Test: What kind of title did you get to?

If you served in the army, February 23 is your holiday. And if you did not serve, then on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, you will still congratulate you. Just on the grounds that you are a man. And if for some reason you are not suitable for service, you have a chance to find out who you would have become if they were not owed homeland. And if you gave her debt - check if she should she? And then, maybe the title closed to you. And epaulets, beautiful straps!

Question 1 out of 10. You shoot the hat if ...

Lady is included.

I do not wear a hat, my head is not frozen.

What does it mean if a thousand features?!

Not a hat, but a headdress. If you need to put it on the trunk and lift over the brush.

Question 2 out of 10. You would marry, because ..

The combat capability of the detachment is higher than the combat capability of a separate unit.

This is Love.

These are borschy.

Resistance is futile.

Question 3 out of 10. Have you stopped drinking brandy in the morning?

Is this a question?

Are you interrogating?

It depends on what to count in the morning. It depends on what to be cognac.

But why are you asking?

Question 4 out of 10. You witnessed the invasion of aliens. Your actions?

It is necessary to remove the phone and lay out on the network. Horizontally remove!

Witness? It still needs to prove!

Somewhere I had a business card with a psychiatrist number ... you need to call. And on vacation!

Watch. Create a report. Report

Question 5 out of 10. Galaxy in danger: That's the end of the world. Where to run?

In the bunker, of course. There is stew, vodka and cartridges.

Do not run, but crawl. In the direction of the cemetery, putting the gas mask. There are narrow trenches, but deep.

And make sense to twitch?

Catch a cat! Russians do not throw their own!

Question 6 out of 10. You know the feeling of danger that arises when it seems nothing to worry about?

Who's here?!

This is called paranoia.

Sure. So I still alive.

Usually on Friday evening.

Question 7 out of 10. Are you able to read and understand the instructions for the meat grinder?

I can read it.

I can write it.

Lord, where do Idiots come from who need an instruction for a meat grinder?!

I can read it and understand.

Question 8 out of 10. You have a chicken in the freezer, and there is no money in the wallet. Live a week?

Chicken meat is the basis of the mass of satisfying, nutrient and simple dishes. Of course, live.

Damn, banknotes have already canceled? Everything is lost! I die hungry death.

And the wife appears in the conditions of the problem?

In the sense - WITH CHICES? It depends on how soon I will withdraw it from anabyosis.

Question 9 out of 10. An unexpected question. Did you serve in the army?

Lakes serve. I gave my homeland my homeland.

Oh, no, I'm a banner book!

You do not have access to this information.

I have a delay. But I honestly wanted!

Question 10 out of 10. And if the war is a volunteer?

What are you talking about?

Let's go! And who will not go - that I will explain what is voluntarily forcibly.

Yeah. In the forefront. Losing sneakers.

Not. From me in the rear will be more benefit.

The next question is complete to start re-

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