How to find a job even in crisis



So, the native office has shouted you without a hat on the frost. Or is about the rest. When you finish tearing your hair into the nose and run around the ceiling, breathe, exhale and start studying our tips on finding work on a sinking ship.

Don't really count on sites

Those who wish to find work in Russia are now much more than those who want to give it. However, many portals for searching for vacancies are postponed dozens of new proposals, one more sugar. Most of these, the phone is not specified and contact it only through a special form on the site. Mailing with a resume for such vacancies is often no effect and can not give. These vacancies are dead souls, pulled by the portal from the fraternal grave of the archive. They are present on the site only for extras and creating the impression of the general liqueness. Say, come in, dear applicant, you see, we do not extend from the proposals. The letter sent for these proposals to determine goes nowhere. So do not worry if you write on the site more often than mom, but there is no answer. This is not you safe, this vacancy fell cardboard. Which does not mean that there are no real on the site.

Do not neglect social networks

People live in them. Eat, bang, flirting, gossip and curious. And some of them have a job for old Joe, that is, for you. Therefore, do not hesitate to praise yourself in Facebook and carefully consider the tape for tempting proposals. It really works. To us in someone came.

Do not underestimate the social network


Whatever the way you went to the employer, be sure that he will definitely climb to you on page. Therefore, in advance, in the order of the order - sunk empty bottles under the bed and the leaf with the chandelier will take off. That is, remove under the castle all that you would not risk showing your mom. Or even mom boyfriend. No need to make a dry squeeze page like a service characteristic. But all that is associated with the kits, foul language, debauchery and the battles of opinions, better cover with the coat.

Remember old friends

Who said that new work must be new? Your career path was a long and a bumpy, and for sure somewhere there, in the fogs of the past, a couple of companies were lost, with whom you broke up on friendly. Do not hesitate to ask for a visit and find out if they want to start all over again. Or not from the beginning, but from the other side - once you worked there with an ordinary salesman, but now you don't suffer from a whole department.

Look for a job in another city


No one makes you pack the suitcase and catch on the strips in the bread city of Zakakuevsk. Once you read it, you have the Internet. And it can be used not only for pleasure. Many professions are great for freelancing and removal. Anyone who works with texts, design, foreign languages, programming and maintenance of networks, architecture and engineering, advertising and marketing can easily sell their skills not that in another city, but even to another country. Such work can be a temporary measure for maintaining pants, but they immediately warn it - it is very easy to draw.

Look wider

If you worked as a sales manager, it does not mean that you are brought to this profession with handcuffs. Most brave can change the activity of the activity, moving from the mill managers in the tutors of Spanish. Remember everything you know - without limiting themselves by the framework of education and the diploma once received. Lacks gunpowder for such an adventure - consider related specialties. If you were a teacher, then the vacancies of the educator or personal governess are quite suitable for you.

To each his own


A summary without a covering letter is not at all a summary, but garbage. It would seem that no one needs a formality, but no - the employers read them and instantly feel the spirit of copying. Do not be full of writing a separate letter to each standing job. Forget the instructions from the Internet - HR, which could impress "obligation, initiative, punctuality and love of art," extinct before Mammoths. Imagine that tell me a stranger about yourself, but a pleasant person. And be sure to write, why you looked at exactly their company. HR is also a person, he likes when the abdomen is scratched and demonstrated sincere interest. By the way, the summary is better to laugh several, for different suggestions. If you are a lot of make makeup, make a resume for the consultant's vacancies in the cosmetics store, makeup artist in the cabin and Grider on television.

Looking directly

Surely you sometimes thought: "That would be hidden in the company" Plug, Tuben and Carrot ", the guys are doing real things." Do not be shy, go to the site of the company Dreams and write them directly. Many companies accommodate vacancies directly on the page, but even if there are no vacancies, it is worth it - it is possible that they have a project or at least half a project for you, and there is already trapped itself.

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