12 best films about psychotherapy of all time


Let's notify immediately: films about psychotherapists and psychotherapy great many. We chose those who like us, so boldly complement the list!

"Silence of Lambs" (USA, 1990)

Classics of the genre. The cult film Johnotan Demme, who grabbed a bunch of awards and at a budget of $ 19,000,000 gathered almost $ 300,000,000 at the box office. Anthony Hopkins received an Oscar for the best male role, although in his film he had only 16 minutes of screen time, and Jodi Foster - Statuette for the best female, very deserved. Although prior to the start of filming, the producers wanted to get to the role of the Starling agent exclusively Michel Pffeife.

"Sixth Feel" (USA, 1999)

Another film that everyone knows about. According to the "American Film Institute", the phrase Cool "I see dead people" (I See Dead People) took 44th place in the list of "100 best phrases in the history of the movie". Well, once again look at Bruce Willis, calm, in a suit and with glasses, and not a saving world - it costs expensive. The picture was nominated for a large number of "Oscars", but did not receive anything. Strange people these academicians!

"Cell" (USA, Germany, 2000)

One of the few movies seriously decorated with the presence of Jennifer Lopez. Incredible costumes, makeup and non-bank plot: Psychiatrist penetrates the Manyak's subconscious, which is in a coma to save his last sacrifice. The film is a mad mixture of artistic quotes, rethinking and reference to the classics of world cinema. It turns out, by the way, quite fresh.

"Planet Ka-Peks" (Germany, USA, 2001)

We say Kevin Spacy - I mean love. This time we are talking about the aliens with the distant planet Ka-Pax, which, of course, instantly landed into a mental hospital, but did not lose their self-control. Wonderful, kind, ambiguous and very beautiful film, which masterfully balances between the drama about the fate of the originality, the parable of the awakening of a person, thriller with sexual subtext. And sadness in it is smooth as much as you need to smile after watching.

- Do you have a government on the planet? - Not. - But how do you learn what is good, but what is bad? - Any living being always knows what is good, but what is bad.

"Awakening" (USA, 1990)

The film, shot on the book of the brilliant Oliver Saksa: the doctor in a psychiatric clinic begins to give an experimental medicine immobilized patients, awakening them to life. The brilliant duet of Robert de Niro and Robin Williams is something incredible. A film about how fragile human life, how important it is to appreciate what you have. Revelations you will not wait, but you need to look at it.

"Dangerous Method" (United Kingdom, 2011)

On the theme of psychoanalysis and Freud can speculate infinitely. This time, Viggo Mortensen and Michael Fassbender were engaged in the leadership of Khira Knightley, which here first tries to strength. In the film, everything is completely psychoanalysts, which are mostly trying to analyze everything, but most of all, of course, each other.

"Analyzing this" (USA, 1999)

And again on stage Robert de Niro. This time in comedy on a given topic. Paul Vitty - influential New York mafii on the verge of nervous breakdown. Ben Sable - ordinary psychoanalyst. He has only a few days to help the crossed father cope with depression. Nutty mafia - it is not a joke!

"Flying over a nest of cuckoo" (USA, 1976)

The second film in this list, which gathered the crop of the main Oscars: for the best film, script, male and female roles and best director. Shot along the cult play of Ken Kizi, who, according to the legend, never looked at him. There is nothing to tell, you just need to watch.

"Umnitsa Will Hunting" (USA, 1997)

And then again in the arena Robin Williams (somehow we have cool actors in Hollywood, yes?). The script for the film was written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, for which they got "Oscar". A film about friendship, how difficult to be immeasurable measures in the world, how to find my place and not lose myself.

"Mind Games" (USA, 2001)

Honestly, we like more original name - "a beautiful mind". The story based on real events, about the genius mathematics John Nash, the owner of the Nobel Prize, which all his life struggled with a severe form of schizophrenia. And no one could help him, besides him. Predictable, but nevertheless, a brilliant film and a brilliant work of Russell Crow. Real John Nash died last year in a car accident with his wife.

"Growney Management" (USA, 2003)

It seems to us that the Americans love to laugh at psychoanalysts, because they regularly disassemble the impressive amounts for consultation. And what if they are sometimes incredible of their own patients? The suspended and incredibly charming Nicholson convincingly depicts a hellish psychotherapist, and Sandlnr hears him. Bonus, by the way, you can find Woody Harrelson, disguised in the whore.

"Cursed Island" (USA, 2009)

One of the Rhodesie works of Scorsese - Dicaprio, many consider it weak, but we like it, and we are not alone: ​​in the premiere weekend, the film earned $ 41 million, which is the best result for Martin Scorsese films. Voltage and Suspense enough with interest - and what else is needed for a great movie?

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