Unequal marriage: if he earns less than you



We will immediately make a reservation - now we are not about the purebred giant sloths, which in the union of the union has grown ass into the sofa. We are about normal people wondered by the crisis. What do not say, and the installation of "husband-feeder" is sewn in us so firmly that the change of roles immediately causes discomfort in both sides.

But even if you earn more, it will not necessarily lead to missiles and offensive - although some psychological maneuverability from you, of course, will be required.

Throw away

Let money on any economic affairs lie in a separate Kubashka where you will at the same time throw them. This is family money, not yours or it. Common bowler. This will save from the humiliating need to ask you to potatoes and the Internet.

According to justice, it is necessary to share this amount in half, but if he has a lot of income, then after such an equity, he will have horseradished yes small, and you will fly to the longing for Majorca. One. This world in the family is not very promoted. Therefore, it is better to postpone on domestic needs not a fixed amount, but a certain percentage of salary - you are a third and one third, for example.

Do not humiliate


If trouble with finances is temporary problem, then there is no point in sawing a person, he is not a fool and understands that something needs to be done. If it is chronic, then moreover, you understood from the very beginning that it was not contacted with Zuckerberg.

Do not turn on boss

The fact that you have full pockets, do not make you the main thing. Even if you are the head of the transnational corporation, and he is a cleaner in the Research Institute, he also should have its own zone of responsibility and exactly the same right to vote when solving any quarrel. Otherwise you are not a couple, but a lady with a dog.

Do not turn it into a housekeeper


He also works, as in no way. And also gets tired. And it will not be right if you will poke him in the evening in the evening in the unbearable dishes. You would not have been pleased in this situation. In the end, if everything is so bad - hire a housekeeper.

Dari carefully

You are well done, you fell a premium size in the annual defense budget of Mozambique, you are trying to divide joy with Mil. But expensive gifts are a dangerous territory. You are him - a self-leaf-shock with laser guidance and fur lining, and he is a bottle of shampoo. You are blinded by your generosity, you will delight. And he will grab three kilos awkwardness.

Turn off chauvinism

Popping it on the subject "The man should be a getter", you yourself are causing the soil on which gender stereotypes grow. Do not be offended when he, having hit the semes and wrapped around, remind you that the place of women at the stove will remind you. Maybe you should not twitch - you like to work, and he likes to cook a consence and serve the table as Kinfolk bequeathed. So what is actually a problem?

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