12 secure ways to get rid of acne


12 secure ways to get rid of acne 38012_1

For any girl, especially young, the appearance of acne - the event of worse than the hypothetical third world war. But what to do, if this happened. We give the advice of the best dermatologists who will prompt how to keep the color of the skin of the ideal 365 days a year.

1. Use gel or foam for washing with ingredients preventing acne appearance

Since the reason for the appearance of acne is fat and bacteria, the prevention of their appearance is a key factor. Both in the morning and at night it is worth using a special detergent that contain salicylic acid. "This ingredient is antibacterial and helps to depart dead skin cells that can score pores," explains Gervel Gerstner, doctor medicine, a dermatologist from New York.

2. Use a soft skin cleaning brush

According to Gerstner, hand brushes for the face can also be deguted to the skin, leaving less fat and bacteria on it. They are made of antibacterial silicone (which is also resistant to smells, hypoallergen and waterproof) and give 7,000 vibrations per minute, deeply cleaning the skin, while not irritating it.

3. Point treatment

When new acne appear, you need to carefully handle them using a point processing tool, such as a special pencil from UMA. This will help to avoid further skin drying (which can lead to an increase in fat production and the appearance of a large number of injections). In this medium, the extracts of tea tree, juniper and sage are used to purify the skin.

4. Natural Barrier on the skin

Not all bacteria are harmful. In fact, the presence of many variety of bacteria on the skin creates a healthy microbi, which saves the skin in the "normal state". However, if you do not control this natural "skin barrier", tiny cracks may appear on the skin, and harmful bacteria can get into the epidermis, causing new acne and climb. That is why the humidification of the skin is very important, and it makes it elastic. Special moisturizing agents contain ceramides and niacinamide, which provide "food" to the growth of these beneficial bacteria.

5. Application of sunscreen without fats

Although the use of sunscreen every morning is important for the overall health of the skin, the sunscreen (SPF) also helps prevent deterioration in the sun of any stains from acne. In such funds, 20% zinc oxide is used to protect the face. It is necessary to choose the version of cosmetics without fats (the skin independently produces a sufficient amount of fat) so that the pores are not clogged.

6. Right tone base

If acne occurs, it is naturally immediately the desire to disguise them, but a number of makeup means can only contribute to the emergence of new acne. It would seem that this is a vicious circle. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right tonal basis that will not only hide the shortcomings, but also will help them fight. It is necessary to look for the basis that contains ingredients such as salicylic acid, a hammelis or a tea tree.

7. Treatment of cystic acne

These painful pieces (known as cystic acne) never break out - they are "sitting" too deep in the skin and are actually cured with time. In order not to wait until they go through themselves, it is worth buying a specialized agent to calm redness and inflammation.

8. Dark spots

If someone has acne in the appearance of black dots and dark spots, first-in-speed it is worth remembering that it is not necessary to put them, it will only lead to the appearance of scars, which then have to lighten. If there are traces from acne, you need to apply a cream based on hydroquinone to brighten the Kazah.

9. Red spots

If the pimple causes a bright red spot, you can use a cream with a hydrocortisone, which helps to remove redness and inflammation. You can also reduce the tumor, Holding a package with ice in a problem location.

10. Clay mask

When a acne appears, in any case try to degrease the skin. And in this, it is impossible to make a mask from clay. This mask contains three different types of clay (kaolin, gassul and montmorillonite), which allows it to absorb all fat from the face. Moreover, it will not give the skin to dry through the moisturizing glycerin, which is part of her composition.

11. Gadgets with LEDs

For stubborn acne, which do not want to "surrender", you can try the treatment with LEDs that cleans the skin and prevents acne appearing. Also, the device kills bacteria and relieves inflammation.

12. Minimize stress with a relaxing flavor

When a person feels anxiety, his body produces more stress hormone, cortisol. And in the excess of this hormone, the state of acne may worsen. Therefore, with the slightest signs of excitement, you can freeze an aromatherapy candle or a candle that emasculates a relaxing flavor.

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