Hurry to see: The most mischievous museums of the world


The museum can be built from anything. You do not even need to be purchased by expensive Van Gogh. Enforceive people all over the world are arranged exposure from packs of soluble noodles, snowflakes, hair, jade wands and from nothing at all. We collected for you museums that you need to visit, even if you are far from art.

Alchemy Museum and Magic, Prague, Czech Republic


Where else and be such a museum, as not in Prague, where Alghel Dr. Faust. The museum is located in the very center of the Old Town, in the former laboratory of a major master Kelly, who in the XVI century also spent suspicious experiences and knew with unclean. Magistus patronized the king - it can be seen, everything was waiting for the wizard to turn the lead in gold. I did not wait in the hearts planted alchemist in prison. The museum you can see how a typical laboratory of the middle wizard was equipped, see all sorts of mysterious artifacts and even evidence that Prague and today is packed under the string of mysticism, ghosts and riddles.

Museum of Hair Leyla, Independence, USA


Victorians (more precisely, Victorian) scared drilled in needlework. Ourselves did not have their own before him. Sometimes the lady lied a little. One of the fashionable hobbies was the manufacture of bracelets and hair necklaces. Children's curls went into the case, strands of the beloved hair (good, hairy bayronists were grabbed then), at worst, the material was purchased at hairdressers. American Leila Kohun has long been collecting such peculiar decorations. In her collection - 500 wreaths and more than 2000 earrings, brook, pendants, rings and hair bracelets. There is even an instance on which the hair of Queen Victoria went.

Museum of Snowflakes, Asahikawa, Japan


This museum is located on Hokkaido Island - there is definition in exhibits there. By the roof in winter notice. All winter Patient Hockeydeas Wiscite Photographs Snowflakes in Macro mode and classifies them. Photos are beautiful so much that it is impossible to come off. In addition to the pictures, the museum presents the statues and the results of the wisdom computing of the scientist, there is an interactive room, where it is shown how snowflakes are formed, and the concert hall is just like that why not.

Museum of the Human Body, Leiden, Holland


Feel yourself a parasite. The museum is a model of a person, only very, very large and somewhat angular (poured by the golem!), And inside - the whole world, as it should be. Walking along the digestive tract, pass by the liver, smash through the aorta, and the special monitors in the meantime show you how food is digested, the spermatozoa is breaking to the egg and blood on the veins runs.

Museum of Arts Ordos


Ordos is a huge industrial city in Inner Mongolia in China. I have never heard? Not surprising. He is just 20 years old. In the early 2000s, they found the minerals to the fig. Under this topic, the Chinese quickly used in the desert super-modern design city for a half million people and began to wait for investors and workers there. And no one came. Nothing helped, even the final "Miss World 2012", which was held here - the electorate to go to this wilderness does not want. In the middle of the empty-empty ghost city, it is worth an empty-empty museum of Mongolian art, built by the Cool Bureau of Mad Architects - a giant futuristic structure, something like a giant shell. There are no exhibits there, visitors, too, even a single granny-watch, only drafts are walking.

Museum of the Broken Heart, Zagreb, Croatia


Where to give bags of romantic junk after tomatoes are covered? I burn - the option is not bad, but Mrinkers are all attributed to a special museum. The tears of rag animals, valentines, photographs and stories about challenged hopes. Show, among other things, the ax, which the thrown guy crumbled furniture with its former, wedding dress, which was not useful and other artifacts, each of which is equipped with history. In 2011, the museum was marked by a special Award "European Museum of the Year".

Museum of soluble noodles, Osaka, Japan


The museum was equipped with a soluble noodle in the motherland - it was here in 1958, Ando's momentum was thought of to sell a dry ramen in cups. The museum has a tasting hall, a collection of napps, a Saraike model, in which momofuca made the first prototype and even the theater of noodles. Someone here may even break through the nostalgia in the hungry student years.

Fallology Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland


Icelanders, if you did not know - terrible inkubs. They collected a whole Museum of MPH - there are dried and marinated samples from the animal world, objects of art and natural kitsch, painting and sculpture - but all about one thing.

Museum of Poor Art, Somerville, USA


Antiquarian Scott Wilson makes noble, in general, the matter - saves from the garbage very, very bad pictures. So bad that they refused to first of the gallery, then artistic shops, and then even collapse and flea markets. And in vain - ingenious things come across. What about the canvas "Giant Red Cat ate a person"? Or "Still life with a guitar, a bottle, lemon and unknown lilac krakoyar"? By God, in other museums of good art and not so exhibited.

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