Criminal abortions: Real stories


Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Children's Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova, Supreme Mufti Talgat Tajuddin and 300,000 Orthodox Activists signed and support the appeal of citizens (while it is not known, to whom) about the ban on abortions in Russia. According to experts, this ban will lead to an increase in illegal operations. PICS.RU publishes excerpts from the book of Andrei Lomachinsky "Crime Abortion" as a reminder of what a woman can go in a hopeless situation.


"... And Olga went to Zinaide Mikhailovnon to negotiate what days she will miss work. Zinaida aunt was what it is necessary, albeit the boss, and the girls never offended their girls. He says, or take a number - what day will they give, at that and go. For three days, the hospital is put to you, well, if you want to stay day, another after home, call only, I'll arrange you without losing the salary of the round, then you will see Sundays.

What is the delay? What kind of oo? Such a trifle, and she already goes out! Yes, you do not be fool - eat a few pills of the leaf, but not the way it is written there, but three pills immediately, and then one three times a day, three or four days. Even miscarriage as such will not be - it will take place as a strong menstruation, well, except for healthy clots. No, I myself didn't try it so much, I my friend, nurse, told me. And what do you lose, the ruble is something pity? It will not help - you will go to an ordinary abortion.

Olya Postinor never drank. At the dinner break, ran into the pharmacy, which is in a nearby building. On the same break for lunch and took three pieces at once. No effect. In the evening one more. Again nothing. Then a couple of days for one every eight hours - any sensations zero. It seems like calcium or vitamins drink. And then Olga has a heart in the night. It suddenly got sick, the pain was sharper, as if some unknown monster rolled the dagger to Krasnoy and stuck it under the left chest.

It happened when she gathered his younger dinner to feed - so unexpectedly, the plate with porridge fell out of her hands and shattered on the floor. However, the forces even somehow react to it. Olga convulously grabbed the edge of the table and froze, hoping to wait for the attack of this sharp pain. But the pain did not pass, only a little fattened and began to spill around her neck, giving somewhere in the jaw, and then on the shoulders and under the blade. It seemed the heart exploded, and now the fire burns in his place of the heart. Olga sank out to the chair and called quietly to the rescue ... "


"... the cause of death is clear immediately - the sharp blood loss. But nevertheless, I did not see such a root cause of blood loss in any atlas - this girl has some kind of sadistic way through the back pass completely cut the ampoule of the rectum. For those who are far from medicine, I will explain - this is the plot of our ass, that the poop inside us holds. It was interesting that there were numerous traces of injections around the anus, and the tissue samples showed a huge content of novocaine.

Everything else was normal, except for a two-month pregnancy. But neither sperm in the vagina, no other signs of violence. It seems like the girl came somewhere and asked himself from the inside the ass cut. Well, anesthesie and request were satisfied. Then the girl with a carved booty went home, but she lost consciousness on the road, and soon and died. Nonsense, think? In-in, and I thought so.

The corpse of this girl was brought from the village with the sonorous old Finnish name Arappacosi. This is a fifty kilometers from Leningrad. The village is small, there was a good dairy farm there. On the farm worked one elderly zootechnic with the formation of seven classes. During the search, this zootechnology found atlas on operational gynecology. You know, it is not this atlas, I would guess a hundred years old, what kind of sadist, why and how it made it with a girl "


"... Therefore, a smart gynecologist, when a woman comes to him with complaints about infertility, in a number of the first questions asked:" Does your husband like to sit in a hot bath? And on a hot shop in a bath? " And just in case, it gives her hi to such a husband with the wishes of wide pantian and moderately warm soul for full-fledged personal hygiene.

So Anya did not know about it. They did not teach at the Academy named after Dzerzhinsky so wisdom. But Anya long ago, probably since the school bench, heard the bike that the fetus can be "evaporated", only water should be at the limit of human tolerance. It is necessary to steam for a long time, until the blood goes between the legs, well, but after to get out, the miscarriage will then go on your own and without problems. Anna warmed his bath and began to slowly fill it with hot water. Anna was a very volitional woman. Anna was an officer of the KGB, trained and able to cross through his own pain threshold.

She was very hot, the body sprinkled to the raspberry redness, from the hands and face rolled sweat dripping in hot water with heavy drops. Blood did not go anywhere, and Anna did all the hot and hot, made deep breaths on the expense, forcing himself to endure. She could overpow their will, but could not cross through biology. Suddenly she felt that her body beats in a major chill, she was not hot at all, and even very cold, and thousands of goosebumps ran along the skin. She understood that he was overheated, and that it was necessary to urgently cut out of the bath.

She grabbed the edge, but only managed to rise, as the eyes flooded with darkness, the body became quite weak, and she fell back into the bath. Anna lost consciousness from elementary thermal impact, and hitting hot water back, quickly died ... "


"... Tamara laid in front of the evaporated fifty rubles with a promise to be silent that she saw her, threw off the briefs, smalleled on the table, looked over her ass and famously spread his legs. Baba Lyuba rolled the needles, and then bent to Tamarka farm. Although she was giving birth, but her "Sunlot did not open up," then Baba Lyuba laid her fingers as much as possible in an intense place and that there was a strength to spread them. Finally, she saw a nipple with a big hole "giving birth to women.

In this hole she cooked the needle several times. It was not particularly painful, although sometimes there was a sharp rise in acute pain, resembling what happens at the dentist when he sometimes hurts the nerve in a sick tooth. But such a pain lasted just a second. Well, daughter, and that's it. Tamara sat on the edge of the table. It really left a little water with strengths of blood. Somewhere at the bottom there is a little bit different, but quite tolerant. She thanked Good Baba to anyone and went home.

I did not know the baba lip of the most azes of female anatomy. How older she was "helped", but she made the action of a very barbaric and from a medical point of view absolutely illiterate. The uterus relative to the vagina stands at a certain angle. This is about the most, nor there is a conventional healthy uterus. There are uterine from which this angle is more, the slope is somewhat different or even at all in the wrong one that the people are called the "bend of the uterus", in such cases there will be more consistent.

It is anatomically absolutely impossible, injections in Zev, and following the direction of the vaginal tube, go to the uterine cavity. There is a certain probability to hook the fetal bubble and release an amniotic, oily-free fluid, there is even a slight chance to pierce the fetus, but the main action is completely different. Almost probably the needker in a straight line pierces the neck of the uterus immediately in the area of ​​the lower lip of the oz, then a small portion of the uterine wall itself and goes into the space in the lower bowl between the uterus and the rectum. Very much likely to pierce and the rectum itself, than cause a wheel peritonit ... "

A source

From the editor

According to statistics, the number of abortions in Russia, having reached its peak in the 80s (5.6 million abortions per year), gradually decreases. To date, this figure fluctuates in the region of 1 million, and this number includes spontaneous abortions, not only artificial. In addition, most of the abortions make married women aged about 30 years, who already have children.

If abortions are fully prohibited, women will be in the risk group, whose pregnancy has come as a result of rape, women, too poor to allow themselves a different way of protection than the calendar method and interrupted sexual act, naive, having a sense of the concept of sex girls and women who want to interrupt pregnancy for medical indications, for example, due to severe chromosomal fruit pathology. Supporters of the ban claim that in this case the law will be loyal, and it will be possible to receive a certificate after the conservima.

What will have a woman who found out that her child has a complex illness (often incompatible with life) and who took the hardest decision on abortion, to prove anyone to no right to give birth, for some reason they do not think these figures. As they do not think about the fact that in our country, unfortunately, is completely unbearable to raise a special child.

Text Author: Yana Stovet

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