28 reasons to make a cat


If you do not have a cat - you are already, consider, lost. Try not to lose the remaining half! But even if you already have a cat, it's still a reason to think, because there is no happiness!

28 reasons to make a cat 37974_1
one. First, it is beautiful. Secondly, it collects Fog's Troch at a time. And for two infesses - both two thousands! 2. If the kitten shows a particularly dirty character, there is always the opportunity to call him Galina Viktor Spiegel. Sweet, but what's your mother, doesn't you know Galin in the world? 3. You have boring wallpapers. Not very strong and at the same time terribly boring. four. Yes, and sofa, if you think about, too, so-so.
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five. Now you will finally have a dust wipe from the most upper shelves. Well, nothing with vases. Did you already lose the sofa, so what do you feel so much boss? 6. There is a motorrr in the cat. God embalted him there on the day when Adam came to him with screams: "Lord, I have depression, and I don't help anyone!" 7. And under the motor of the sewing quotes. Your legs will never be cold. And free. eight. You will learn to dial the text first with pressed elbows, then with one hand, then without hands, then through a ten-light obstacle on the keyboard.
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nine. Possed in FB FE? Yes, you do not at all! It's all he. Cat! 10. Survived after the exercise "Buy Kisu"? Congratulations, now you can buy anyone in anywhere. Even the Nile crocodile in the Moscow River. eleven. You will learn if there is a life behind the fridge (there is!), You will find long-lost gold earrings and significantly enrich your horizons with knowledge of the minerals of the subcotter world. 12. Defendant to rape cottage tablet, do not doubt: Cold calls for you - children's fun.
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13. It is not interesting to put the Christmas tree once a year. You will have the opportunity to do it five or more times. In a day. fourteen. No in the life of happiness? Enchanges it. Yesterday you first found the place where he walks when she goes past the tray! fifteen. You will learn to appreciate and gratefully take any signs of attention. All, including dead mice, and friendly rubbing dirty hairy ass about your clean cheek. sixteen. In March (and even before) you will be reminded that there is love in this prosaic world. High, light and rather loud feeling.
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17. You will find that the world is not a cold desert, he is full of non-indifferent like-minded people. And let them slightly polulm, but everything is convenient concentrated on one forum. eighteen. You will dispel all doubts in our own culinary talents. For your dish, you are ready to give the soul, and you just opened the refrigerator! nineteen. If it happens so that you have to sleep in Prairie, then you are not confused here. Who jumps there? A huge flock of viloroga antelope? Yes, and damn it, with antilopes. You will simply turn on the other side and continue to inspect your sleep. twenty. Even if all your ancestors are workers and peasants, born offspring may appear in your family.
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21. In that passport, there was still more Egypt than Schengen. New will definitely be desirable. And you learn how to hide it better. 22. You are learning that everything is relatively relatively. The same thing can produce opposite effects. Take here Valerian ... 23. Having left for vacation, you can not only relax, but also torture not the most valuable relatives. 24. In the age of soulless synthetics and artificial substitutes of a cat in any environment introduces natural eco-friendly materials in the form of wool. Well, nothing that the ecology is difficult to tip from the furniture. But, unlike others, you will always have a business.
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25 The owner of the angry cat Grumpy Cat has already earned several tens of millions of dollars. It is so hostess. 26. What changes may surprise you after Vasili has turned into Vasilis and back with completely reliable signs, and then bored? 27. Opening and closing the door of two hundred forty six times a day, you will become closer to the Buddha. 28. You now have so many delicious food with the fragrance of lamb and rabbit, which you will survive any zombie apocalypse. And not alone, but in a warm company!

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