What 8 morning mistakes will spoil all day


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It is checked that morning behavior, conversations and thinking set a certain rhythm of the day. In order for another working day to be more than successful, you need to protect yourself from 8 major errors.

1. Gloomy thoughts

Every day there may be unpleasant situations that interfere with thinking about positive. If there are thoughts about reducing from work, troubles in the family, debt on the loan, then you can forget about a good day. Moreover, on the way to work, you can be nervous on those who have come on foot or cut on the way. Such negative thoughts will not be focused on work, which will affect performance.

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Condimize this problem will help reflections on the nearest pleasant events. Waiting for joyful makes a person happy, so it is worth thinking more often in this direction. Do not underestimate the influence of nutrition. A piece of chocolate will also add positive. Tenderness and kiss of your loved one will help relieve stress and have positive thoughts.

2. Failure to the usual action plan

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It is not necessary to negatively consider the usual daily work plan. It can be perceived as a routine, but in this case the body acts in "automatic mode". Therefore, it is consumed much less for the allocation of work, and all the energy goes only on its execution.

3. Be to be in the workplace later than others.

The management observes the subordinates and can notice the one who comes later than others. At the same time, the employee is not late and appears in the workplace on time. Such employees, the bosses give a lower rating and less often favors.

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This is unfair, but the unnecessary view of the manager can spoil not one day of life. Consequently, it is worth being observant and try to come to the workplace at one time with the rest of the staff.

4. Cup of coffee in the first wake-up hours

Recent studies have shown that from 8 to 9 hours in the human body there is a large number of stress hormone - cortisol.

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It regulates the energy level and in this period there is no need for caffeine. In order not to exhaust the body, it is worth transferring coffee to a later clock. Moreover, it is possible to avoid the development of caffeine addiction.

5. Failure

Hurrying to work, you can ignore nearby nearby. But a good mood depends on a smile and a warm word. The same principle is applicable in relations with colleagues. Do not immediately get enough for the work, forgetting about the greeting. Firstly, such behavior is considered as non-ultimate. Secondly, the greeting helps tune in to a common working wave, which increases efficiency.

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Do not ignore welcome greetings and management of the company. Attention and pleasant voice will help subordinate to be more diligent in the workplace. Respect for management directly depends on personal attention to ordinary employees.

6. No action plan

When there is no clear understanding that you need to do first, then nervousness increases. On the contrary, the presence of a plan in the mind or on a sheet will instill a sense of calm and control over his life. When all the work is performed calmly and at a measured pace, then there is enough strength for the family. The world in the house helps to live happily and happily every day.

7. Activity in social networks

None morning should begin with viewing information on social networks and attempts to answer all incoming.

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It is not worth spending morning energy on unimportant letters. It is necessary to immediately "scan" the resulting incoming and understand which you need to answer, and what should be left for the evening. Such a rational distribution of forces will help to feel cheerfully throughout the day.

8. "I will do everything now"

Such a slogan will never bring success. Only 2% of the population can simultaneously make several cases without harm to the body, while maintaining the quality of work.

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Most often, multitasking deprives forces and does not allow the assigned task at the proper level. Moreover, several cases simultaneously negatively affect the work of the brain. To avoid this, you need to adhere to the planned action plan. And although in the morning there is a lot of strength, you need to suppress the desire to make as much cases as possible in a short time.

What to do about it

There are other mistakes that you can make every morning and lose joy from it. But if you avoid at least eight basic, then life will immediately begin to change for the better. For this you need to recognize that there is a certain bad habit and immediately refuse it. You should not seek justification why we drink coffee in the early morning, and it is better to do what our body expects from us. With this setting, you need to refer to all the above errors.

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