New Facebook Hero: Bomzh Albert. Just Albert.


According to the diary of our beloved FB-blogger Sasha Loseva scattered notes about the stylish and witty Moscow homeless. We collected them in a single story from the first sense of the face, dividing the sketches by the seasons. In winter and summer in one color, Bomzh Albert - embodied charisma.

Spring 2014

Near our church, bums are sitting. And the view, and the smell - everything is as it should. But they have a special. The beard will take place for the sample, then the tie will hit, then the magazine is "flirting" in the shade reveals. When I instead of money offered him a bunch with a sausage, he stretched out his hand and says:

- Save me, God! Cold?

- Cold, - nod.

- Okay. The next time the drag is warm. The current is not very hot, Schaub not burned. And then last time they brought me tea, I am on the most eggs, "says," the scaldered.

Your name is Albert. Bum Albert. Just and tasteful.

Bomge Albert turned out to be an esthete. His colleagues are sitting by a handful, and he dragged his elegant box away, put on sinks of different colors, and reads the latest issue of the newspaper "Bendi Sokolnikov".

- What moved? - I ask.

Albert snapped from the newspaper, moved his swollen face, and hesitated towards his own:

- stink!

Summer 2014.

My buddy Bum Albert in the summer completely disappeared. Here I go past - sits. Eats something from the old porcelain plate.

- Where, - I say, - disappear?

- on vacation was, - chews.

- Long away?

- No, here is near. In Crimea.

- And how, - I say, - Crimea?

- Crimea? - With a naked mouth. - Crimea - ours! ..

Autumn 2014.

Canine cold came to the capital of our Motherland. Bomge Albert somewhere drank a drain blanket and scribe of the newspaper "AIF - Health". Judging by the smell and mind, it was wrapped in it that was usually washed into the sewer.

"Hi," I say, and I stretch Albert hundred. "

"Good afternoon," Albert nods. A hundred disappears in the depths of the blanket, and a hand appears from there.

- What is it? - I say.

- Permanent customers - a discount, - Albert, Sharcha newspaper is responsible.

Winter 2014-2015

My buddy Bomzh Albert is combed and in the kedah. He is an esthete. Drinks from the china china without freezing.

"Albert," I say, "you drink any rubbish!"

- NGO! - Albert objects, looking at the passersby ladies' legs.

"From you," I say, "the new Opole smells. No one!

- And I, and so, - nods, - a week without revenue. Gus Won in the morning gave one, tourist with a bus. Save the Lord, but I will do Hula with her?

And pulls bills at ten euros.

Bums Albert in Cashmere coat and sneakers reads the magazine "Flirt". Smiles. A man in a black jeep thinks centimeters - Parking. The window is driving down, Albert is screaming from him:

- Move! Sound - there will be gangrene!

Albert, without raising his heads:

- Who has gangrene, and who has metal corrosion!

And further sales of women looks at.

Bumge Albert chews Pahlav, and crumbs from the beard shake down, sparrows. Sparobushki eat spring young people right from the asphalt.

- Here, - Albert says, - just like you, women!

- What is it?

- There is material wealth - immediately run! And if you still say that Muscovite ...

And bitterly arms with hand.

Spring 2015.

My buddy Bomzh Albert dressed in the spring foliage. In the beard, the imperial sample. On the legs of yacht shoes. On the head and blind, fresh woolen plaid. Warm and beautiful. Alberta needs to be beautiful - he is an esthete.

- How are you? - I say.

Albert kilves coffee, looks in my face and nods:

- Okay, but I would take on the half away below!

- What is lower?

- Lipstick on the halfone below. And not in orange, but in red.

I went for a new lipstick.

Bomge Albert began to look at the salesman from vegetable. That the bulb will go, it will make the appearance that I was mistaken by the door and went to the solarium at all.

"Tatiana Petrovna," Albert argues, "in general, I feel good. He says I look young, and all the time on "you".

- What is it like?

- "Young man! You create me unsanitary! ".

Run today in the park. In the third kilometer, I see - there is a tarp tent, which crushed moss and deprive. There are rags hang around: green dubs, on a rowan red, and on Earth sits the homeless albert and sorts the rest of the colors.

- Oh, - Puff, - moving to nature?

"For loudo," he waves his hand, almost crying. - absolutely nothing to wear! In people get out nothing! Rejoice! I will come last year's!

Summer 2015.

Bomge Albert today in Panama, flip-flops and a coat on a naked body.

- I'm saying hi. - Air baths?

- Why air! - Swim coats, and smelting under it. - I am going to take a fountain!

Bums Albert in the shadow of domes and black jeeps spoon eats watermelon. Juice drips on panties, on a tie, on the face of prostitutes in the magazine "Flirt". One hemisphere of watermelon is eaten, the crust lies on the ground, and passersby mechanically throw a trifle there.

- Save Boh, save Boh, - Albert squals, - Current in vain I spoil me, I'm a day off today!

- What country they walked around! What an empire! - Bummy Albert grows, moving his fingers in shoes with sliced ​​noses. - What are the times! Pear! Peach!

"You would be sent to the colony-settlement in this empire, here you and pears," grumps up.

- Madame, you are a slave of passions on Essera. And I am free, I'm sorry for Austro-Hungary!

In the lacquer for chaptering rubles five hundred and morning it was already.

Autumn 2015.

Bomzh Albert, a thin connoisseur of the beautiful, saw a mysterious tool of nail stump.

- E * Lo blue, but with a manicure! - Crumpled on him from the puddle a crumpled friend.

Albert, continuing to cut:

- Differentiate lexical structures.

Bomge Albert put on Ushanka, changed the summer sneakers on the winter and stink woolen sock. By type, sock reached us from Mesozoic.

- Steep socks!

"Cool," Albert nods. - still dads. And now dad at the stop "Preobrazhensky cemetery". So left without socks!

Bomge Albert in furs and woolen scarf drinks tea, hoping a brown little finger. Opposite him with a flicker row, the curves, a naked and just drunk.

- Handsomely! - Albert exhales them in their direction.

- What is beautiful?

- "Frost-Voivode Writh! Bypassing your own! " Beautiful, look! ..

Illustration: shutterstock

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