How to choose a good hosting and not guess if you are blonde


How to choose the right hosting

Today, our own website on the Internet has no longer. And the beautiful floor ahead of the planet all. Culinary sites, blogs about beauty, dreams, divination online and virtual psychological rooms - than just do not share the ladies on the Internet. Start your own website today, even any blonde, who did not do before ever. And everything begins with the choice of hosting.

What to pay attention to if you buy hosting for the first time

It is difficult to imagine that a blonde who decided to acquire his own site and on this occasion to buy hosting, sits and studies its characteristics. Yes, it does not need to be done, because this data is most likely to be said to the inexperienced user. Much more effectively listen to other users, reading reviews on the Internet. In the global network of them more than enough.

Before making a final decision and buy hosting, you need to visit the website of the provider. It is worth paying attention not only to its design, but also for the availability of relevant information and contacts for communication. Even if there are no questions about how to buy hosting, it will not be superfluous to write to the support service and ask any question. Thus, you can check the efficiency and quality of technical support.

And yet it costs to pay attention to some technical points. First, it is necessary to check how the speed of downloading sites on this hosting. After all, if the site is loaded quickly, then visitors loyalty to it is much higher.

How to choose hosting

Another point: the provider should not limit traffic to the site. If there are such restrictions, it is better to refuse this proposal, even if it seems very attractive. And the third important indicator - the volume of disk space. Many newcomers, choosing virtual hosting, prefer the tariff of more expensive, because they believe that the disk space will not be enough, and the additional options will never interfere. But even a volume of 1 GB is quite enough in order to lead two blogs. It is important to remember that hosting is not forever. If something went wrong, you can always go to a more expensive tariff with more serious indicators

What should not do

If it is decided to buy hosting, you do not need to buy from the registrar and domain. If you do not like the hosting, there may be problems when moving to another provider.

Do not buy a domain at the hosting provider, buy it separately from the registrar. In this case, you will not have problems when moving to a new hosting. By the way, the issues with relocation can solve the new hoster, and such services are provided completely free.

How to pay not to guess

Many inspired by the fact that they had acquired their own sites, try to pay hosting immediately for a long time - for example, for a year. In addition, many providers offer in this case all sorts of preferences. But it is not worth doing this.

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The optimal solution is the first 4-5 months to pay the hosting monthly. If the Hoster technical support and the work of the site complaints will not cause, you can pay for the year. If something went wrong, you can always move to another hosting.

In conclusion

Today, find the cheap hosting that is working uninterrupted, is not a lot of work. But you should not chase yourself for the cheapest offers. As you know, cheap cheese only happens in a mousetrap. And in the case of sites, from very cheap hosting and high quality work is not expected. And if we talk about free hosting, we can forget about technical support, and the guarantees that the site at one fine moment simply will not disappear. Therefore, it is very important to find a proposal that will be the best price and quality.

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