# Namatonado: What we found for you at iHerB this week



Good Saturdays, our little shopaholics and environmentalists! We looked out jars and bottles all week on Iherb, without whom could not do. Meet the most fresh selection of Masthevov!

Hair shine shampoo with ylang ylang avalon organics

Avalon Organics.

Salvation for thin hair, which are converted from air conditioners and non-sinks into icicles. This shampoo does not select the volume in the gravily hair, gives them shine, the hair cease to fumble and actually behave unworthy. And he smells just dizzy.

Cleansing facial foam L'Uvalla Certified Organic


About the foam, they, of course, joked - this thing is almost not foaming. But still cleanses very well, absolutely not injured sensitive skin. It is best suited for combined and oily skin - such a thing for too aggressive cleansing is even more lighted with fatty glitter. And this thing is delicately, but resolutely deducts any nastiness from the pore, moisturizes, and even has any aromatherapy effect. The experienced people use it along with a sponge con feature.

Orjene Organics Wrinkle Serum

Orjene Organics.

The magical coenzyme Q10, which protects the skin from the harsh outside world, the olive extract from dryness and vitamins - gentle, pleasant serum, which works immediately on all fronts: the freckles illuminates, wrinkles smoothes, moisturizes the skin, tightens the microenhas. Absorbed instantly and after a few weeks you can see a noticeable effect.

Night Powder for Larenim Skin Care


Powdling your nose at night? Why not? This is therapeutic powder from clay with the addition of zinc, which removes inflammation, and green tea extract, which is antioxidant. Powder dry fat skin, it removes small inflammation and shine in one night. I got up in the morning - and immediately the queen.

Eco-Dent Teeth Bleach


Actually, it is a tooth powder with soda content. The teeth polishes simply great - the feeling that he just cleaned his teeth, does not leave all day. Absolute Mast Hive for those who smoke and drink coffee with liters. But the thing is active, so it is not constantly used to use it, but two-week courses.

Emu Gold Emu Oil

Emu Gold.

Yes, it is an ostrich fat. If you distract from this shocking fact, EMU oil is a good tool for problematic and damaged skin. It must and heals the pimples and warns the emergence of new surprises, and also tightens the wounds and scratches, relieves pain from bees and OS bite, helps with cracks on her lips.

Tonic with gammamemelis thayers

Tonic with gammamemelis thayers

Iherb has its own stars, and this tonic is the celebrity of the first echelon. GammaMelis is one of the strongest plant against inflammation and sunburn, it strengthens the vessels and levels the complexion. This tonic really transforms the skin - rubbed his face and immediately as if there was no work week. Brilliant.

Salt Toothpaste Weleda


Weleda generally very seriously refers to the production and loves everything natural, farmer, honest and natural. Here and the paste they have the same - nothing synthetic, sea salt, natural mint oil and magnificent cleansing. There is a stounted look - looks like some cakes and does not fance at all, but the effect is amazing.

Spray air conditioning Aubrey Organics

Aubrey Organics.

You need it if you painfully grow or restore your hair after any bold experiments. The immentable spray with the extracts of Camellia and Jasmine is very pleasant smelling with white flowers, restores the hair and speeds up their growth.

Soothing droplets Bach


Did the cool ridges dance? That's what you need - a tincture of 38 sedatives and flowers on Brandy. A few drops of a glass of water will help to relax after a lousy day, remove the care and with a clean heart to fall on the sofa in front of the TV.

Sad AppDith: May 27, 2016 Roskomnadzor blocked the IHERB website. We continue to observe.

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