How to save a bunch of money: Japanese financial wisdom



How to consider money intelligently? How-like ... kiddy! And we will not tease, but let yourself a self-suicide lifehak!


"KAKEBO: Japanese family budget management system" (Alpina Publisher, 2016) - This is the name of Tomik, which clarifies all the subtleties of savings and multiplications on the fingers, in clear councils and cute pictures (found on its pages, in particular, such cute characters as an economical piglery and a transgress wolf). We have passed it and realized that this is what we were in life and lacked. And then they chose some particularly interesting and useful pieces of it.

What is "Koebeo"

Paretle of this system is Japanese Moto Khani (1873-1957). This lady and herself was successful (at school - the only girl on the stream, one of the first students of the Women's Higher Education Institute in Tokyo, created a unique female school of free education and a "friend of a friend's friend", which is more than a hundred years old), and readers have learned good . That is, fix information about your earnings, spending and savings - and carefully control home expenses. To please yourself not as it fell, but thoughtfully and with benefit!

I have long wanted to understand why so many months at the end of the money? Calculate and make sure (crossed out) to understand where exactly they are so drowning? Learn to accumulate on trips and pleasantness forms of chocolates? But all somehow did not reach the hands ... So just a great reason. We recommend to consider it with magic pendel - and grab luck for the tail!

So, You need kakebo if:

  • You want to make savings, but do not know where to start.
  • You need a tool that will help easily and simply bring things to order.
  • You want to figure out what we spend money every day, and classify costs by the type of needs.
  • You are looking for a certain algorithm that will help track your specific steps to get rid of bad habits and replacing them useful.

Actually, the book itself is a ready-made field for records, with all the necessary graphs, sections, explanations. And also separately written by motivational things - these are the goals (I want!), And their execution (I am well done!), And the analysis of your good luck and failure. By traveling asterisks in this sea, dennauses will serve blocks called "Tip" and blocks called "doubt". Well, at the end the most fun - visual graphics and honest questionnaire. Now it is not a transit, but a serious analysis! Next year will probably be more cooler! ..

Brief about the principles of saving money


1 step. Keep the bill in order every month.

Lay out the cards at the table at the beginning of each month - write income and fixed spending. The difference between income, fixed spending and the amount you want to postpone, and there are those money you can spend within a month.

Record daily expenses. The most convenient way is to keep checks during the day, to then put all spending in the table - before bedtime or the next day for breakfast.

At the end of each month, the moment of truth occurs. The battle of the economical piglets with Wolf Transjoy begins!

2 step. We count the balance at the end of the month!

Include its weekly spending and total amounts per month in categories (domestic expenses, spending on rest and entertainment, cultural development costs and additional costs). So you will collect the data that at the end of the year will help draw the schedule of the annual budget for different types of expenses. In addition, so you can gradually realize your consumer habits and what exactly you spend. For example, whether to cut additional costs, spend more on cultural development, etc.

Council. In five additional tables, you can enter the expenses that, in your opinion, must be regularly monitored. For example, cigarettes, mobile phone, gasoline, etc.

And what if it is not very clear with the count? Well, for example, beauty salon. For someone, it is household expenses ("Taking a try not to infant"), for someone - Relax every week, solid rest and entertainment. Or picture: spending on home improvement or cultural development? Think than for you more is this thing - and do not abuse the Graph "Rest and Entertainment", because it can actually make anything.

3 step. Watch for what happens every quarter.

These cycles are similar, each of them has its own characteristics.

Piggy bank of important tips in the style of "Koebeo"


  • Part of the salary you plan to spend within a month, divide evenly between the weeks. Promise yourself not to go beyond the weekly amount. If you have not spent the weekly budget, use this money next week or send to the piggy bank. And never forget to put in the piggy bank at the beginning of each month or on the account part of the salary!
  • Planning is an ally economy. This is especially true for food. Control your grocery reserves, check which products are stored for a long time, and which you need to prepare quickly. Make a menu for several days and buy exactly the same as you need for cooking. Thus, you do not have to do the remains or overdue products, and you will eat better.
  • Every time, receiving a salary, postpone money for fixed costs in envelope. Do not forget about other envelopes: household expenses, entertainment, etc. The remaining means put on the savings account and try to spend only the contents of the envelopes. You can safely spend cash when money on basic things are postponed in advance.
  • Sewing purchases for a month. Record all that you want to buy, noting the date and amount. If after 30 days you will still want to buy this thing, perhaps this is not such a useless waste. This is a good way to avoid impulsive purchases, besides, you will have time to think about your consumer habits.
  • Do not buy cheap things for savings: Always remember the ratio of "Price - Quality". Better one good sweater than ten mediocre. High-quality stuff remains longer as new, besides, you will avoid overflowing a wardrobe.

Yes, and the most valuable one - because the most pleasant - advice.

Even if you have not achieved all the goals and did not fulfill all these promises, perceive Kakebo and how the way to fix all those wonderful moments when you met with friends, walked through the beautiful streets, spent time in a good company or alone, traveled, went to Cinema, read books and listened to wheels ... Every time you look at Kakebo, remember what a beautiful year they live, because there are nothing more important in life, experienced with friends and loved ones!

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