People and beasts. 10 paradoxes of humanism


Relationship between people and animals is a solid gray zone from the point of view of morality. We eat cows, horrifying the murder of Leo and do not have a single opinion about whether the elixir from dried frogs or rhino horns is ethically treated. So that you were over to break your head, we collected a dozen strange facts about the "friendship" of people and animals.

Bird life

Chicken-navel from the poultry farm spends its short life in hell. She lives in flavored, noise, litter her neighbors. Her feathers fall out, her paws are stuck in the rods, she usually suffers something, and never sees neither the sky or green grass. Broiler chicken lives even less and even worse, and then he is suspended for his feet and brought to death in a number of other unfortunate. At the same time, the battle cock holds a year or two lives in a spacious aviary. The owner values ​​them, he picks up individual feed for him, gives him a name, suits him walks and can even build a taming simulator. In all civilized countries, the Government prohibits the bloody rooster fights for animal abuse. Russia also has a similar bill. But the poultry farms do not prohibit. It is necessary for people to eat something.

Meat breed

Many, having learned the shocking news that Koreans eat dogs, they decide that in this country any cute dog is doomed to eating. Not at all. Koreans fully understand the love of dogs. Favorite domestic breed in South Korea - Maltese Bologuns. And for food there are corrupts of the breed of Noureong. These are big beautiful red dogs, similar to shepherd. They are contained as cattle in close cells and scoring without sublimation. The hostess of his favorite spoiled Maltese may well go into a restaurant and lunch with meat such a dog without experiencing cognitive dissonance.

Separation of sadism

In relation to animals, there is a strange difference between men and women. Men are responsible for the extreme manifestations of sadism and cruelty against pets. According to statistics of the United States, men are accomplished by 94% of animal beatings, 91% of the arsals, 84% of chokes, 94% of hanging, 92% of beatings with fatal outcome, 94% of murders from firearms and 95% of murders with cold weapons.

To intimidate the children by throwing a cat outside the window, beat the puppy to show "Who is in the house of the owner" a frightened wife or just so stuff the dog's legs - these are men's atrocities. But there is a special crime against animals, which women usually make (the share of the villains - 75-85%) is Horday, the content of an excessive number of animals in unsuitable conditions for them. Women Herders linger their pets from unnecessary love for them. They do not allow for hungry, patients and dying cats or dogs, because they are almost always convinced that they save them from the worst destiny.

Out of sight


Arriving to Western Europe, travelers from Russia are often affected by the fact that the streets are not visible hungry, crippled and aggressive stray pieces. And homemade dogs are friendly and playful. This excellent result was achieving with the help of a whole complex of measures. One of the most important is, for example, the punishment of hosts throwing animals. Another one is the destruction of animals, which were on the street. Approximately the third of the selected animals in Europe is subjected to euthanasia immediately after catching or after a short period. At the same time, the problem of overcrowding the shelters is preserved. In the same European countries where the problem of "catch-sterilize-release" is preserved the problem of stray animals and ill-treatment of them. So decide what is better.

Hand Cormal

The Internet periodically explode stories about victims of dog attacks. If you repel from the news, it turns out that, first of all, the dogs are dangerous for innocent passersby. In fact, statistics show that most often the dogs are biting ... own owners. At least 50% of dogs at least once in life bite their owners. Maybe more. It is clear to people unpleasantly aware that they poorly control their pets. Having assured familiar that the pet will never bite them, 30% of the owners will pull their hands when the dog turns into them, and prefer not to care for her wool, teeth or claws themselves. And for what we only love these bustling assholes?

Carrot hare

If your friend tells you that it became a vegetarian, do not hurry to worry about the balance of nutrients in its diet. And not because it is quite possible to maintain in the noodles with nuts. And because about two thirds of people who call themselves vegetarians, in fact, do not refuse themselves in a regular piece of chicken, veal or portions of seafood. While he ate - was meat, and dared - you look, already a vegetarian. Everything is logical! By the way, teenagers-vegetarians, according to one study, eat even more chicken than their peers-meatseeds.

Eyes cow

Real vegetarians believe that people would cease to eat here, if they learned how slaughterhouses would be arranged, they would look into the eyes of animals, which dragged to death. This theory is refuted by a simple fact. Workers fighting eating meat. Moreover, they use their cutting experience to choose pieces better. Experiments on innocent students - urban residents - showed that after the horror slaughterhouse, the taste for meat disappears, well, from the strength on the day or another. Only the impressionable units, indeed, earn a lifetime aversion to the form of meat.

They are others


Guilty dogs look at fun. They press the tails, shook their eyes, lean their heads, some even fall up the belly. And at the same time you lie shamelessly. Dogs do not know how to feel guilty. This is a very complex and purely human emotion. But the dogs perfectly read signs of human anger long before you say: "Who is a bad dog here!?" And immediately pretend to be "blamed." Because the evolution suggests - those who can make "eyes", less often arrive with sneakers on the brazen ass.

There is no terrible beast

Scientists talk about cats scary. They do not like us. We are not interested in them. In the wild, the cat will be thrown about the tree and purr to him! And the cat is truly a terrible beast. If you make a domestic cat to the street, then even a full, she brings a rustle in the district, just for sports interest. Cats kill approximately tens of millions of birds annually. And, of course, they are deeply indifferent, whether these birds are listed in the Red Book. Environmentalists believe that cats are approximately also dangerous for feathered as clashes with cars, wires, cellular tower and windmills. The problem can be solved, dressed up catchers in collars with bells. But people are too lazy.


Despite all dogs and feline minuses, there is no dispute, your favorite animals make a person's life more comfortable and can even work in a kind of therapists. Today in fashion and dolphinotherapy. Read its advertising, so swimming in the company with these animals heals all that you want, right up to autism. In fact, the therapy is very controversial. After a thorough check of research proving her favor, it turned out that either the sample was unlikely, or the criteria are vague, or the therapy was difficult to separate from the influence on the patient's positive emotions from the sun and water. Moreover, dolphins may exercise aggression to people. They somehow injure almost half of the specialists working with them, beat, bite, are trimmed and can even infect skin disease (but it is inappropriate). And you can understand dolphins. These are wild animals that have not been caused by "doctors". And the more fashionable it becomes swimming with dolphins, the more they are caught in the sea for life lifetime, and the more dolphins die during the drugs.

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