Girls-inventors in the trend! How to grow so?


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Inventors' girls in the 21st century became a permanent info industry, no worse than the stars of show business and members of royal families. They develop lanterns that take energy from the heat of the hands due to the Seebeck effect (whatever mean), come up with the mechanism of reassuring Internet functions and safe for people tool from cockroaches, create an ecological air freshener from cow's manure and a new type of batteries.

Science teaches us that no one is born by the inventor - they become. How to grow from your daughter such a miracle? To understand this, we laughed in interviews with young inventors, articles on the development of intelligence in children and adolescents and took interviews from the main editor of the site "Popular Mechanics", lecturer on the theory of inventing Tim Namenko.

Believe in the daughter and do not put the borders of it imagination and development

All girls-inventors note the support of parents and grandparents, the family faith in the power of his daughter. Parents often encourage young inventors to hold: "Look what an interesting contest!", "What do you think you could come up with? ..", "interesting, astronauts complain about the problem. How could it be solved? "

Another important factor was identified by psychologists. Children who do not ask all the time about the achievement and the possibility of implementing their fantasies, feel boldly in solving tasks for the smelting and performed by creative tasks. In other words, children are very useful to dream of places in which they can't get, be it the bottom of the sea, open space or distant countries, and the possibilities that they seem to never get, like magic or the title of the President of the entire Earth.

PICS.RU: Tim, we now often see sensational news that girls invented something or improved in engineering, conducted a study that attracted the attention of scientists. That is, we hear the same and about the boys, but the difference is in what. If we are talking about the space of Russia, almost not audible about the girls. The whole majority of news about young inventors is the USA, Europe, Israel, sometimes Canada, Latin America, China. Why are we so bad with the inventive girls?

Tim Namenko: With the girls-inventive girls are not very good everywhere, and the news we hear much less often than similar news about boys. This is not connected with some differences in psychology or physiology, but with a posteriori education. Women and men are equal in science - this is also proved by Maria Curie, and Alice Cober, and Dorothy Hodgkin, and thousands of other ingenious women, but the more traditionally and the patriarchal society, the more in it imposed on behavioral laws. Have you ever heard of women scientists or women-poets from Saudi Arabia, for example? And from Lebanon? And from Yemen? Traditional Islamic societies since childhood ask women clear rules of behavior, including a low degree of education and subordination to men.

Girls-inventors in the trend! How to grow so? 37960_2

Russia - society is less closed than the Arab countries, but much more patriarchal and prejudice, rather than Europe. Girls playing in dolls, girls should be able to cook, should marry and give birth to children; Boys, in turn, should something and that. In fact, there are no rules, and more and more people understand it, even with us. Wants a girl to go to the race cars - please do not want to cook - and beautifully, everyone is his own. Europe has almost came to this perception, more precisely, entered the stage of equilibrium when you can choose the traditional and innovative path. We are still just going, the traditions are still strong, despite the changing world. In other words, the smaller in Russia there will be historical obscurantism, painful religiosity and imposed traditional values, the more science and culture will be. Including girls created.

Imagination Need feeding, mind - Food

Of all the sorts of scientists are no wonder are also fans of fantasy genres and science fiction (which is very well shown in the comic series "Theory of the Big Bang"). Many of them also admit that entertaining series about science loved to look from childhood. Mind and imagination just like the body, you need food and the ability to warm up. Not superfluous for the formation of a scientific warehouse of the mind for the child will be the development of the most common attention, sensitivity, curiosity.

PICS.RU: If we talk about the fiction, and not the one that directly teaches something to invent or, for example, the basics of physics, what books can develop the scientific toastness of the mind in the girl or in general, they say to thinking about ways to think?

Tim Namenko: Here to share on girls and boys - just stupid. I would formulate this question as "what books can develop in a child, regardless of sex, scientific toastness of the mind." It is when we divide, we are faced with prejudice stamps of upbringing and behavior. As for fiction, let the children read good children's books. "Carlson", "Winnie Pooh" and "Mowgli" are still beautiful. Whatever they, I could hardly have been engaged in popularizing science.

It is impossible to invent from scratch

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The Stone Age has long over, and to invent something really new, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​already existing as well as certain knowledge in physics and mathematics or chemistry and anatomy. Buy your daughter's funny cognitive books about the exact and natural sciences, games and movies, offer her to sign up in profile mugs, buy or create sets for experiments. In general, act in the same way as if you wanted to see our daughter specialist in any other area: she needs knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice.

PICS.RU: If we talk specifically about inventiveness, what books can you recommend children, what will teach them to think towards the opening of the new, improve the old, will tell about the scientific and rational approach to everything?

Tim Namenko: If we talk about the unknown literature, I would recommend gorgeous scientific and popular books of the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" (this is not an advertisement, they really are steep). Right here on the site open the section "Children's Books" and buy everything in a row. And you will experiment, creativity, physics, mathematics and desire to build a helicopter from a shutter for a bathroom and a kettle.

PICS.RU: On your lectures on inventiveness go to girls at all?

Tim Run: Yes, and they are more than boys. And yes, smart women are strikingly beautiful - I notice it and lectures (stupid to me do not go), and when I played in "What? Where? When? ", Also amazed this fact. One of my friend says: "For me, beauty is primarily intelligence." Sorry, disturbed. In general, I look forward to lectures.

Inspire them by real examples

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Hundreds of girls and women in the world became inventors! They developed fundamentally new types of drugs, advanced communication technology, household things, without which we cannot present the current life in the city (for example, car wipers, microwave or proofreader, which make mistakes in notebooks with homework), everything that trips In trains comfortable ... Girls it is very important to know that someone similar to them managed to achieve such heights.

PICS.RU: What are the five inventive names to you first come to mind?

Tim Namenko: Let's expand the concept of "inventors" to the "Scientist Woman" or "Researcher". That's better. First, of course, Maria Curie. Then - also remembered by Alice Cober, this is a woman who was the first card file and made 90% of the work on deciphering the Cretan linear letter B. Then - Stephanie Kollek, who invented Kevlar. Then - Hedi Lamarr, the famous actress, who was the first shot in the frivoline filmcene, and at the same time invented and patented a communication system using false channels and allowed to control the torpedoes. Its patent, in addition to direct use, is based on the same Wi-Fi. And, of course, hell Lovelace, almost forgotten - a woman-mathematician in the middle of the XIX century the first program for the Babbja computing machine.

In general, they can be infinitely listed, though. I can read a lecture about women inventors, 2-15 hours.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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