25 places where schoolchildren need to be reduced


A rare child will move from grade 1 to 10, without working out a persistent disgust to thick or logarithm, the political map of the world or the Mendeleev table.

Fortunately, there are wonderful places where you can go along with children and show school items from their best side.


Writers and their work turn out to be more and more interesting if you know more about them. It is worth noting that the classics usually lived in good locations, so get to some estate, it's also a reason to get out of nature. For example, throw to your favorites:

Museum-Manor "Clear Polyana"

Beautiful complex, forest, horses, all sorts of festivals and classes for children in the spirit "Build the estate" (construction of a wooden layout of 24 parts). Entertainment is enough for a few days. (Tula region, ypmuseum.ru)

Museum-Manor Derzha

16 rooms, park and entertainment for children to women, for example, performances based on folk fairy tales. (St. Petersburg, MuseUnpushkin.ru)

Museum Mikhail Bulgakov

Just an exhibition, as well as hiking excursions in the footsteps of Bulgakov's heroes and mystical night excursions with a theatrical presentation. Go to the museum at night is cool. (Moscow, Bulgakovmuseum.ru).


Do not forget to record a child in the district library and see what they are satisfied with it. And in Moscow, be sure to go to library for youth. On the Preobrazhenskaya Square. The most advanced library in the city with the first comic center in the country. (rgub.ru). Do not forget to look into strange (" Dodo ", Moscow dodospace.ru) and especially beautiful (for example, St. Petersburg House Books - SPBDK.RU) Bookstores - the more unusual, the more chances that the child will pick up the book for himself.


Return the child romance travel can be joined by movement Geo-cachers . These comrades laid small treasures in different points of the country, find which you need to have special prompts and using GPS. Choose the blue icon with two men on the map - these are trees for parents with children. The guys fundamentally choose places with a historical meaning, so it will not expand their knowledge to be impossible (throughout Russia, geocaching.su).

From high

If you have in your city Ferris wheel , Any historic bell tower, a mountain with a sightseeing platform, is an excellent chance to compare the top view from the e-map of the terrain. Click higher and compare real buildings with incomprehensible icons on the map, looking for north, south and their comrades.

Children's railways

Option for realists and careerists. Russia employs 25 children's railways, where a child from 8 to 15 years can be perfectly seriously learn to manage the train. Here, for example, the website of Kemerovo DZ - DZD42.RU.

Physical Education

Who did not sweat on physical culture with the thought of thought "Why am I here? Why all this?" Rope courses That is in all major cities of Russia, such questions do not cause, because they look like an adventure. And they will have to sweat on them, albeit with pleasure. Drive the "Rope Course" and the name of the city in the search engine and go to hang out on cables and overcome obstacles. Check also the nearest Center Batutow and aquapark . All the same training, but how pleasant!

Chemistry and physics

People suddenly reached that science can be amazing, popular and profitable, so various scientific shows quickly turn franchises and imitators in all major cities. In 9 cities of Russia, let's say Interactive Museum Einstein (Einsteynium.rf). And also look for:

Scientific show Professor Nicolas

Here you and space, and chemical experiments, dry ice and polymer worms that can be done and joyfully resting home. (Nik-show.ru).

Tesla Show

Short lecture and long, terrible, insane outbreaks of electricity.


Our mothers took us subscriptions to a conservatory, and those who were not at all went to the music school, so that it was guaranteed to repeal interest with the notes and keys. You can, of course, try to repeat their experience. And you can go to ... karaoke. You do not have to listen to the "Vladimir Central" from the next table: remove a separate room and sow something more adequate to the children's company.

Museum of Music of the 20th Century

Here, children talk about music, performers and instruments, but most importantly, they give it all to touch and speak on stage. (Perm, Clubxxvek.ru).


IN Moscow Zoo There is a circle "Manul", in Leningradsky - All sorts of lectures like "Family Life of Animals". In your city, look for " Contact zoos. "And" Ecotrops "- They are in ordinary parks and in reserves.

Foreign languages

With any embassy there is a cultural center, which certainly offers something for children, and even often for free. Subscribe to mailing British Council, Institute Cervantes. (Spain), Institute Guete (Germany) or Nattive (Israel). Hindu has yoga, the Greeks are dancing, and Japanese centers have a clear case, origami with Ikebana. And everywhere - a chance to be interested in a foreign language.


You can get to painting not only from the image of the cylinders and the head of Apollo, but also from comics, filmmakers and animation. Look for appropriate studios in your city. At some point, the child will find that all these wonderful things without a solid hand and the artist's eyes are still not cope.

Moscow Museum Animation

After a small excursion, the child creates its own cartoon, and then it can watch it on the big screen and gets a record as a gift. (Moscow, Animamuseum.ru).




With the museum. Pushkin There are a number of children's circles dedicated to various historical periods (ancient world, Middle Ages), as well as a circle of young archaeologists. (Moscow, Museyon.ru)

Military Historical Museum

Classic approach to exposure: all sorts, and there are plates. But from all this weapon, "you, Ba-Bah" in the head begins to hear himself. And in the most bantle girls wakes up militarism in half with patriotism. (St. Petersburg, Artillery-museum.ru). You can guess where it is still worth going in Moscow and St. Petersburg ( Armouries, Kunstkamera - What kind of childhood without the eggs Faberge and chewished freaks!), But do not neglect and small local lore museums and district galleries. They sometimes hide real treasures.

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