Fell, got away: 18 ways to fall asleep in 7 minutes



Drive in the neck of these herds of barishs, no sense from them. We found something better for you - 18 non-trivial techniques that will help you fall asleep, not flying to the pillow.

Listen to Coldplay

In 2013, Somologic scientists in the United States conducted a study of 6,000 people aged 21 to 45 and found out that the ColdPlay creativity almost all clone into sleep. Only you ourselves COLDPLAY Do not say that the boys in vain offend

Friends of the ears

Chinese masseurs are treated with insomnia, lightly massaging the ears - from the lobe to the top. 30 seconds are quite enough.

Massaging Mizintsy

On the top phalange of the mother's, on both sides of the nail, are the off buttons - well, the Chinese say so. Those who have come up with an ear massage. Assect the ears and minutes 3 energetically smear the little men.

Warm bath


Not hot, namely warm. In warm water, the body temperature decreases slightly. When we fall asleep, happens the same. There is a chance that the brain will not figure out what what, will decide that you fall asleep and quickly launch all the carotid mechanisms.


Easy to say. Although it is generally easy to do. Insomnia is often the result of the fact that you go to the bed tense, like a boxer before the fight. Just something necessary that relaxing muscles. To do this, alternately strain up the limit and relax all the muscles, which you remember, starting from the legs and ending with your eyes.


Imagine that you are in some kind of cozy place - a house in Provence, Spa in Indonesia, a hammock at the cottage. Or that you are a cat, who fed to yourself a nest from your sweater and now as drenched by 12 hours.

No action

Watch Movies for Sleep Forthwest - a bad idea, they too excleant imagination and make emotions. Games go to the ban for the same reasons, extra adrenaline you do not need now. It remains that it remains, but it is better to choose something waste and little-motionable, that is, a detective - no, and some magazine about interiors or non-Fikshn about the hawks of meerkats - quite.

Milk swallow


Not all mother tips are useless. In milk floats a lot of substance called tryptophan, and it is a soft natural sleeping pill.

Laying ...

You twist, you call and you can not understand why the mattress is like cobblestones. And where to give all these arms and legs. And how much can be at all. Interrogation of the one who sleeps next (especially if he gets up before), let him tell, in which posture you wake up - this is your comfortable position. So fall asleep.

Breathe deep

Inhale once or two to three or four, exhale at a time or two or four. Sopi calmly and measured for 3-4 minutes, and you will start cloning to sleep.

E. Easy deeper

Inhale 4 seconds, keep your breath for 7 seconds and exhale, exhale, beaver - for 8 seconds. Such breathing slightly slows down the pulse and reduces the pressure - that is, gives the body to the team "freely".

Pei vitamins


From their lack, a lot of unpleasant happens, including insomnia. You need vitamins C, D, E, B3 and B6, which take the most active participation in the synthesis of the Sereotonin hormone-stressed grain (and then the brain then makes melatonin, which makes you fall asleep).

And Magnesium

If you do not have enough of this element, you will be told all night and curse the one who created a pillow on which it is impossible to sleep. And after a good dose of magnesium, you sleep like a hamster, even on a brick, wrapped with pillowcase.


Customize yourself an aromatic pad, born with dried herbs, and keep in bed. Usually they are advised to fill it with a lavender, but if you are treated from a lavender fragrance with a soul, then another hay will come down - dried jasmine, a chamber, chamomile, pink petals, Melissa and Lipa. Oils Sandala and Ilang-Ilanga give the same effect.

Pey cherry juice

Only a real and honest, and not the one that is entirely made of sweeteners, thickeners and nuclear production waste. Cherry is also a good sleeping pills from the branch.



Not through the streets (although it is also not bad), but in imagination. Close the eyes and imagine that the Barcelonian streets are reached or cheher on Tverskaya. This exercise makes the brain concentrate on the reproduction of the route (it is necessary to mention all the details!) And, therefore, to distract from the urgent problems.

Turn the time to reverse

Another very effective distracting, not to fall asleep during this exercise is almost impossible. The essence is simple as the boots: remember your day in all the details in the reverse order from the moment it climbed under the blanket. We promise, you will not reach the return from work, how to get off.

Open the window

Scientists have long examined sleep and they seem to have already agreed that the optimal temperature for sleep is 18-22. And in the winter in our apartments, usually where as hotter. A lifting forteline solves the problem and temperature and fresh air.

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