Mortal carelessness: 10 disasters because of "Well, what"


We took her treasures from nature, built magnificent buildings, mighty ships and aircraft. But all this can collapse overnight. And for this, quite simple considerations: "And what? And let's faster and cheaper? "

Sticky tsunami


Let's start with the story almost ridiculous, it does not bring it to deaths and destruction. In 1919, in Boston, the gigantic tank with a molasses broke out in Boston, and the seventere wave of sticky substance fell into the streets of the city at a speed of 56 km / h. People and horses stuck in a molasses and died. Someone killed the wreckage of buildings that the flow carried. In total, 21 people died and 150 were wounded. The area was laundered several weeks, and the Bostonians argue that in the summer on the affected streets still feel a light shower smell.

As it turned out later, the holders of the tank knew that she was cracked, and even tinted with her brown, so that the leaking product was not noticeable.

The largest klyaks


In 2010, 80 kilometers from the coast of the state of Louisiana in the Mexican Bay there was an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Platform. As a result of the explosion and the fire that followed, 11 people died and suffered 17, and the spill of oil became a record in the history of man-made disasters. The oil stain was built by 75 thousand square kilometers. Damage to nature, tourism, fishing was caused by such that from the company BP, the court served almost $ 8 billion.

The US Coast Guard service counted 35 reasons that caused an explosion. The most important thing turned out to be a clear desire to save when developing a well, for which it is possible to ignore security measures. For example, do not conduct an analysis of the quality of cementing and not to investigate the anomalies found as a result of another analysis.

Almost like a nuclear explosion


In 1921, fertilizers and dyes exploded at the chemical plant near the town of Oppa. A total of 12 thousand tons of a mixture of sulphate and ammonium nitrate was undermined with a monstrous sound, destroying 800 buildings in the near city and a couple of neighboring villages completely. The trains flew out of the paths, within a radius of 70 kilometers in all the buildings, glasses flew out. More than 500 people died, a twenty-meter depth funnel remained in the land from the plant. There were rumors for a long time that a nuclear charge exploded at this place.

In fact, the negligent contractor decided to save and used to break fertilizers too powerful explosives, which initiated detonation. Prior to this ingenious fertilizer idea, 20 thousand times loose explosions without any particular consequences.

Pacific murder


In 1927, a multi-kilometer tunnel was built in West Virginia. During the work, it turned out that the route was laid through a silica layer. Dust arising from its drilling leads to a hazardous pulmonary disease, silicose. And very soon workers began to die. The exact number of deaths did not become known, because some, sick, went home. But, in general, from three thousand people who worked in a tunnel, died from 700 to one thousand.

Not only the bosses were injured. Managers, oddly enough, knew about the danger of silicate dust and, when they came to supervise the progress of work, they wore masks.

Hindus are not considered


The most terrible technological catastrophe happened in India at the American Chemical Plant in Bhopal. At the factory, pesticides were produced, for the manufacture of which methyl ocianate was required, which was stored in three tanks by 60 thousand liters each. On the morning of December 3, 1984, 42 tons of poisonous vapors of methylisocianate in the atmosphere occurred. Sticky cloud covered close slums and railway station. On the day of the accident, 3 thousand people died at once, about 15 thousand were died of poisoning in subsequent years. The American company Union Carbide, who was responsible for the tragedy, was separated by a relatively modest compensation to victims of 470 million dollars (compare it with a payment for spilling oil off the US Coast). But a little to take revenge on the capitalists succeeded. In 2004, the group of artists arranged a hoax, declaring the sale of the company. The joke was a success, partners believed, and the shares of the company fell a couple of billion.

The reason for the explosion is banal - saving on safety measures. Pesticides fell in price and manual hung every rupee. Protective systems did not work, and security inspectors reduced.

Minus city, minus port


In 1947, on board the French ship "Grankan", which was standing in the port of the city of Texas City, a fire began. Selith burned, spacing packed in paper bags. The fire could not lie down, and at the pier from the eternal desire to admire how the fire burns, water pours and people work, gathered gathered. And then two thousand tons of Selitras finally bombed. Water under the ship evaporated to the bottom. Slices of Audena scattered two miles in all directions. The explosive wave shot down a couple of small aircraft in the sky. Following the "Grankan" began to explode other cargo ships, warehouses, port oil. As a result, more than one and a half thousand people died, and the port and the city burned two-thirds. Since almost all firefighters died during the first explosion, the regiment of soldiers threw the salvation of the remains of Texas City.

The reason for the ignition was the cigarette cigaretters. But such a nightmare would not have happened if the administration of the port was more serious about the loading of an explosive and the fire department knew how to extinguish him.

Strange disease


In the 60s, Japanese doctors tried to figure out what two little sisters suffer. Slugging speech, seizures, difficult movements. Polls showed that there are several such patients in the city of Minamata. Doctors declared the opening of a new disease, a "Committee on Combating Strange Disease" was created. Soon it turned out that it also suffers from cats, crows, fish ... even algae in the city Ducked, although without seizures. People have mortality reached 35%. Finally, it was found that all patients come from fishing villages and they feed on the fish caught in the Bay of Minamata, where it has already been thirty years old, as dropping waste containing mercury, Chisso plant. By 2001, 2265 victims of poisoning were officially recognized, of which 1784 people died.

Corporation Chisso tried to avoid responsibility by all means. In 1959, their own employee put an experiment on cats, which he sewed with waste water, and the poor people quickly developed symptoms of poisoning. But he was forbidden to report on the results of experience. Only in the 70th, on a deathly apparent, he confessed to the court, and his colleagues confirmed that the company put the profit of the above security. In 1973, the court unequivocally admitted: wines lies with Chisso, and from and to the whole thing in her criminal carelessness.

From miners President


The years go, and people are still mercenary. Last year in Turkey, an explosion at the mine occurred in the city of Soma, because of which 301 people died. It all started due to a short circuit, which led to the explosion of the transformer, and then to a fire in the mine and disconnect elevators and ventilation. Turkey is famous for the disgusting safety technique in the coal industry, so no one was surprised by the results of the investigation. Protests across the country began even before clarifying circumstances. It came to the point that the president of the country almost came up with one of the protested miners.

Turkish outstands were right: greed played a role in the catastrophe. For example, miners did not provide protective masks, and wiring in the mine did not pass the necessary inspection.

Work, seamstress, the sun is still high


In 2013, sewing workshops, shops, bank were located in the eight-storey building of Wound-Plaza Plaza in Bangladesh. On April 23, large cracks were noticeable at the facade, and people ordered to evacuate, but the sewing enterprises continued to work. As a result, on April 24, the buildings collapsed, destroying more than a thousand people and wounding more than two thousand. Many women died and their children died.

What to say about negligence, if there are also 4 floors from 8 were illegal at the request of the leader of one of the country's political parties.

Rich also fall


In 1981, Suspended galleries in the luxurious Hotel Hyatt were collapsed in Kansas City, Missouri, where guests were gathered at a fortieth style party. The fallen gallery killed 114 people and wounded 216. The hotel's management did not allow the media representatives to study the wreckage. Nevertheless, one attentive journalist managed to take a picture of the destroyed room, and then compare it with the preserved drawings and find out that two of the three galleries instead of attaching to the ceiling, one to the other was attached. This meant that the weight of the people they could not stand.

The journalistic investigation showed that the cause of the design curve was disputes and misunderstanding between engineers, as well as the fact that they did not verify the result of their work. Halyshchikov deprived licenses, but the dead were not to return.

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