Last Winter Digest on



Winter leaves and return only after autumn. I will say goodbye to her and remember that we told you in the last winter week.

And we had a dedicated seboribritis, as it was neither uncharacteristic for us. We interviewed the writer Olga Gromyko to find out what Russian fantastics lacks and how Belarusian girls become microbiologists. We investigated what the paintings of the immortal and beautiful Frida Kalo are told, which flew in our harsh northern edges. They looked into the countless worlds of Neil Gamean (who will say thanks to our children for happy, but a little dusk childhood). Life rules of Freddie Kruger, the stars of our happy gloomy childhood. And finally, they remembered the kind words of 10 "ugly" famous women from which we are delighted.

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In the last week of winter, the team PICS.RU, as never firmly remembered that it works in a magazine about women and, most importantly, for women. We composed funny SMS about PMS and menstruation, which would never have been able to compose men - too far they know these states. They told why heels are no better than Victorian corsets for pregnant women. Congratulated the defenders of the Fatherland with their holiday, and then everyone remembers only those defenders who are men. Three readers asked how it occurred to them to take onions, a knife and an ax and make it the main hobbies of their lives. Selected the most burning topics from women's forums and the most cool answers to them. We looked and you have shown 9 inspirational rollers with pregnant dancers.

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Unfortunately, the woman's life consists not only of fashion, hobbies and dances. Some of what our readers shared, it is difficult to call light reading, but told them (you! You!) It is important and necessary. We remembered the bottom of the support of victims of crime and gathered non-market stories when women were able to fight off the rapist. The girl under Nick Arneri continued his confession about his terrible relations with anorexia, which moved to Bulimia. Many thanks to her for frankness!

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Finally, we remembered that many of women are also moms, discussed how to grow an irresistible man from the boy, and found another 6 wonderful developing applications for children.

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And so that you feel that the winter week was really the last, keep 30 pictures for spring mood and get ready to jump into the spring with us!

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