15 best foods for those who begin to get sick


From folk remedies to recent trends in popular medicine ... There are many tips on what you need to eat when sick. Today it will be discussed about the opinion of medicine - what products are able to prevent the disease and will help to feel better if the disease has already grown up.

1. Something orange

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Beta-carotene is the reason that in products such as carrots and a batt, the flesh of the orange color. This connection in the human body turns into vitamin A is the most important nutrient for the health of mucous membranes, such as nose and throat, as well as for the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

2. Black chocolate

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Recently, there has been a popular chocolate with a high cocoa content (more than 70%). Immediately it is worth noting that you need to avoid various chocolate "yummy", replete with sugar and saturated fats. If you choose exactly black chocolate, it will provide the body with a powerful antioxidant, polyphenol, which will strengthen the immune system.

3. Sea Fish

Fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna, reduces inflammation in the body. When various parts of the body are inflamed, such as lymph nodes, the immune system works with interruptions, so people are easier to ill and are sick longer. Other fats are harder to be processed by the body, so do not use them during the disease.

4. Ginger

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Asian cooks recommend ginger in almost all dishes, and it is right - ginger helps prevent infection and cure a person when he has already sick. This root helps much with: from nausea to constipation and bloating. You can try it in one of the most popular recipes among the Chinese, "ginger egg." To do this, add pieces of ginger to the scrambled eggs, and it may well help reduce cough.

5. Dietary meat

One of the main roles of protein in the body is help in developing antibodies and the fight against infection. Although fatty food can improve well-being for a short time, it is better to choose a fried turkey or chicken.

6. Beans, legumes and nuts

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The benefits of legumes for the body has the same reason as lean meat - a bunch of protein that can help cope with the disease. Brazilian nuts are especially useful (since only in them there is a daily recommended amount of selenium, which is perfect against cold and flu) and sunflower seeds (filled with vitamin E, they can improve the function of the lungs and protect the cell walls).

7. Garlic

Although many chefs relate to him very controversial, garlic is actually practically panacea. If there is it in the raw form, you can get the maximum number of antioxidants, but since some people consider it a little unpleasant, you can try to add garlic to food during the disease.

8. Vitamin C.

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In fact, it is not so useful as many have accustomed to count. Recent studies have shown that the use of a large amount of orange juice and vitamin C additives does not particularly help in combating colds, but this vitamin, which is full of citrus, such as oranges, limes and lemons, can slightly reduce the time during which a person feels malaise.

9. Tea

A cup of hot tea is perfect for snot. Although the most useful variety is green, all varieties made from Camellia Sinensus plant (and not herbal teas) are helped with a flu due to a large number of antioxidants called catechos. The Japanese study even showed that people who regularly take katechin additives are 75% smaller than influenza.

10. Mushrooms

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Mushrooms are full of antioxidants who are essentially acting as a sports drink for the immune system. Potassium, vitamin B and fiber in them can also help not be cold.

11. Hot salt water

Almost everyone knows that the rinse of the throat with hot salty water is useful during the disease, but few people guess why it is so. Because hydrophilin salt (that is, it absorbs water), it pulls moisture from the inflamed throat and reduces discomfort. It also dilutes the mucus in the throat and washes off the bacteria.

12. Kurkuma

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Mainly associated with Indian and South Asian cuisine, Kurkuma is a weighty component of Ayurvedic medicine and has preventive and healing properties that can be a worthy competition to Ginger. Kurkuma, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibiotic agent, can also help with the stomach disorder and the loss of appetite. You can add half a teaspoon in a cup with hot milk or add turmeric to sauce to a dish with carrots or lean meat.

13. Blueberry

Blueberry berries are simply filled with anthocyanins, powerful antioxidant, which gives a blueberry bright blue or purple color. This antioxidant also strengthens the immune system and brain health. There is also many anthocyanov in wine, but the effect of alcohol during as a patient can have mainly negative consequences.

14. Echinacea

Today, Echinacea can be found quite often in the form of tea or additives. But it is worth being careful - scientists did not find convincing evidence that this plant helps with diseases and moreover - it may even have a side effect in the form of a stomach disorder. It has been proven, however, that Echinacea may increase the number of leukocytes that can help the body to deal with infection.

15. Med.

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It is worth remembering the jar with sweet delicacy next time during ailment. Honey helps facilitate the throat error and strengthens the immune system. It is worthwhile to beware of other products with high sugar content, as they can interfere with the immune system to do everything possible for recovery.

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