Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs.


You also probably had this: relax at the screen with popcorn, there some miracle-yudo attacks the innocent sacrifice - and here you jump: yes it's my chief one in one!


Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_1

His goal is to save the world. In a professional language, it means "to get such a steep project so that all competitors from the envy are done in large." For this purpose, it flies like a Batman, walks on the ceiling no worse than a spider person, and is quite ready to drown in molten metal as a terminator. But according to the laws of the genre before the rescue of the world, any self-respecting savior should be signed all around. Well, you remember: trucks are flying out, skyscrapers are cleared, the plants explode, the mountains of the corpses, the sea of ​​blood. In general, at first the superhero will threaten the top of ordinary mortals. In our case subordinates. The world was saved, the project is cool, the Chef lies in intensive care, and his whisper "I. C. BEK" is heard from the next chamber.


Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_2

His subordinates are chronic settling from the tricky exclamations: "And how much is the sword?!" It is continuously splitting, encouraging and in every possible way, sometimes in a particularly perverted form. Your task is to make a joyful mine, wearing a corporate t-shirt and diligently so far shove feathers on hats. Unfortunately, this Usatu Gaskonsky faces have one significant disadvantage: it is in all sorts of troubles that it is she, but to rake hard - you. To the whole, so to speak, an incredibly cohesive team. At the same time it turns out that one he is here d'Artagnan, and everything around ... these very. Guardsmen, to put it mildly.


Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_3

The main feature is complete nephole as part of the corporate style. Options for answers to any working circulation: "xs", "xnj", "well, try somehow." However, there are talkative and writing gerasims, expressing the types of type: "But it is impossible to forget the crocodile sepulking crocodileis, it dictates its rules in the world of immiblation." The essence in both cases is one: Full Moumom and Niht Ferstein. One thing is clear how white day: sooner or later he will finally drown you.

Old woman from "Golden Fish"

Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_4

In the era of Alexander Sergeich, the Russian man was unknown to the word perfectionist, but it was it. It devours your time and nerves, because he is constantly looking for goodness. You in a penny booklet that a copy of the "Mona Lisa" drew that the director of the Louvre does not differ, and he: "Colors so-so." You are 102% of the plan and five-year plan in four days, and he: "I want to be a Ladyman of the Marine." The clearance in a millimeter considers the end of the world, and when it takes the task of everything from the fifth time, the office on the joy is drunk. It sows over each microscopic progulink to fainting, and as a result, the ten differences of the improved version from the initial does not even see the high-precision equipment, not the fact that the consumer.


Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_5

The most sudden and non-permanent creature under the moon. Today I found that he was ant, and he is painstaking. Tomorrow it was knocking: "So I turn into a sparrow" - and he climbs everyone and everything. The day after tomorrow it seems to him that he is a butterfly, and he is the charm and whole Bakyak. The same task may be for him and "super, brilliant" (when he vibrates the right nostril in the morning), and "what a manure you will apply" (when the left knee left after dinner). The most interesting thing is that "be a man" he seems to be also capable of. The problem is only that everything has everything - everything is in general! - Depends on the mood, and calculate, from which its mood depends, science is not capable.


Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_6

You are with him dusty friends from the third class, so he called you for this place. His motto: "Empty, the matter is ... At work you are scattering buns and engage in churring, reigning and fooling. Creative, in general, atmosphere. But at one fine moment, he suddenly dump somewhere on the roof - and hello, baby. Ensure to explain in writing that for the mess in the organization, why the invoices do not agree on the cakes, and the steam machine does not pass on the documentation. For friendship. He is the best in the world, he is better than a dog.

Cat Leopold

Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_7

As a rule, some distant relative of the general, whom it was necessary to attach. He is yelling from all sides: "Leopold Sergeyich, the plan is burning!", "Leopold Sergeyich, a lawsuit!", "Leopold Sergeich, the IT-Division rebelled and goes to the accounting document with the server. And he turns such on the whole bow: "The guys-a-Ata, let's live together!" In short, a soft mock, in whose department, if something and it turns out, then only miracle.

Mary Poppins

Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_8

Strict but sweet. Cute but strict. Subordinates refers to motherly. Riselines, sails for bad habits, unwashed cups and not enough warm hats, gives useful tips on the right cultivation of children and home plants. If the bearded boys and large girls behave well - distributes cookies. In general, when she flies on a pension umbrella, everyone let's tear. And quietly sighs from relief.

Scared wise

Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_9

There is an enterprise, charisma, desire to improve, good learning, curiosity, leadership qualities and even their own style. Not enough smallness: the brain. When the scared starts to think - everything can be seen how rusty pins climb from the head in all directions. On the other hand, in the presence of picked assistants and secretaries, which will correct all his "nascha" and "as a result," to think it is not at all necessary.


Gaps among us. Typology of chiefs. 38021_10

"Sociopath and sadist who enjoys the murder of his victims and commit other socially dangerous acts. Ruthless to all, including own children. " Such a characteristic was given to him in the first place of work, he ate her and went to avenge the world in the face of your team. The state "swelling" is the most common of all its states. Persistently crumbling like that the brunch of the Mole. River and mosques at each meeting, which emphasizes as a public form of execution. May be pretending to be a superman who needs some result from you, but the truth is that he just gives you a pleasure to humiliate you. In general, shudder, get enough, grab the work and run.

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