The most harmful romantic stories



Some role-playing games are much worse than others. At first it seems that everything is a ponamoshka, and then it turns out that you have stood half a life on the clock, while good people caught the robbers and won the fascists. In general, see what agree!

The value of well-known stories is that they ask all participants and the direction of actions, and the understanding of what the remaining players are going to do. In addition, if about the character it was stated that at the end of all will win, it will become famous and get all the buns under the applause of the public, then his people agree more often. That's where the trouble is. The author of the story does not care when the ending in life is not the same as he is described - the author has long received his fee. And those surrounding, all the more not at what - what is their deal before who you imagined yourself?

Cinderella, she is Nastya from "Frost"


You work, terpi, do not complain about anything, does not complain about the role. Prince and Fairy (Vanya and Santa Claus) will do everything themselves. And you, never conflicted with anyone, such a good thing, which is all the teeth, you will get everything that the chest of gifts will be relying.

Oh. We do not even know what to say to a semi-cream girl who still believes in Santa Claus. Do not play this game, please. And not even because the fairies are rarely visiting their gods, even if they were too washed very, a lot of floors. And because in this game very bad roles for the whole of your family - and you can only play a fairy tale only together. Would you wanted my daughter to consider you an evil stepmother? So that the native sister makes you the role of a macchina daughter? Do you like Clandushkin Dad, for what are you so with your own? And if they really are such - why do you like to play with them? You can find other people, and play with them. To something else.

Sleeping Beauty, she is dead princess


Very simple and convenient script. You grow up to the first satisfied look in the mirror and with a happy sigh lay down in lethargy. At that moment, when you are going to kiss, all problems will be solved by themselves. Who will wake up - that and the prince. If someone woke up, and not the prince in appearance - turn on the other side and sleep further. In general, in any incomprehensible situation - do not take anything. Nothing matters. In addition, the most touch to your mouth, from which everything will change.

You will not believe how many girls found themselves in retirement, with six grandchildren on her neck, in the middle of the Kabachkoy Grokery, but did not come out of this scenario. "Dreamed, probably" - and further into the lethargy, waiting for a kiss.

Solweig, she is the same (not broken, and Maria de la Concepcion Marcell Arguuelo)


From the previous version different is exactly one step. Before freezing, you must fall in love with someone, already in the opposite side of the side. A partner who is not going to be absent is not suitable - it will interfere with it, it will somehow be able to interact with him ... and so excellent - you are the heroic faithful beloved. Convenient, purely, sublime, and he will appreciate, it will certainly appreciate it. And the whole hall will be, lumbering tears, singing "Hallelujah Love, Hallelujah!"

So this is a good, an affordable way to remain the old Virgin and earn a small Award Darwin. Well, and what, at all, not everyone wants to marry and the genus continue, and the excuse for the aunt is brilliant: "Waiting Fedy." But some girls choose a very seduction option - a guy who is guaranteed to return in 15 years when he wonders. And this is quite sad. Because hygienicly wait forever and it is much better than waiting for the laundry age of what the chopstick.

Jen Air, she's anasta style


In fact, he is wonderful. And what makes you hurt and leaves you in danger - it is because he suffers because of the terrible secrets. Most often because there is a terrible nightmare former, that is, well, not quite former, but they are not sleeping for a long time. Or simply because he has a subtle mental organization and severe mental injuries. But when you fill it to the edges with love and patience, it will fix.

Haha. Turn any man to myself the back side and sling a little forward. See the hole? Well, how did you get to fill it to the edges, physics at school, or not, did not teach physics? And just to pour into the bottomless capacitance of love and patience - terribly boring, just that. Excellent love and patience can be found so many excellent applications - my grandmother is to visit, a dog from the shelter to take, with parents in the country Repair to do ... And if you need to spend the love and patience to the man, and the adult must be communicated with the one who knows them produce yourself and share with you, as tomato varieties - you, he, he.

Red hat, she is Bella Swan


And this story is not about love at all, but about canned food. He himself is a terrible cannibal, but you will not eat, because it is 1. Corrected 2. Vegan 3. Makes an exception for you. With me, he will not be like other. These words spoke to themselves the first chicken, setting in the house in a person. And the first sheep. And the first goose. In general, many of them were gullible. It usually happens so - cannibal mil with you to the first hunger, in which a canned knife is calmly removes and uses you for its intended purpose. Yes, and the ranks from you too.

There is a lot of plots in which a pleasant girl is completely remarkable and in all respects, even by contacting the objectively FIG knows what a guy or strange company leaves managing his own destiny in his hands, and the right to cut is also. Neutiri. Hermione. Deioneris. EOOVIN. Catrione. Ellie, in the end! Choose. Why play old games when the circle is full of new?

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