Go to the dark side: we have men! Top 10 bad guys empire


- The dark side is stronger?

- Not. Easier, faster, seductive.

"Star Wars. Episode V. Empire shall cause a response "

We were delighted with a new part of the "Star Wars" - "Izgoy-one" - and once again they were convinced of what was not at all doubted: in addition to the stylish form, megalomaniacal plans and impressive spacecraft, the dark side has such an important resource as Exceptionally attractive individuals of the opposite sex.

And we took the courage to make a small personal list of bad galactic guys, choosing those who appeared in the movies.

Bob Fett

Let's start with a simple and unneestly guy beans. Simple but memorable. Professional head hunter, so income is high, but a lot of business trips. It's not afraid of a damn, nor Vader himself (even somehow came up with him). Moral qualities at height - refused to offer Jabha Hatta to use leu as a concubine, and often donates money for orphan shelters. And what will contact the wobbo, fly to the galaxy with jet wands, look, Jedi someone finish - beauty!

General Grievous

At the face, of course, this humanoid is not very, but his cybernetic body can be bent in all directions. Doesn't it start you? Well, perhaps will be headed by the calichars of Pheromones (the property is at his race) and shrill yellow eyes. Fents at once with four light swords, owns all seven siberfighting styles. A serious drama is lighted for frightening appearance: it is sad for the deceased beloved, even the name in honor of her changed. Grivus means "sad". And still loves her home Roggwart, this is such a cute little animal, like someone else's.

Darth Mol

Another is not exactly a person, this Dark Lord Sith - Break. So he has horns from nature, but he is decorated with tattoos. Beautiful. Large specialists in martial arts, acrobat, his fights is a real deadly ballet. Owns a very big double light sword and, we hope that nothing compensates for them. Very purposeful person, not even blinking. True, he has a somewhat limited spectrum of emotions: the rage and thirst for blood, but never make a mistake. And the mechanic is good, golden hands, as they say.

Count Duch

And here is Saruman, that is, sorry, Darth Tiranus. Not only is the excellent Mouse master and moves with lightning, so another speaker and poet. The most aristocratic in our ranking. The beard is immediately visible. Preserved an excellent physical form of up to 80 years, and though preferred more restrained martial arts styles than, for example, Darth Mol, capable of any acrobatics. We don't know anything about your personal life, we know only that, unlike the Jedi, who in this regard nothing under, Sithham is very good!

Captain FPPP

Okay, the fma is not a man ... but she is Baryna! And if this brilliant chromed attack aircraft, above all around the head, is not able to melt, sorry, cut and break your heart on the part, then what are you doing here? FPPA, I must say, the mother of soldiers, remembers all his subordinates by numbers and almost never rests, even in his free time patrols the base so that everything is in order. Perfectionism. Two-meter.

Grand Moff Tarkin

For those who have more queries, we have a height bureaucrat from a very, very rich family. Tactic, designer, poet and philosopher. Imperial politics reformer - heard about the doctrine of Tarkina? A little inclined to genocide, well, oh well, the evidence next to him still somehow mysteriously disappear. At the time of the Events "izhoy-one", not young, but the shrill blue eyes and the military gauge does not concern. By the way, yes, those who offend his mistresses, he throws into open space with an oxygen margin for one day, and gives everything the ship to listen to death cries.

Director Krennik

Oron Krennik, with whom you can get acquainted with the "omnipo-one", sinner. Here are directly visible according to a person that he is not alien to the joy of life, in particular, good alcohol. If you don't care about aristocrats and warriors, but still interested men with the status - here's the option. He came out of the people, it was accustomed to the director of the Armed Study Department. I knocked myself a personal shape, with a white cloak - such no one! Ambitious manager, elderly, but in excellent shape, both physical and in the sense of the costume. Call his daddy.

General Hax

The youngest general in the history of the first order (the same empire, if that) is 35 years old. And all because the workahol. Redhead, blue-eyed. Slightly abuses the stuffed shoulders from the uniforms, well, the straightening of its own, not fake. He loves to push speeches, so listen to him carefully, he will appreciate. In terms of the genocide, Tarkina himself survived. But for his attack aircraft mountain. In general, if you are looking for a promising villain, then this, we suspect, pulls on the candidate for the emperors. Very waiting for his appearance in the next film.

Kylo Ren.

The youngest and hot guy of the Dark side with a chapel, for which Loreal would have come up with Schwarzkopf, and a look, as well as, in general, wounded deer habits crossing the Moscow Ring Road. In general, for those who want to fit, feed and someone have a lot of unnecessary furniture, which can be chopped very uncomfortable (really, some kind of Sadyugi were designed) a light sword. Press like washing board. Dress up Gothic, but on the weather. Lives ascetic. Loves Grandpa Vader. And we love Kaylo. Oh, and most importantly - alive yet!

Darth Vader.

Yes, just say, Curly Anakin over the summer has changed a lot, in the sense, physically, but what is charisma! Charisma and puts forward it in the first place. Sly, bold, cruel, with a sense of humor. Very hot loves the family and somewhat inclined to rush in extremes, of course. If you did not want this before, after the epic appearance of Darth in the new part of the Star Wars, you will want to see anyone else, dedicated to him personally, and this, yes, who suffers from the seizure, thank you, we appreciated.

Text author: Elizabeth Ponomarev

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