Our tassel: What to carry friends abroad from Russia



So in vain those who moved to Europe or far away, shame the absence of patriotism. They would see how the subsenters are sobbing in black bread and commemorate the goodwalk of Kefir near Moscow. If this is not the most pure manifestation of love for homeland, we do not know. You will bring something from this list to your foreign buddies - you will seem to hero and benefactor.


Almost everywhere, except for Russia, this archer barriers passes on the category of a pathoral organogen-eco-exotic product and goes at the price of a varietal film, and even more. Perhaps that is why even those who have been indifferent to the buckwheat all their lives, a passionate love to her wake up abroad.

Summarkers and seeds

Yes, if desired, even in distant Palestines, you can find something similar to our relatives, condescent crackers. But this is a miserable similarity of that luxury, which is easily sold in any tent from Anadyr to St. Petersburg. And there is nothing about seeds and talk about, they do not understand the ingenians of this product - they will be sprinkled with sugar, they semi for you. And what a pleasure is seeds, if they are without a skin?



We are not taking the attacking of bad habits, but smokers and without moraling lives frowning. In Europe, on cigarettes, it is possible to go on the cigarettes, and in Asia, especially in China and Thailand, under the guise of cigarettes sell some dried dill with manure, and it is strongly impossible to smoke.

Electronic cigarettes and all sorts of felling to them

In Russia, the steambags of Togo and Looks organize their batch, and in the rest of the world the popularity of electronic cigarettes is not so great. In some countries, they are not at all, or the fans of these shoes pass to each other contacts the nearest seller of the sarafined radio and buy these their claying fluids almost from under the floors.


"Cow", "Cancer cakes", "Muscovite" - it doesn't matter what they have, behind the border guard, his candy shaft. Almost all bored by native sluts. Because it is not just candy. These are our roots, fasten and cultural code.

Borodinsky bread


The Germans are a little understand in bread. Italians, perhaps, too. The French are with some stretch. But no one understands the bread better in bread. And certainly no one is able to build a normal loaf of heavy, sour and puffy "Borodino". It is recommended to carry in a set with buckwheat and, possibly, by Olyutor's herring.


Gastronomic curiosity, evaluate which can only Slavs brothers. If you explain the bassurman than so good and salty pork fat with garlic attractive. He can frighten from one description.


Cumin, Barbaris, Dried Dill - Wherever your friend is listed, there must not have enough some secret ingredient, without which the borsch is not soup, and pilaf - fresh rice porridge.



So that you do not think that guests only are interested in Harch. Yes, everyone has long been full of kindl pockets, but to extract a real book - a special pleasure. Separately it is worth mentioning about children's books. Of course, all this can be written. But while "Soroka-Beloboka" breaks through the oceans and borders, the child will grow up, will die in school and will begin to smoke the garages.

Degtyar soap

This strange thing is not produced, it seems almost anywhere, except for our country - while it has a whole regiment of fans that assure that there is nothing cooler from all sorts of inflammation and rash, only it is cope.

Children's cream

This is another fetish of the left - especially those who drove into tropical countries. In the tropics, as you, probably, is known from the school year of geography, damn hot and wet. And in them there is a sea. The combination of heat, salt and wet swimsuit creates terrible things with skin. The fight against acne on the Pope is a daily routine of those who settled on Bali, Goa and in other similar places. And they all believe that a children's cream of Russian production is a miracle drug, which is not equal.

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