6 delicacies from which it is better to refuse if you want to live long


Lawyer Bill Marler for more than 20 years held lawsuits related to food poisoning. Now he does not use certain products anymore. Winning more than $ 600 million for its customers, Marler said that personal experience convinced him that some products simply do not stand risks. So, what products scare this expert most.

1. Raw oysters

6 delicacies from which it is better to refuse if you want to live long 37999_1

Marler says that over the past five years he has seen more poisonings and diseases associated with mollusks than in the two previous decades. The culprit is global warming. As the ocean water heats up, it causes the growth of microorganisms. And this ultimately leads to the fact that fans of raw oysters suffer.

2. Pre-sliced ​​or pre-washed fruits and vegetables

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Marler says that he avoids sliced ​​packaged fruits and vegetables "like plague." Although this, of course, is convenient, but the more people treat food, the greater the chance of pollution. The risk is not worth it.

3. Crude Brussels Cabbage

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Diseases due to this vegetable are surprisingly common. Over the past two decades, more than 30 outbreaks of bacterial diseases were recorded, mainly caused by salmonella and intestinal wand.

4. Meat with blood

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So, the steaks should be ordered no less than the average roasted. According to the expert, the meat must be prepared at least 160 degrees at a temperature to kill bacteria that can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Raw eggs

Surely, some remember the epidemic of salmonellosis of the 1980s and the early 90s. Today, the probability of getting food poisoning due to raw eggs is much lower than it was 20 years ago, but it still has.

6 Nepasteurized milk and juices

Today, more and more people are told for what you need to drink "raw" milk and juices, arguing that pasteurization reduces nutritional value. In fact, untreated drinks can be dangerous because it means an increased risk of pollution by bacteria, viruses and parasites.

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