Why people chase for those with whom it is impossible to consist in relationships: 5 reasons


Why people chase for those with whom it is impossible to consist in relationships: 5 reasons 37957_1

Often people pursue a person who can not be together. What is it? Disease? The game? Problem? Habit? Bad luck? Why are people attracting those who are not interested in them? Let's look truth. Perhaps they already have a second half? Or do they have another sexual orientation? Or maybe they just do not have sympathy for them? There are a lot of reasons. Let's deal with why people like to pursue ignoring subjects.

The science

When a person loves someone, his brain produces a hormone - dopamine. This is called a happy hormone, because he makes feel happy. The brain gets addiction to hormone happiness, as to drugs. When a person pursues someone who loves, the body produces dopamine. And the more time he chases his beloved person, the more dopamine is produced.


Vanity does not necessarily sound: "How good I look in this dress." It is specifically connected with its own perception, self-esteem and self-esteem. People want to be important, necessary, attractive and special, so become vain. When a person understands his own value, he has a sense of confidence and pride, self-esteem increases. A person who ignores the in love is hit by his individual vanity. Psychologically, the mind of the rejected wants to return the lost image, pushing to attempt to get an inaccessible subject, which wounded his self-esteem.

Pursuit of persecution

People get more satisfaction from getting desirable if they have attached a lot of effort. They pursue ignoring people to experience the thrill that they get pleasure.


The human mind psychologically gives the value to everything, with which it faces. The value it gives objects or people depends on the laws of supply and demand. This is how high demand for goods with a meager offer, due to which the value of the object is increasing. For example, if there is not enough apples on the market, and too many people want to buy them, the price of fruit grows. In the same way when the personality is "deficit", the human mind of another automatically attaches great importance to this subject, or perceives this person as valuable. A desire to get such a person attracts.

A wish

Let's consider an example. 2-4 people dine in one restaurant, and in another - 15-20 people. What kind of installation will you choose? Obviously, the 2nd, where many people, because it is generally clear that this restaurant is in demand, people like lunch here, etc. The same thing happens when people deliberately choose a partner. The more person love others, the more he wishes in love. Automatically, people participate in competitions.


Conclusion: There are many reasons why people attract the persecution of loved ones with whom they cannot be together.

Addigiously tempting to fantasize inaccessible personalities and wander around them. It gives a lot of sleepless nights and suffering, but on the other hand, it gives them a feeling of irresistible desire. The more persecuting people recognize and realize these reasons, the more understand the inner state. And this is perhaps the only way to get out of the difficult situation.

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