6 reasons do not want the second child. And no black caviar


When I arrived home after the maternity hospital, the tired, broken, but happy from the fact that everything is fine with the baby, I didn't even think about the second child. Nevertheless, the question of when we are "for the second", to this day pursues me: in the playgrounds, visiting relatives, at work and at a meeting with girlfriends. Today I am already calmly answer: never. For what, of course, there is a thousand and one argument, why I have to give birth to at least one. So I myself formulated the reasons why I can and I have full right not wanting to go through it again.

Immediately I will say that my article is not a call and not campaigning do not give birth. This is just my relationship today. At the same time, I do not deny the possibility of the emergence of the second child in our family. I can't be sure that my attitude will not change, or perhaps the financial situation of our family will change for the better and I will understand what is ready.

But at the moment I do not want the second child, because:


My health is not fully restored, and my body did not recover from the first birth

Despite the fact that the pregnancy proceeded easily, I was very mobile and mobile, I went to the neighboring cities and areas, went to the mountains, the postpartum period of recovery was incredibly heavy for me. The operation of the COP and the stone in the kidney very grown during pregnancy has greatly complicated my life. And I do not want to go through it again. I am engaged in my health, I spend a lot of money on good doctors and no longer want to experience pain.

The thought of repeated Cesarean is very frightened by me

When I listen to the stories of my friends and friends about the upcoming operation, it covers real horror. In my whole, I had a good maternity hospital, good doctors, midwives, the Chamber with a joint stay, but the pain from the operation is felt by me still, as if the scar is physically still hurt. I have not survived these few months, did not work inside, did not forget, so I will not subscribe to this again.


The child requires large financial costs

If clothes and shoes can somehow save and move by inheritance from girlfriends and relatives, then food, diapers, medicines for children will have to buy constantly, and they are worth a lot. For care benefits, we are simply ridiculous in the country, even working officially, it is not necessary to count on decent monthly payments. I want a new car, I want good things and good repair in the apartment, so for me enough spending per child.

I just went to work and see for myself small, but career prospects

Yes, I went to work when my son was 1.7, because see clause 3. The way to work was worth a lot of nerves and experiences, I tried a lot to prove that I had the right to occupy my position. I all had to do from scratch. And now, when I got my first promotion in life, I do not want to leave for the second decree. I get up at 6 in the morning, I'm getting tired, but at the same time with this at work I rest. I do what I like and interesting. In the end, I develop professionally, learning a new one, and in the evenings and on the weekend I am very glad to spend time with my son: we read, walk, play and fall asleep in an embrace.


I want to travel a lot

In October, I have my first business trip to Europe. I will leave for fun five days. Of course, I worry and worried, but at the same time I'm incredibly waiting for this moment. For three years I did not fly abroad, I was almost three years old, I was not given myself. All my life I dream to travel. And now, when the son has already grown a little, I will be glad to leave him for rest if possible, I will be glad to business trips and I will calmly leave it with the dad. The presence of a second child will not allow me to be such a mobile, although I understand that you can travel with two children too.

I have a very calm child

It would seem that it is just an argument for the emergence of the second baby. But no, I do not want precisely because I can not be sure that the second child will be the same gift. And no one can. This is a kind of lottery, and not every lucky in this game. In the same parents, such different children are born: with different temperaments and characters. I'm just now used to one child with his schedule and behavior, and I have no desire to violate this idyll.

Give birth or not give birth to the first, second or subsequent children - the matter of parents

The decisive right of voting should belong to us, because it is we spend our resources to endure, give birth and raise a child. Questions about when a woman goes to the maternity hospital for the next, it is better to leave with him, each of us has no reason to go there. If you do not discuss this question, it means that it is not your business.

Text author: Evgenia Polyanskaya

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Photos: shutterstock

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