Teeth whitening: Fakes from the Internet and Facts from Dentist


White teeth without expensive procedures? Let's go here!

Alas, but in fact alternative funds offered on the Internet as whitening, are not as good as they believe them sometimes quite famous fans.


Toothpaste with coal, oil rinsing or fruit peel again and again promoted as funds that will make your smile cleaner and whiter, but how are they really effective?

Dentist Luke Cronin from Sydney tells that from "folk" means working that there is no and what should be avoided.

Toothpaste with coal

Waiting: Ideal to remove a dark fly and teeth whitening.

We are talking about cleaning teeth with activated coal, extended and mixed with water to the state of the paste, which, then, with the help of a toothbrush, the teeth are wiped.

It is assumed that coal absorbs the tannins, substances contained in coffee, tea and wine and staining teeth. In addition, it is assumed that such a paste destroys toxic bacteria that make breathing unpleasant.

Although it is argued that the paste from coal has wonderful bleaching properties, Dr. Cronin warns, it should be careful with it: it can be too abrasive for your teeth and guy.

Oil rinsing

Waiting: Blinding of vegetable oils in the mouth will improve its health.

This Ayurvedic procedure is based on the belief that toxins and harmful bacteria are derived from the mouth.

It is necessary to take the oil in the mouth for twenty minutes, and then spaw it together with all diseases.

Dr. Cronin considers the method safe, but recommending it as a means of improving the health of the oral cavity would not be.

Cleaning of peel fruit

Waiting: In the cleaning of the teeth of the peel - an excellent alternative to the brush.

The fans of the method are convinced that it will help to brush the teeth directly with an orange or banana to clarify enamel.

In general, Dr. Cronin finds the procedure safe, although it is unlikely effective, but warns from the use of citrus peel: the acid contained in them literally corrosive enamel. Take better banana.

A source

Illustration: shutterstock

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