7 loud killings of politicians who shook the twentieth century


Simple people are killed from jealousy, from anger, from mischief. Politicians are killed for the sake of political consequences. Which turn out to be completely unpredictable and may not happen at all.

Human history is overflowed by the killings of diplomats, ministers and rulers. But especially rich on them - and on their consequences - turned out to be, perhaps, the twentieth century. We collected the seven loudest murders.

Shot gaburo principled


The twentieth century actually began with the First World War, and the war began with the murder of the Austrian Erzgertzog Franz Ferdinand, committed by the young Serbian nationalist Gavrille Principle. Slavic peoples in Europe under the fifth of Austria-Hungary constantly felt oppressed, their political weight was disproportionately small in relation to their numbers.

The attempt was organized in advance, several young men participated in it. One of them threw a grenade into the car from the corte of Ersgertzog. An explosion and fragments killed a driver, wounded passengers, a policeman and a zooak from the crowd. The ERCGERCOG car remained unharmed, but the rest of the conspirators did not dare to also apply grenades and weapons. It seemed that the attempted failing.

However, for some reason, a little later, the driver is headed by the Herzgertzog in the city in the same route. In the middle of the route I remembered security, the car stopped and began to deploy. Coincidentally, the car stopped near one of the conspirators, slender, dark-eyed student on the name of the principle. He grabbed the revolver and fired first in the belly of the wife of Ersgertzog, then in Franz Ferdinand himself, hitting her neck.

The death of Herzgertzog led to the announcement of the Austria-Hungary of the war with Serbia, Russia ranked for Serbia, and further in one another in the war began to enter the countries of Europe.

The results of the war turned out to be completely removed map of Europe and the negligence of the Germans on the loss, which later became one of the circumstances that led to the Second World War.

Ironically, at the time of the murder and the principle, and the erzgertzog were, in fact, not tenants - both suffered from the incurable then tuberculosis.

The case of the ice ax and belief


Lion Trotsky is a major Bolshevik, one of the founders of the Comintern, the Organization, which had a goal to organize communist coup in the whole world. In addition, after the Russian revolution, he headed the ultrahal opposition.

In 1929, Trotsky was expelled from the USSR, because there was nothing to oppose here, and in three years the government remembered that it would be worth it for such a case and Soviet citizenship. Trotsky, in response, founded his own Comintern and became one of the leaders of the left movement in the new light.

In addition to its political influence among the Communists of the West, Trotsky very nervously nervated Stalin with a large number of conveyed compromising and allegations that Stalin Lenin poisoned. So that Trotsky does not dare to go to the left and right to talk about the fact that Stalin - the murderer, Stalin sent to Mexico a faithful man to bruise his ice ax.

Maybe that's why the world revolution did not happen.

Marseille Murder


In 1934, the Bulgarian nationalists together, as it is believed to be tired, organized the murder of King Yugoslavia Alexander I Karageorgievich during his visit to France. Together with the king was mortally wounded and Foreign Minister Louis Barta.

The attempt was something similar to the action of the principle and his friends, the killer shot Alexander and Barta, while those drove along the streets of Marseille. The king died immediately, but the minister had all the chances to survive, but he was very unsuccessful to the wound on his hand a dressing, and he just expired blood.

Death Barta put a cross in the possible Union of France and some other countries from the USSR, since only he promoted this idea. And a pity, perhaps the second world would end much faster. Maybe even without starting.

Mahatma Gandhi: it came out


Mahatma Gandhi is one of the legendary politicians of the last century. He fought against discrimination on the basis of a caste in domestic politics and the independence of India from its own then the UK - in the external one. If in the first Gandhi proged not far away (representatives of the caste untouchable still cannot actually use hospitals, for example), then in the second succeeded.

One of the points of the Gandhi political program was the reconciliation of Hindus and Indian Muslims. Not all this arranged. Hindu extremists declared Gandhi War as a traitor of faith.

He has repeatedly warned about a possible attempt, but Gandhi said: "If I am destined to die from the bullet, I will do it with a smile." He generally loved the actions and statements of Phase. Or maybe already he was heard - he was under 80 years old, for the middle of the twentieth century an ancient age.

During the usual way out of the people, a religious extremist from the Higher Cast, Nathuram Homzez, released three bullets in Gandhi. The elder leader of the nation died in place.

Because like-minded people continued the case of Gandhi, the main consequence of his death was the fact that Vladimir Putin's President Vladimir Putin now has no one to talk to.

Murder John Kennedy


The thirty-fifth US president caused dissatisfaction with many. First, he was Catholic (it is difficult for us to understand, but to make a political or military career, it was necessary to be, first of all, Anglo-Saxon, because the Catholic is well, not black, of course, but somehow fu). Secondly, it was with him that the Caribbean crisis had happened, and the Americans who were expected from day to the day on the head atomic bomb, cursed not only Soviet, but also their own leader. Thirdly, the shallow failure of a major operation on the seizure of Cuba, such an operation itself caused a considerable international scandal. Finally, in fourth, Kennedy took a number of steps towards the equalization of the Black population of the United States in the rights with white, and this could not anyone else could not.

In general, a lot of people upset or delighted when Kennedy was shot right in his car, but no one was surprised. On suspicion of murder, the former Morpekh was almost immediately arrested, Lee Harvey Oswald's twenty-one. However, the court did not reach the court, Oswald, in turn, shot after a while, a perturbed citizen Jack Ruby.

Five years later they shot the brother of the President, Robert Kennedy, also politics.

The murder of Kennedy, maybe it could, but not the reason for the reversal of politicians regarding black back and stop the Cold War from the USSR. The thirty-sixth president, Lindon Johnson, became the successor not only post, but also the general policy of Kennedy. The main consequence of the murder was the fact that the widow of the President became the wife of the Greek billionaire Aristotle Oressis a year before His forty-malee - what caused many swords of moans from the breast: "It is not even an eighteen-year-old model !!!"

Revenge Sikhov


Indira Gandhi, another bright political actor of the twentieth century, despite the name, nor in relationship, did not consist in a property with the late Mahatma Gandhi. The policies came in the footsteps of the Father, the first prime minister of free India Jawaharlala Nehru. However, the mother and grandmother Indira were also interested in politics, so active that they were arrested several times for anti-British extremist activities.

Indira Gandhi caused dissatisfaction with many, holding the nationalization of banks, in addition, with it the next turn of the Indian-Pakistani war occurred. However, they did not kill it for it.

Indian religious minority, Sikhi, decided to declare themselves an independent self-governing community. The rebellion was brutally depressed for the root, along with ready-to-combat actions, many civilians suffered extremists. As revenge for innocent blood, the Indir was killed their own sikh bodyguards, shooting from a pistol and a machine gun.

Indira, like her father, and Mahatma Gandhi, supported the ban on the import of many products in order to improve national production. After the death of the Mother of Mother Rajiv Gandhi, who came to the position of Prime Minister, after the death of Mother, removed, the flow of imports and globalization was poured into India. Five years after the mother killed him.

His widow, Italian in origin, Sonya Gandhi also became a politician and is still one of the leaders of the Congress party.

Murder of Ulof Palma


The Swedish Prime Minister Ulof Palme loved to let go of the bodyguards, because he did not imagine who could hate him so as not to burn out or shout a pair of insults, but to take and shoot.

And indeed, no wars at him to Sweden began, internal religious or racial strife did not have, there was no mass hunger. As well as Rajiv Gandhi, Palma played for general disarmament and was generally against any war.

However, due to the reforms conducted by his government, the Bespherd-citizen of Christe Petterson had problems with taxes, and Petterson decided that the head of government should pay for this life.

Petterson met Palma at the exit of the cinema and shot in his wife's eyes.

Soon he was arrested, but although Lisbet Palma identified him, justified. And only after the death of Petterson, letters were published in which he confessed in perfect murder.

And the tax policy of Sweden after that shot did not change either on the iota.

Text Author: Yana Stovet

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