5 ways to cope with stress


It doesn't matter what awaits you - an interview, a visit to the mother-in-law, a meeting in kindergarten or presentation of the project. Scientists from Cambridge found out that women in everyday life are twice as much more often suffer from stress and nervousness, which poorly affects their health. We have collected for you 5 way to cope with excitement. Member!

Of course you can prevent the workshop to prefer as a boa, but this struggle is not with the cause of stress, but with its consequences. If you do not dig deeply, then you risk attaching panic attacks, depressed, get sleep disorder and still a whole bouquet of problems. Do you need it?

Ignore social networks

Your restless mind will find it bad, which can be concentrated, and starts to put the worst scenarios for developing events. In addition, you read about how others are cool and have fun, - and that look will be mistaken in self-satellite and sadness. So do not climb a facebook, and it was better to pay the application at all with a smartphone.

Get moving

In response to stress, your body is strained and comes ready to fight threat or immediately run away if that. Breathing is readily, the heart beats faster - as if you are engaged in physical education. Do not argue with nature! Answer the signals as conceived: according to scientists, only 10 minutes walk a day will significantly increase your stress resistance. And while walking, no matter how restlessly, instead of looking under the feet, raise your head and look up.

Try breathing exercises

I remember Sir Max from the books of Max Frya only by them and saved. Breathing is the key to relaxation. But just deeply breathe mouth or nose is not enough, try the following scheme: delay your breath for 5 seconds, then exhausted, having counted in the mind to 11. Then breathe on 7 bills. Repeat about a minute - you will feel significant relaxation. Now we are put in order brain: start the countdown from 300 to 0 - three accounts for each exhalation. And the last thing you can do, just think about that everything is in order. It helps.

Switch attention

The excitement and nervousness make us imagine the worst scenarios and represent the catastrophe. They customize our imagination, the scripts are becoming worse and everything is more realistic - at some point it begins to seem that all the worst will certainly happen. Start dilute these thoughts, rationally challenging them. What is the probability that it happens? And what else will happen in this case? Maybe it's all your speculation? And what is the positive outcome you see? What good could happen? Realizing that the worst version of the development of events is far from the only one, you will become much calmer, fact.

Free the drawbacks of the mind

The brain in stress resembles a computer with overloaded memory: all the forces go to even somehow function, think clearly, to concentrate, focus and think connected. It is definitely necessary to unload. Find 20 minutes a day for a mental recreation: meditating, listen to relaxing music, jamming or strive alone and tranquility. Give your brain a little place for maneuver. Do not allow stress to capture you entirely and turn your life into a daily battle with yourself.

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