Difficulties of translation: 14 concepts for whom in Russian lack words


Sometimes you talk about anything, and suddenly you understand what to say this particular thought in Russian will not work. There are no words such. And it is necessary or replaced by a whole phrase, or not to talk at all.


For example, when you need to quickly and fully answer the question "Mom, can I burn plasticine on a candle?", Moreover, a person who will not understand "Yes, but no" nor "You Can, But May Not".

When I want to briefly designate that we are pleased that a person removed the gypsum \ finally divorced \ passed the exam \ finished trouble with a move, but neither you all nor he knows Turkish, and cannot say Geçmiş Olsun (Hechmis Sveun).

When you need inside the sentence, do not call names, emphasize that Professor Galotich is actually Irina Nikolaevna.


When the man fell in two steps, a piece of slate from the twelve-story store, next to him - the cucumban bank from some balcony, at the crossroads, blocked the driver of a huge jeep spent on the phone, twenty very serious gopniks with bits broke past, without showing interest, And he sneezed at home - and broke the eyebrow about the table. And all in one day. If a person and his surrounding know only Russian, they only bring their hands away, and the Gypsies will say without wonder - well, your Bakht is so, human. Your personal variety of good luck.

When someone in stars and awesome pants, but the pants should be praised without hints for indecent, while retaining the degree of admiration. And the awesome interlocutor will not understand.

When in the correspondence with your beloved I want to say that one is small, but the pretty part of the female body also missed and transfers the hot wet greetings - but words for her in Russian, so as not to give away either a fence nor a morgue.


When "and not at all, and by the way, it does not require knowing the knowledge of the denial of denial - if you know German and you can simply say" Doch ".

When the difficulty or mystery came as if flirting with a person: "Well, you will take? And cope? And not surrender? " As if somewhere knowing that it was about such a test of himself a man and dreamed of - but it is impossible to simply say "It`s a challenge."

When a person is trying to say that it is in this situation that the victory will remain behind him. "I what? Will Win? " Yes, we are few of the future time, which in the same Japanese and not at all - and nothing, live. How do we call a person who beat, fought with the situation, and she was releasing her? The winner is when you won not something, and someone. A good descendant is if inadvertently. And deserved? Loucher Russian language has already been successfully learned, and Winner does not take something. We do not believe in it, apparently.


And if you need to say something like "And all the cases that need to be converted ... And all that lies with me in a drawer of the table ... In general, all objects included in the meaning of meaning", and the interlocutor will not understand "and Stuff "- also hurt.

What are our people on the street, and especially in trolleybuses? Emotionally unstable? Ready for aggression? Distant and trembling, lost and unreliable? In a word - disturbed. And actually it is wrong.

In general, the multivalization of English gives a lot of sadness. People would like to have analogues for Exciting and I Wonder, for Appreciate and Facility, and many of them. It is interesting to see, in twenty years, what will reply Russian? So we are not the first, still our all complained "... In a high London circle, Vulgar is called ... I can't ... I love this very word, but I can not translate ... It has yet been new ... And it is unlikely to be to him in honor ..." .

And in German there is a word for all situations when there is a commitment to time to be in the case somewhere specifically and with someone specifically. We do not say the "appointed meeting" for the dentist and the correction of eyebrows, time to pick up a child from kindergarten, an agreement with the courier. And the Germans say TERMIN on everything except love dates, and on them, in a joke, sometimes too.


And if you want a friend, it is a friend, or a friend, say "I love you", but so that you do not suspect the messengers of the Frighteners from the Friend Zone in the sex - so, in Norwegian language there is a special "I Liu I" for such Case. The spouse and children say elsker deg, and you can also with friends (but also children) - Glad I Deg. Pronounced simply: "G and give". Speak it often.

Sometimes such words simply cannot withstand and follow the described realities themselves move into Russian. Abyuz, Gestalt, helmem, Habib ... And, in fact, the Russian language does not deteriorate from this, but having lost it with pleasure, bringing a new word, begins to consider it his own. As he made it with a beet, a notebook, a babber, a chest, a pencil, doll, jeans, an accountant, manager and an iPhone.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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