11 TV series about Frikov, which should be viewed at least once



Fryrics, guy and botanis - the graceful material for Sitkov. Some of the series about the smartest have already entered the story, and others are about to enter it. Especially for you - a selection of the best samples of the genre.

"Everyone hates Chris" (Everybody Hates Chris)


The series, which brought into the people of our adorable guys from the "Curarge Bambay". The parody of the parody - once the box was walking the series "Everyone like Remonda", but who remembers it now. Comic Chris Rock as if removing the documentary series about himself - a simple guy from Brooklyn. Full garbage, nothing there is no documentary, but very funny.

"Fresh meat" (Fresh Meat)

Fresh Meat Episode 1 Greg Mchugh As Howard

Student dorm, stuffed with a wide range of wounds from different layers of society. Cast, among others - Zave Ashton, a harmful agent Sally Donovan from Sherlock. English humor of the highest sample, and everything is somehow kind. Such ourselves "garbage", but only without drops of drama.

Maji Bosh "(The Mighty Boosh)


This is generally the hell know what. And compare something nothing with. Absolutely surreal and hooligan show about caretaker in the zoo - the common man of Howard, Club Frca Vince and their friends - Shaman Nabu and Gorilla Boy. There is still a Gundosai talking moon and wolves-styles. And everyone sing.

"The Big Bang Theory" Theory


If you have not spent the last 9 years on another planet, you do not need to tell the plot. Well, just in case, suddenly you work on the ISS: four physics, one blonde, jokes about "Star Wars", Madrigal Botancy.

From the very first season, which was released in 2007, the show fell into the Golden Film Foundation about Frikov and Botany, went to the quotes and fell in love of all in the psychic Sheldon Cooper, for whom Jim Parsons grabbed two Emmy Prizes and one "Golden Globe " In episodes - Stephen Hawking, Charlie Sheen, Baz Oldrin, Billy Bob Thornton and all sorts of legendary. Basing!

"Let's still, Ted!" (Better Off TED)


White collars who work for the company are free to be crazy scientists. Here, for example, Ted Krisp, head of the mysterious study department. Enthusiasm and optimism, he strongly resembles Sponge Bob and never asks questions. It is simply developing edible steel and removes suicide turkey, since they need a company for some reason.

Look when the work is completely tortured - this is how you need to have fun in the workplace. To the director of the series was involved in Mark Blakend, who removed the "clinic" and my name is Earl. "

"Hooligans and Botany" (Freaks and Geeks)

Freaks and Geeks.

The school series about how the clever with oddities and her younger brother are trying to settle in a new school, where the entire electorate shares strictly into two categories - gopotes and woundings. Solded and sterled it all Judd Apatou, which later in the 2000s made many more excellent comedies - to take a "pineapple express" about ukurkov, "superperson" or "escape from Vegas". Cast - Young James Franco (which is exactly the same as now, only 22-year-old), Jason Siegel from "How I Met Your Mother" and Set Rogan, who is generally a miracle.



Golden standard of the series filmed on the knee. Jen, rather vest, but an ambitious lady, which is neither a trait does not pace in computers, accidentally becomes the head of the IT department, which consists of two varietal dyatlov - the cheerful mother's son of Maurice and Chronic Lazy Roy. Corporate Values ​​VS The ideals of botania, a very pretty show about losers, to whom, as the plot develops, a psychic businessman is joined and a wild goth living in the storage room.

Black Books Shop

Book Black

Irishman Bernard Black (in the world - the stand-up comic Dylan Moran) - Ham, Alkash and a pig in general, so his bookstore will overgrow dust, and rare buyers in horror pop up on fresh air, barely sling there. On the core land - a quiet assistant Bernard Manney and their sarcastic neighbor Fran. The series received the BAFTA Award and our eternal love, which over the years did not sweat - the series was removed in 2000.

Eurka (Eureka)


The whole city inhabited by botany and the geniuses of varying degrees of movement is the settlement of intellectuals that work in the glory of the star-striped flag. Well, that is, it was so expected. But what will happen if the gickens go to give the coolest equipment in the world and say that it will not be for it? Genius regularly organize some trouble, and the ordinary sheriff, which refers to serve in Evrica.

"Silicon Valley" (Silicon Valley)


Of course, no she is silicon, but silicone, well, let's leave it on the conscience of our translators. This is the history of the laptop gangs, which are sitting in San Francisco and dream of going to Steve Jobbs. The series is something like the "Theory of the Big Bang", only strictly for the 18+ category. The level of catchment can be estimated at least by the fact that one of the creators is a native Papa Bivis and Batthead, Mike Jajj, who does not take prisoners in general.

"Dolbanut" (Spaced)


Artist Tim (the same Simon Pegg from "Zombies named Sean") draws comics, is afraid of lightning and bamboo, takes off his housing with the writer in the creative crisis and depressed painter Brian. The series for all free artists in finding with parodies to old fiction films and almost perfect British humor.

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