How to stop envy and start living


Envy is a terrible feeling. And not because envy allegedly is not good and unworthy. This is just garbage. Envy is terrible because she really prevents you from living. She oppresses you. She grieves you. She spoils you sleep and appetite.

That is, speaking by the language of psychologists - envy causes frustration that injures you. But we are not psychologists. We will tell you how to get rid of envy of simple, human words.

Stop envying non-existent

That is, everything is what fries in social networks are demonstrated. Everyone has excellent family relationships, excellent complexion, cubes on the stomach and perfect children, and only you have all the usual. In fact, almost everyone has all the usual. And if we should envy - so this is the ability of some of some photos that are pretty adopting reality. This, by the way, is not so difficult to learn. True, then you will begin to envy you.

Impersition your envy

Suppose your friend Masha received an increase (flew to Bali, married a bioteglase bint, etc), and you dream about him for a couple of years, but you don't shine yet. Wow, how enviable! We understand. With envy of such a kind, it is useless to fight - it can only drive the will into the depths of consciousness, but it will not change anything. Only worse will become. But you can switch attention. Masha alone so lucky? No, everyone around make a career, traveling and marrying handsome. UU, hooks! Who's everyone? In general, everything. Everything! A destructive feeling that does not have a specific addressee, weathering out of the head pretty quickly. Well, there is a chance not to quarrel with Mashka in a flat place.

Do not give in to the trick "And but"

God with her, with Mashka - she is smart, beauty and in general - she deserved it. But calmly accept the fact that Lyutka lost weight by 30 kilograms - above your strength. Yes, what is there - above our forces. The unfortunate, explosive brain insistered immediately includes the compensation mechanism, the most "and but". Think, I lost weight! And I have a husband. And the child. And pies I can oven. And Luska sits on her perfect ass alone, quite alone. And chews a cabbage leaf, ha ha ha. The problem is that you do not need husband, children and pies. In the sense, you do not need that you already have. You need an ideal ass, like Luska - and it is just not. As a result, the envy does not evaporate, and their own achievements are depreciated. Nevertheless, you can get rid of the ill-fated "but". How? Read on.

Think so do you need something you envy

Here, for example, the perfect figure. Do you mean? Pour it right, regularly play sports, give up some habits and generally change the way of life - do you really want it? A clear case - everyone dreams to lie down to sleep with a cellulite monster, and in the morning to wake up a graceful beauty, but we will note this option as untenable. It remains to decide whether you are ready to change everything, or a compromise option is suitable: Sport add, but the hamburgers leave, slightly lose weight, slightly pull up. Arranges? Excellent! And the envy of the meaning somewhere, noticed?

Realize what exactly you envy

That, let's say someone familiar to you comrade is very rich, so that he has already started coughing, infection. And you have him Lyutu, fuckedly envy. But, let me, you are not Scroarge McDak. Why do you need money? This is not a goal, this is a means of achieving a goal. So you would have so much money - you would find what to spend them, right? Travel. For family estate. To the school training of cats. At this very place should be paused and think about these desires are dictated. Do you want to travel because everyone travels, or do you really miss new impressions? Do you need a big house outside the city, because it is prestigious, or have you been feeling that your place is not in the metropolis? Are you really, what do you want to train the cats? Not. You seem to be sure that I have implemented your entire potential. If a minute to plug this full cry of a cry "Let me, me too! Want!!!" , you can learn a lot about yourself. It is interesting, in the end.

Say goodbye to the children's dream

That very, which "should be in the world justice!". From this childhood dreams grows a gady feeling "I must all". There is no heavenly office. There, upstairs, they do not sit comfortable bins and do not distribute life benefits for bribes. Life is what it is. And if someone has its own island and castle in Provence, and you have nothing - nothing will change. Complete. Well, or - and this is the most constructive option - Start something to achieve something there. Case useful. And envy, in the end, will cease to torment you. Because she will begin to motivate you!

In general, there is only one way to get rid of envy finally and irrevocable. It is necessary to become a hermit, settle in some deserted place, to eat that nature will give and talk exclusively with birds. The way is true: no objects for envy - no envy. Although, if you think about ... Why people do not fly like birds, eh? U, the assholes feathers - fly here, provoke.

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