20 reasons to give his wife a car


    It seems to you that for a similar gift you need a serious occasion? Of course, there are a lot of such reasons. We know at least 20.

    1. Wife has no car

    2. The wife has a car, but blue

    3. The wife has no car, and the rights have not yet selected

    4. Wife has only three cars

    5. You have the second wife

    6. Wife does not want a car, but you have to show who is the owner in the house

    7. Wife lent you a car, and you forgot where they put it

    8. The wife has a car, but she does not put on his wife

    9. Wife has a large garage, and the first car there is lonely

    10. You lent my wife's car to an hour, and now a ashtray is scored there, and in the trunk

    11. Wife has a car, but with a unaptive number

    12. Wife has a car, but she washes dishes

    13. You accidentally bought an excess car, and you have nowhere to give it

    14. Yesterday, you offered my wife to disperse, and the wife said that she was not on what

    15. Wife gave you a birthday for a birthday, and you want her to feel rubbish

    16. You have a tradition - every Friday you give my wife a car

    17. You broke your wife's car, you liked it, and you want to break another one

    18. You decided to punish my wife and take a plane from her

    19. You decide to save and changed the timing belt on their own

    20. You love your wife. This also happens

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