I will lead you to the museum!


If they correctly prepare a cultural program for a child, it will surfacitate all TVs with computers wholesale.

To begin with, refreshing the basic principles of the "correct cooking" museum campaign with a young: 1. Do not attempt to "feed" the child at all, which promises the selected place, choose the most lackings. The child cannot concentrate attention too long (focus on the duration of the school lesson). The smaller the baby - the less this time. 2. Explain everything in human. Not "cannot be touched, get away!", And "imagine, this thing five hundred years! So old things are not much dangerous, there are even a sunbathing. " There is a difference? 3. Actively discuss what you saw and share your impressions. After all, you are not here as the accompanying came, you yourself are interested, right? And the interest thing is interpritraged. 4. And finally, the final of the event is also important. After the excursion to buy a postcard or souvenir, eat a cake in a cafe is not a "dirty", but the necessary item to create a sense of holiday, events. And now the mini-guide according to the most attractive Moscow museums. Depending, of course, from the age and tastes of young visitors.

For the smallest

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The audience: Kids from 4 years (however, some go before), who are not ready for a genuine campaign with the viewing of the showcases. The house fairy tales "lived (http://www.domskazok.ru). The museum has several branches, enough at least three campaigns: besides the "main point" at the ICC, there is still a "Russian Fairy Tale Museum" in the Kremlin in Izmailovo and a separate Museum of Pinocchio-Pinocchio. Here the kids themselves turn into fabulous heroes and actively help the good to defeat evil! Cheburashka Museum (http://muzei-mira.com). To get to visit the Cheburashka will have to go to the Kozhukhovo. But here you can touch everything and play with everything, to make something creative on workshops and, for example, chat with children's writers. Manor Santa Claus (http://www.dedmorozmos.ru). Strictly speaking, this is not a completely museum, but here there is a grandfather of Frost, his own, post office and rink. And, in fact, Terem Frost, where you can see him. Tip from PICS. . Please note that the New Year holidays in such places reigns a clear excitement, so be prepared for some difficulties. For example, to entertain the kid in line or especially closely follow him in the crowd.

For fans of toys

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The audience: These museums are suitable for the kids of all ages, because the child, not loving toys, is it really a enchanted child. "Dollhouse" (sites.google.com). Here the toys are not languishing in the shop windows, but they live, as it should be, in their puppet houses. Museum of unique dolls (http://dollmuseum.ru/). No, you imagine - Mom was small! And grandmother, and even a great-grandmother. Let's see what they played! Museum of People's Toys "Fun" (http://www.zabawushka.ru). Hey, who is with us - play with clay, wooden, bark, straw, patchwork friends, and also paint your own whistle?! Museum of teddy bears (http://www.teddymuseum.ru). Communication with these soft sympathy passes "in the mobile mode": here you can order a tour, and then it will come to school or kindergarten. Museum Matreshka (http://www.fond-narprom.ru/). Here you can admire the Matren of all kinds and sizes. From barely noticeable crumbs a couple of millimeters to mega-mats with 50 "daughters." Tip from PICS. . On the approach, another good place of leisure: "Museum of Childhood" (http://cdm-moscow.ru/), which will open in the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka. Recommended to follow!

For young technicians and small professors

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The audience: Not all the disciples are delighted with science, it is difficult for her lady. But those who love to be buried in her secrets, there is where to jump with the ears! Polytechnical Museum (Polymus.ru). A whole world of various technology, for children - scientific shows and game. And here there is a special educational program "University of Children". Museum of the History of Railway Technology (http://www.rzd-expo.ru/). A bunch of locomotives of all times and masters. And you can ride. Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics (http://cosmuseum.ru/). Compress the constellations and galaxies here in the form of interactive excursions for children. The museum contains more than 75 thousand exhibits - samples of technology, photos and video materials and all sorts of works of fine art on the "cosmic" topic. "Fires of Moscow" (http://ognimuseum.ru). Here we will not only see the vintage lamps and different lighting devices (something of this will easily be given to twist in the Special Foundation), but also work with lampors or, for example, play the "end of the world". Tip from PICS. Acquaintance with science is better to start immediately from children's programs and a variety of interactive entertainment, otherwise the baby can be boring.

For experimenters and practitioners

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The audience: Schoolchildren who comprehend the world, which is called empirically. That is, love to climb everywhere, to construct something with their very skillful handles, create, invent and try. Experimentarium (http://www.experimentanium.ru/). "Try, grab, press and twist!" - This is the right installation. Get ready for everything: turn on a drill bicycle, make multicolored non-cool snow, build your robot and spend a whole bunch of interesting experiences. Eureka Park (http://www.evrika-park.ru). Here, too, everyone touches, sniff, disassemble and collect. Microscopes, robots, tricks, turning into a wizard or knight - who will refuse to refuse?! Interactive Museum "Lunarium" in Planetarium (http://www.planetarium-moscow.ru). Here they offer to "run a hydrogen rocket, ride on a space bike in the expanses of the solar system and save the world from asteroids." Well, very tempting sounds! Museum of Education (http://www.museum.ru). The most interesting here, perhaps, "entertaining science" is a place where you can conduct experiments. And for preschoolers and first-graders, there is a section "Magic scroll" with "lively" letters. "Planet LED" in Sokolniki (www.led-sokolniki.ru). This is a whole amusement park, where it is possible to admire ice miracles and even call the statue of themselves. Museum of Animation (http://animamuseum.ru). Look at the heroes of your favorite cartoons - it is, of course, entertaining, but make your own cartoon and see it on the screen - this is a real twist! Tip from PICS. In interactive museums, there are usually different thematic programs. Therefore, it is better to first call and Paradict to find out what is more suitable for your child - and, perhaps, immediately sign up for something specific, and not to learn about the possibilities already in place.

For the fans of the past and beautiful

The audience: If a child's favorite lesson is a story, and his favorite stories - about how people lived a hundred years or five thousand years ago, then you are exactly here. Moscow Kremlin (http://www.kreml.ru). It is clear that we will not languish on adult excursions. Moreover, the museum complex has a special children's center, where someone will simply get acquainted with the Kremlin, and someone will even be able to master the museum profession. Museum-panorama "Borodino battle" (http://www.1812panorama.ru). Children learn the affairs of the past days in the game form - with the help of exciting quizzes, competitions and master classes. Museum of Soviet slot machines (www.15kop.ru). Parents remember "Battle, where they swam them together," and their heirs will comprehend games as a historic phenomenon. Moreover, live! Tretyakov Gallery (http://www.tretyakovgallery.ru). Does the child need pictures? Yes! It is only important to find what he will be more interesting to consider (let's say, "Morning in Pine Bor" - children's hit!), And not overwork. Tretyakov has children's excursions for different ages. And here there are separate projects (for example: http://vmestesmamoy.ru/node/33), which "sighting" organize museum hikes in such a way as to captivate the baby. Tip from PICS. Bearded in these museums it is useful to read and see pictures on the relevant themes so that it was interesting to recognize historical details or famous masterpieces "in real".

For young naturalists

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The audience: The kid from the year is a reverently freezing in front of everything that breathes, and from two years old drags into the house everything is moving? Take it there, where he will plunge into his beloved nature with his head! Darwinian Museum (http://www.darwinmuseum.ru). Here you can walk at least a hundred times: nature is immense and infinitely fascinating. The museum has a bunch of all interactive, multimedia and thirty! Look in the schedule. Biological Museum (http://www.gbmt.ru). There is a wonderful program "Family in the Museum", from which you can arrange a "zoo in a drop of water" and "Journey to the microworld", put "wonderful experiences with plants" and pass the biological quest-labyrinth. Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (http://zmmu.msu.ru). There is a choice of interactive classes for Yunnats of different age groups from 4 years old: fabulous zoology, fun zoology, acquaintance with biological specialties. Tip from PICS. Here they can come across and scary moments, such as embryos or illustrations of scientific experiences over animals. So better think about your route in advance

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