Berry not in 45, and in 70 or why Susan Sarandon burns


Not so long ago, a new Supervision-confining video of the fashionable French group Justice was released, in which the actress Susan Sarandon simply rotates the cool car, takes off the working suit and rushes with guys in Highweight.

iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">She is 70 years old and she is very cool. And Basta! Therefore, wip tears from the passport, where it is written how old you are and go to watch movies with Susan, to which Hollywood success came after forty. We collected the most nontrivial paintings from her extensive filmography.

Lady Freedom (director Mario Monichell, 1971)

Do not surprise this choice, Susan in the frame will appear for five minutes in the role of the former wife of the journalist, who helps the main heroine (Sophie Lauren herself). Heroine Sophie Lauren comes from Italy to New York to his bridegroom and brings him a gift - "Mortadel", such a special Italian sausage, with which it is delayed in American customs. The girl does not want to leave the sausage, the groom does not express the desire to defend it. And rushed. The film on our list is simply because it is very cool and "gentle feminist."

Rocky horror horror show (Director Jim Sharno, 1975)

The full-length American version of the iconic British musical, in which naive newlyweds fall into the castle of mysterious shocking transvestite, where they will have to reconsider their puritan views on life. Susan is a great withered, her last name simultaneously wears two meanings: the German word Weiss (that is, "white") and the English word Vice (that is, "harmful, sinful habit"). If not yet seen and not afraid, then ahead.

"Adorable Child" (director Louis Mall, 1977)

The first American french tape Louis Malya. After that, Sarandon will continue to work with the small and will be nominated for Oscar for work in its Atlantic City. "Adorable Child" - the history of the Novorlean Buddha in which heroine Susan Sarandon lives with his young and very beautiful daughter (young Brooke Shields). Let you do not scare the piquancy of the plot, you are waiting for a real drama, and Sarandon is extremely convincing.

"Hunger" (director Tony Scott, 1983)

If you have not seen this cracked and luxurious heptening about smashed vampires with David Bowie and Catherine Denev, then we are directly envied. About the preparation for the shooting himself, Bowie said that in order to catch a voice, he went out every evening to the bridge and the mountaineed punk-cribery. Sarandon plays a geonstologist, which the heroine of Denev involves into his bloody mura shurs. We will not spoil.

"Telma and Louise" (director Ridley Scott, 1991)

The unconditional visual hit, the same as "ISI's witches", but we mention it here simply so that you remember and, maybe, have revised, five Oscars, as in any way. Few people know, but there is an alternative film ending, filmed under the BB B bi king. In general, if you have gained in mind what real female friendship is, you are time to refresh in my head, as Tandem Susan Sarandon-Gina Davis works.

"Magic" (director Chris Columbus, 1998)

Sarandon begins to play mothers of different levels of dramaticness. In the plot from her heroine, the husband goes to the girl is a nice (Julia Roberts). Two of their common children are forced to somehow exist and communicate in this prevailing triangle. The difficult course of things is overwhelmed by a heavy diagnosis of the heroine of Sarandon. And on this background, everyone has to reconsider their positions. Excellent prophylactic spectacle for those who think that the new woman is your husband a priori makes hell and the source of all your misfortunes. Chin up. Unfortunately, there are more things in the world.

"Halfway to nowhere" (director John Stockwell, 2008)

Here Sarandon is a careless milk, who spends money collected on the medical institute for the elder daughter, for the younger, which sleeps and sees the model. The history of typical American "suburbia" with his cuckoo and crushes. In this film, Sarandon starred together with his daughter Eve Amurry. And here is a wonderful Anton Elchin, unfortunately, tragically deceased not so long ago.

"Best" (directed by Shan Fest, 2008)

The son of the heroine of Sarandon and the Pierce of Zasyanan dies in an accident. The couple does not cope with the grief and all of them are awry. But the girl appears on the threshold, who says that they had an affair with their son, and that she was pregnant. Sarandon did not immediately agree to play in this film, but she persuaded her to rumors. Similar plot in her career was already.

"Jeff, living at home" (directed by Jay Dupplass, Mark Dupplass, 2011)

Another role of mother in the filmography of actresses. This time she has two absolutely different adults. One is a slacker and Ukurysh, the second - looks in order. They are played by Jasen Sigel and Ed Helms. The classic comedy on the plot "in the family is not without a husk". At some point it will seem that the husks are literally everything, but no, catharsis, this is America, baby!

"Vicious passion" (directed by Nicholas Dzareki, 2012)

Will-voi. Sarandon plays a deceived wife Richard Gira, who have greatly detected in financial affairs and squeezed in the relationships of family, or rather empty. But wives are able to serve some cold dishes.

My Summer Ping Pong (Director Michael Talli, 2014)

Incredibly close in spirit and aesthetics and very, apparently, a personal ommage collective cinema of childhood in the 80s from the little-known director Michael Tallin. Sarandon plays a local Madame-tip "with eggs", about which everyone in a small resort town is gossipped, but no one knows about her true truth. She takes the patronage over the young sauce, which is for the selection, you need to win a duel in ping pong. The coolness will save the world!

"Retal" (director Lorin Spafia, 2015)

One of the last and extremely cute paintings by Sarandon, in which the role of mother-fish-stick playing, which is always climbing "with donuts" into life with his adult and, of course, confused daughter. As a sublimation of restless millet, it is necessary to distribute its limitless and extremely energetic love for the first people around. After this film, you will definitely want to call mom. Do not hold back. This is the power of cinema and good actresses.

Susan Sarandon adored: Polina Marines

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