10 modern artists from whom


Now we will tell you about such strange creative projects that you want to lie down in a corner, covered with a blanket, hugging a "black square" and complaining about the decline of morality, and that's all.

Paired brushes


Let's start with a rather modest and even cute American artist Kira Ain Varseji. She has a simple technique: mixes paints, puts on its naked chest, pressed against the canvas. You can buy its abstract work for $ 200-300. Kira - Woman Positive: Loves Fishing, Husband, Computer Games. Sometimes it gives to the paint in paint with his turtle, as well as individual details displays toys and vegetables. Breast size, if you are interested, 38DD. It's a lot.


Memory card


Sergio Portallo (USA) paints ordinary brushes. Secret in paint. In the paint - ash. Human. No, everything is decent. Relatives of the departed and the cremated ordered by the artist such pictures. It is convenient: and art in the house, and it is not necessary to spend in place in Columbia. By the way, Sergio is not original, such a service is provided by several more artists not a timid ten.

Maler Sergio Portillo.

Art and sacrifices


Chris Truman drew one picture suitable for our list, but what! He posted his younger brother from 200 thousand milking ants. And it was not so simple, because the artist loves ants and he does not like to kill them. But insect genocide paid off - the picture was bought for 35 thousand dollars.




The elderly Australian Tim Patch is creating under the pseudonym of the order. In Russian, this can be translated as Hrenasso. Well, you already understood what he draws. And it turns out good, by the way, for such a stupid gun! By the way, the artist allows you to watch your creative process, so it is happy to invite him to all sorts of festivals, where children are prohibited.


Tongue to the museum will bring


Hindu Ani Kay Art is not easy. Because of his creative method, he suffers from pain in his stomach, head, dizziness. And all because he draws a language. He says, now still tolerant, and after the first pictures thought that he would go to the next light. He licked 20 watercolors, among which a two-meter copy of the "secret evening" yes Vinci, not to say that it is especially high quality. A member would be definitely better, on the other hand, religious themes ...



The artist, of course, needs an accurate eye, but we did not know what is so literally needed. Chinese Xiang Chen, a calligraphy master holding a brush in a century and pulls her on the sheet. In general, the result is difficult to evaluate, but the work is impressive. He also, by the way, hesit the same eye to hold the wand and play it on the piano.

Inspiration from the inside


Artist Milli Brown is uncontrollably tears on canvas, literally. To do this, she drinks tinted milk and erupts it later onto a white sheet or on his dress. Pictures are abstract, but they stand nemely. For example, the picture Nexus Vomitus was made under the singing of three opera singers and was successfully sold for $ 2,400.


Red and yellow

Brazilian Vinysius Kesta draws blood. And not any pork there, but human. It is known for his series of paintings "blues urine and blood", written exactly by the fact that in the title. These are realistic psychedelic images of geisha, monkeys and zombies. Why Geisha? Why urine? Why all everything?

Through one place

Have you been waiting for this? Surely, it was already possible to guess that such a madman would be found. Yes. Kate Boadwi draws ass. And not just sits on the canvas (such artists are, but we rejected them for the banality). He makes himself enemas with paint! The most amazing thing is that he also teaches in an art university, however, a photo. We looked at his page, but you do not advise you. And to develop it, alas, we can not.

Alien brush

If you are an association with the previous horror, I decided that this picture is written by some product of the selection, it was wrong, exhale. This is paint. The picture is part of the Norwegian project of the Morten Viscum "Hand that has never ceased to draw." All the canvas in the project he created, smearing the paint in someone else's dead hand. It is said that the Scandinavians, they say, perverts, but they themselves from this guy in shock. He somehow changed in 20 stores of products of jars with olives on cans with newborns rats. Sorry, we just needed to share this knowledge with someone.

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