Great post: 10 relevant, simple and very appetizing dishes


If you stick to a strict post - this is not at all reason to starve yourself with something sad and tasteless - and make a lean person! From our dishes your lik will be made exclusively sublime and spiritualized - and at the same time blazno-joyful. We will delight the soul with the body - with love and tasteful!

Granola with honey

Ingredients: A pair of bananas, seeds (sunflower, pumpkins), nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts ...), figs, couple of honey spoons.

The process itself. Fruits are finely cut, the nuts need to be crushed. We mix everything, pour honey, pick up milk - and it turns out a super-simple and most useful breakfast!

Long soup with mushrooms

Ingredients: 300 grams of sauerkraut - as many mushrooms (which they found in the supermarket forest), carrot, bulb, a pair of tomato paste spoons, a bit of vegetable oil, several black pepper peas, laurels leaf, greens, salt pepper.

The process itself. Sliced ​​potatoes put cooking into salted water. In the meantime, the chopped onions and carrots pass on the frying pan and remove into a separate ass. After that, we also fry mushrooms - and we attach them to the existing roaster. Now it comes a turn to go into the cabbage frying pan. She is having sex there with pepper-peas and laurel leaf, plastering there a little burst from potatoes, after which we combine with a roaster, and a couple more minutes - and in a saucepan. It remains for another 5 minutes all this is to cook, try to thicken-pepper if necessary, sprinkle with a chopped greens, give to stand under the lid - and please yourself and neighbors!

Celery Soup

Ingredients: On the average celery root - 3 small potatoes, carrots, bulbs, a pair of garlic cloves, some vegetable oil, dill-parsley, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Onions with carrot cut and rummy on a frying pan, add chopped garlic on the way first, and then peeled and sliced ​​celery cubes. After a few minutes, the potato is sent there (also sliced, of course), it all watering with water and is attached under the lid minutes 5. Now get the faithful blender and all this will be satisfied. After that, in a saucepan, and let it leave a few more minutes. Ready! We decorate the greens - and rejoice in the delicious night dinner.

Crumbling buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Ingredients: On one and a half cups of buckwheat cereals - nucleus - a pair of bulbs, a handful of dried white mushrooms, vegetable oil, dill, salt.

The process itself. Crupe fill with water, fall asleep mushrooms - and you arrange a strong fire. When boils, Solim, cook for another 10 minutes on medium heat, until it thickens, and then another 5-7 minutes - on a weak. And during this time, we clean, cut and roar the deceit. When the water was evaporated, and the porridge was welded, mix it with roasted, decorated with greens and fell. Fighter!

Walnut sauce pasta

Ingredients: A half-kilogram pack of good pasta is a glass of peeled walnuts, a quarter of a cup of cream, olive oil, a grated parmesan, white dry wine, a bit of parsley, garlic teeth, salt-pepper.

The process itself. The pasta is boyma as they advise on the pack - but to the state of "Al Dente" (a little underestimated), wech the colander, and do not pour water yet. And during this time, the nuts slightly fry in a frying pan to unobtrusive goldenness - and we send it into the combine with cheese (it is also a little left) and garlic. Solim-pepper - and grind well. Now we mix the existing liquids - and we pour them there, without turning off the combine. A little more swollen - and reunite with pasta. If it turned out dryly, you can dilute prudently left by water. Sprinkle Parmesan residues - and we enjoy the body and soul!

White Bean Pate

Ingredients: On half a breaker of white beans - half lemon, garlic slice, olive oil, mint or other pleasing greens, can be a pen (red sharp or sweet), salt-pepper.

The process itself. Beans We send to the kitchen processor, and behind it - the half of the lemon is softer, whip. Then we launch the remaining ingredients there - and we continue to turn into a homogeneous mass, adding water to the softness along the way. We try to taste salt-pepper, smear on black bread or croutons, decorated with greens and sliced ​​pepper - and we fell with awe.

Orange salad

Ingredients: Three middle orange - sweet red bulbs, a couple of dozen olives without seeds, olive oil, fennel, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Oranges gently deliver from the peel and films, cut to the slices, so that the flowing juice is saved. Onions cut with thin half-leaves, oils, depending on the desire and their dimensions, cut in half or leave so. Now everything is uniting, salt-pepper, lightly pour oil and let me think about 10 minutes. After that, we enjoy ease, taste and utility.

Baked stuffed apples

Ingredients: On 4 small apples - 1 orange, in a handful of raisins, kuragi and crushed walnuts, a bit cinnamon and honey.

The process itself. Washing apples get rid of the middle, leaving the "lid". Dried fruits rinse, dried with a little bit. Mix dried fruits with nuts, jerk with cinnamon - and this mixture is starting apples, and from above slightly pour honey. Now they are in the oven (where are already 180 degrees) for half an hour - after which it is pissed out of the orange juice and write another 10 minutes. Flaming, the toothpick is pierced easily? It's time to enjoy!

Sweet baked pumpkin

Ingredients: On a small pumpkin - on a spoonful of honey and sugar, peeled seeds and mint leaves for decoration.

The process itself. Pumpkin we clean and cut with comfortable pieces, spread to the form for baking on the appropriate case "litter". Honey diluted with water to the state of a root syrup, pour pumpkin slices - and all this is baked in a heated to 180 degrees of the oven for about 15 minutes. And then sprinkle with sugar and keep another 5 minutes 5. became soft? Excellent! Decorate and fly!

Lean honey cake

Ingredients: On a half cup of flour - a glass of nuts, half a cup of sugar, honey and vegetable oil, a pair of bundling spoons, a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg, salt.

The process itself. Sugar dissolve in a glass of warm water, we add vegetable oil and honey, stir so that everything is well dissolved. We mix the bundle, flour, salt and seasonings - and send a dry mixture into a liquid. Mix, add flour, mix the dough carefully, add nuts into it - and send it into the oven, heated to 200 degrees, 40 minutes. Protectly as follows? It is time to grow, households!

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