess.

9. Creating large eyelashes

In Kim from nature, long dense eyelashes, so it does not use the overhead. Instead, Dedivanovich creates the effect of wide open eyes, catching a pair of layers of Mascus L'Oréal Paris Voluminous Original Mascara on the eyelashes and from the roots to the tips and carefully divided by the eyelashes of the comb. But before responsible filming, it does not neglect the false eyelashes, and the longer it glues with the help of tweezers and black glue on the outer corners of the eyes, and the shorter - on the inner.


Face makeup contouring - Dedivanovich's chip. At first he emphasizes the brush with the Cherlotte Tilbury Filmstar Bronze & Glow brush, making a smooth transition to the neck, and then goes out by a lighter touch on the cheeks. Before the marker is taken. Then he uses these lines as an outline for applying "zones" of various types of makeup.

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